Thank you, weirdly

Good question, i wonder if the “Dynamic” flyers have to collect the glyphs too for the abilities.

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And you had to re-earn it everytime.
What’s the difference?

This time won’t require gold, rep, or be timegated.

“But they get dragon riding right away”
We get normal ground riding right away too, what’s the point?

WoW isnt Panzer Dragoon, so idk what your talking about with your comment because Dragonriding isnt critical to playing this game, flight ability was introduced in game as a luxury to playing not a requirement

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I’m talking about the lazy drama queens. Not the people with accessibility issues.

If I were talking about them, I would have said so.

You mean re-learn = pay for the ability? Not even the same comparison in regards to DF and dragonriding

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Then say so.

Don’t paint with very broad strokes with claims that dragon riding is really easy when that’s not the case for many people. “They can’t play” doesn’t imply “lazy drama queen” and adding “its really easy” isn’t going to resonate with those of us who have issues with DR. If you meant lazy people who are capable otherwise, then say so. Thanks.


:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: You are the only drama queen on here, Im thanking Blizzard and your being a troll, i guess we see why you keep catching forum restrictions :upside_down_face: :rofl: :v:t5:


Omg sorry I wasn’t super specific in a passing comment. Don’t beat me master.

I’m not going to bother writing a essay when OP is basically another “Dragonflight story bad. Me no want flight”


I’m sorry, it doesn’t work that way. First, the renown requirement has been removed. Second, only a small number of campaign achievements have been completed. That’s a massive number of quests and some exploration achievements you will have to do in order to get normal flying.

I bought the boost for the gear. I still think it was a good value, but I don’t have any strong feelings about actually playing the expansion. And I figure the campaign in the next expansion will be drip fed so slowly that max level players will end up waiting 6 months to a year before they can do normal flying.

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definition of pay to lose.

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Apparently they don’t have to specify things and just assume everyone’s supposed to know precisely what they mean after using very broad terms. Whatever.

I laughed.


By finishing the campaign, they mean unlocking world quest. Which is always achievable week 1, or day 1 for that matter.

Using DF as an example, that would mean leveling through the 4 original zones and finishing each zone.

The idea that they aren’t going to time gate the story is absolutely hilarious. And I have no doubt the story and the exploration will require the use of dragonriding to reach content and map point.

They haven’t changed. That’s why you are here, to try to convince players who struggle with dragonriding that they it will be effortless, when we all know it will only be effortless for those who find it easy.

I will wait for the monkey’s paw to drop. And it will, regardless of your wishful thinking.

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I don’t understand this. The boost alone was a bargain on the Black Friday sale.


You really think the leveling campaign is going to be timegated?

You finish those zone campaigns while leveling and then it unlocks world quest.

There is a 0% chance that will be timegated.

World quests are always available week 1 after finishing the leveling campaign.

You definitely never will have to wait 6+ months to finish the leveling campaign and unlock world quests. Idk where people are getting that idea from.

I’ll be laughing when the monkey’s paw is revealed. Maybe I was exaggerating when I said 6 months to a year. But I fully expect there will be time gating and there will be content required that is inaccessible without dragonriding.


Fear not. I’m sure there will be a flight speed nerf for DR until Pathfinder is unlocked in 11.2.


My reasoning for it not being timegated is this.

How do you unlock world quests?
By finishing the campaign.

When are world quests typically unlocked?
Week 1

So when blizzard says that flying will be available after finishing the campaign… I take it to mean the same as unlocking world quests.

Yes, there are multiple campaigns within an expansion, and yes some of them will be timegated no doubt. But my point remains.

Have we previously had to wait till .2 yes.
Did Blizz specifically say this wouldn’t be the case moving forward? Also yes.

You’re welcome?

You still need to do some questing in the caverns to get pathfinder. I knew I had to.

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Sure, you have your reasoning and I have mine. I might point out that often when details become known, things don’t seem quite as positive as when the concept was released.

Wishful thinking usually doesn’t carry any weight. Good luck, but I’m not expecting to be lucky based on your best guess. If I want to flying in dragonflight I still have many, many quests to do, and content that requires dragonriding to reach.

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