Thank you, weirdly

I csn understand people not liking it, and I can understand the races being tough on people with physical disabilities or whatever, but I find it difficult to believe people can’t use it to get from point A to point B faster. Like literally all I do is launch, do a 3 vigor boost to get the speed up, angle upwards, press space every half pip of vigor generated till either I’m out or I have enough altitude, level out, point at where i want to go, angle downwards very slightly so gravity maintains my speed, and then let my mount glide all the way, just pressing space if I get too low.

You’re free to notlile dragonriding, and sure, races and stuff could be difficult for people. But just simple point to point flying is so incredibly easy and fast.

I see people try to use this as a “GOTCHA” point, but it’s actually a very silly argument. Human nature always goes for the fastest, easiest and most efficient options. Dragonriding is very easy and very much so faster than normal flying so it is the natural choice. If you made them the same speed, then of course people would choose normal flying, because dragonriding would be normal flying with extra steps and less control.

Its a stupid argument to make because of course if you have to put in even just slightly more effort, then you should get more out of it. To argue that something would be worse if it was “more effort for no additional reward” is silly.


I’m willingly to bet a lot the amount of people who quit the game because of dragon riding can be counted on two hands.

It’s a vocal minority.


Of someone who doesn’t have 10 fingers

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There’s no renown requirement, iirc. Just story progress and map exploration. That said, I’m honestly pretty glad for it too, because I’d rather do literally anything else in the world than farm renown but I do want those nifty Valdrakken civilian clothes.

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I’ve already gone on about this in other threads so I won’t do the same here, but it really is incredibly silly. Blizzard’s goal with dragonriding wasn’t to make a flat increase to mount speed, it was to create an engaging minigame that rewards you with faster travel.

Why not just combine GW2’s skyscale and griffon? Surely griffon’s incredibly high speeds with skyscale’s maneuverability and infinite hovering would make for a more useful mount? Well, yes, obviously, but they’re programming a video game, they want to make a fun variety of systems to travel the world with. Why not just tie all mount function into a toggle, so our characters can run 400% faster and fly in any direction. Just use the swimming animation for it, who cares? That’s so much more useful, after all. Idgi.

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bro is spitting straight non factual stuff! :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :on: :top:

(you need the achievements for each of the zones)

Thats ok too, for me it minimizes the time I spend in DF expansion and give me access to certain Transmogs I was interested in. Not sure why ppl get triggered if anyone says they dont like the DF expansion

Now to everyone else reading, NOT everyone liked EVERY expansion and for me its my first I didnt like and Ive been playing since Vanilla, ijs just because i didnt enjoy an expansion doesnt mean I hate the entirety of the game. Im not going to go in on why I didnt like it, as playing an MMO game varied opinions :man_shrugging:t5: the responses are funny tho because, again, Ive never downed anyone for liking it but its just not my cup of tea right now, and i been suffering fam becuz I like WoW allot and have invested allot of time, yes its my choice (:wink: I like the game too), SO if i get on to vent & celebrate and thank Blizzard for a good deal too in my own way :man_shrugging:t5: be mad then :man_shrugging:t5::joy:Blizzard got my :moneybag: so I know they aint :rofl::sob::v:t5:


No one tell him that dragon riding will be part of the next xpac.

On another note man… You are thanking a company for buying their product in advance…

Nope im thanking them for the deal, what other Lvl boost for other expacs gave you faction rep inclusive in the boost? Trust me im suprised that those of you that actually played it arent mad, I get the next expac and the renown, customizations & dynamic flight & gear I didnt have to grind for, upfront. I dont need to go back and really play DF like the rest of you did :upside_down_face: trust me Im not mad :wink: Thanks Blizz :+1:t5::+1:t5:


If you have no intention of ever playing DF content then why do you even need the renown? Seems pointless to me.

That being said, why would I be mad about you getting pathfinder and normal flying easier? I’ve been saying all along that tying normal flight to Pathfinder this expansion was silly since we had access to what most consider to be superior flying from day 1, so why not just have normal flying opened up from day 1 as well for those that don’t like or “can’t do” dragonriding?

Also, gonna be interesting coming back to this thread when Blizzard inevitably does the exact same thing for TWW and make the expansion zones dynamic flying only…

The difference was that everyone had to “relearn” it.

The difference is that you will be flying on day 1 of the expansion (or day -3 if you pay $100) and I will be walking until 80, I finish the story quests, or some other condition.

One population gets the privilege of flying while another population walks.


I never got old flying…. And I used the boost. What do I do?

This is going to be a hard pill to swallow, so here is some water to wash it down:

I use DragonRiding AND Regular Flying.

I know. I know!!! Calm down. It will be ok.


Not wanting to dragon ride at super uber speed is like refusing to eat ice cream at DQ but going for the cheeseburgers!

I am sure you can see the smirk in my mask.

Legal Disclaimer: This post is in no way referring to individuals that cannot engage in dragonriding due to disability, religion, age, or any applicable inability to engage with said subject matter.

I used my boost, but if you don’t take one toon all the way to 70 you still can’t use one’s regular mounts.

That’s a whole lot of not anyone else’s problem. I will soar high above your heads, getting from quest to quest, and hitting max before people that refuse to hop on a dragon and press a couple buttons to fly. Your complaints fall on deaf ears.

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Oh in TWW they will complain some more about being too slow. Though if I’m being honest, I’m surprised those threads haven’t popped up already.

Oh I know they will complain about it. That’s all they do is complain about things that mildly inconvenience them. So while we are, again, soaring high and fast, and leveling much faster, they can whine and complain all they want.

I think it’s pretty amazing when people self snitch and give up to their wives that they have a secret apartment they go to all the time, not to cheat, but to get away from their step-kids.

Some people cant ride a bike or drive a car, i dont see how not being able to do something in a video game is really a big deal