Thank you - Please make more Deluxe Edition(s)

That’s why you keep on trying to convince people that you’re the one doing good or innocent. :man_facepalming:


I’m starting to think you saying “stop derailing the thread” means “stop disagreeing with me!” considering how often you use this and how you don’t apply this to yourself. :thinking:

Also it’s quite hypocritical to say other people are breaking the rules, while breaking some yourself…

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

Well i guess you would know about fake arguments, considering your give them on the constant basis and avoid actual legitimate arguments.

Speaking of real ones, here’s one you intentionally avoided here. :point_down:

What you’re suggesting isn’t supporting anybody or anything but the publishers. I.E Activision.

Look up Jim Sterling’s “It’s just cosmetic” video and see why your suggestion for more cosmetic microtransactions is bad.

It’s really not my dude. You can keep on saying it over and over, but it’s not magically true because you said it. If the money did support the game and devs, why shadowlands isn’t a masterpiece already by a lot a majority? Why Blizzard keeps laying off employees?


I disagree with you and i think cosmetic micro transactions are a great way to help support the game with optional content. I refuse to get on your hate wagon just because you listen to a random YouTuber whom tells you how to react to things just because you hate the idea of optional micro transactions :roll_eyes:

Because it’s Tulnn and no one likes him

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Your opinion has little value when you attack others for their feedback and opinions.

I really don’t care

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But not my wallet so.

You do you.

weren’t rainbows rainbow-colored first?

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I mean it’s a bit late to say that since you clearly disagree with everything anybody says against your posts/threads anyways and you keep on saying that over and over again to a point of spam and you just saying “i don’t like what you said and i don’t have any argument to refute that”…

“It’s just cosmetic” by Jim sterling. Look it up.

Mate, Jim sterling isn’t a random youtuber, he’s a video game journalist that surprise, actually care about video games and hates all the bullpoop in the video game industry including microtransactions even if it’s normalized, and plus a ton of other people have that opinion. And plus he gives very good reasons why microtransactions are bad for the industry and video games and the like/dislike as well his popularity in name and such prove that alone that he isn’t just a random youtuber. Also off topic, Jim is a LGBT+. Incase if your wondering.

If you’re not going to look up videos or looking at the arguments made that is rebuking your and other people suggestions made before and will be made again in the future, then can you really say you actually disagree with everything that is said? If anything, you saying “i’m hating” is inadvertently proving how bad the MTX are and to a some point even agreeing that your saying MTX is bad.

Also you tying LGBT to MTX, i mean why would even do that exactly? Isn’t that a little… exclusive, especially considering not everybody, LGBT or not has the money, and if some LGBT person sees that, they might feel excluded?.. Why your suggest exclusions to people who don’t have the money or don’t want to spend it on just to feel or being included? That’s not inclusive. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I mean you’re literally putting a price tag on inclusion when it should be free. Saying it’s optional doesn’t fix anything.

Pot meet kettle.

I’ll buy it. I waste that much in a week on magic smoke.

The same can be said about anyone including yourself. Clearly we have different views and that’s okay.

Like I’ve replied before, I’m not interested. No YouTube video is going to change my decision to purchase something with my own money. There’s too many players on here who listen to you tubers and let their options be formed by others just because it’s the popular or “correct” thing to do because some YouTube said it is. I can critically think for myself.

Not trying to sound rude, but that’s just how business works. Blizzard isn’t going to make content for free. Extra content is just that. Which is why they should make themed packs that help support a cause every month. It’s good PR and extra income. Win win.

Please take Tuln’s positive thread and implement the following:

  • Deluxe editions offering TCG mounts.
  • Deluxe editions offering Gladiator mounts.
  • Deluxe editions offering Mage Tower appearances.

Thank you so much!

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Then you can’t really disagree with me. I mean you’re not even doing a discussion, your just preaching to the choir…

Clearly it’s not okay to you, so why lie to me here? :point_down:

By the same logic, don’t complain if people are making their decisions to not buy your suggestion. Though something tells me that we both know you would do exactly that.

I love how you say that the people who listen to other people are only just doing it because it’s popular or “correct” and yet at the same time you so want people to listen to you because you think it’s popular or “correct”.

This is why i call you a hypocrite.

…Yeah we can all see you were critically thinking, critically thinking of a label/ad-homs to use… :roll_eyes:

Also for somebody who tells me that they are critically thinking, they sure are… refusing to look in other people’s arguments because of surface level observation of the person’s arguments. But hey, if i agree with you, then all the sudden, i’m magically critically thinking. Funny how that works, huh? It’s almost convenient. :open_mouth: :open_hands: :rainbow:

It’s business to tie sell LGBT to people? What video game explicitly has done that, has successfully done that without backlash to a point where it’s profitable? LGBT for DLC? LGBT for MTX? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And there goes you saying you’re inclusive. I mean i’m pro reasonable capitalist, but this just sounds honestly disgusting to me.


These skynet bots sure are getting smarter.

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I would love to see old appearances and cosmetics come back in some shape or form. It’s silly to gatekeep cosmetics just because it was a limited timed event. Clearly the developers and artists put a lot of time and effort into them. Time limited events need to be banished.



Blizzard requires the post be at least ten words.

Well as they say, a broken clock is correct twice a day…

I actually do agree with this, and i think exclusivity to give artificial scarcity and “prestige” is 7 different flavors of willy wonka’s spitting gum. Terrible to simply say, because the artists do work hard with it their art and it’s sadly undermined by limited time events, which is to use FOMO to get people playing, which is also used in… microtransactions, and… battle passes, and other such terrible anti-consumer practices in the video game industry by the publishers who–

It’s just strange that this is something you dislike, but when it comes to a suggestion you made here…?

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Every month would be something new. June month is pride month so i think it could be rainbow themed cosmetics, toys, etc… I don’t understand what you mean tying lgbt to micro transactions. That makes no sense. It’s not about tying a group of people to anything. It’s about creating themed cosmetics for each month and supporting the game along with raising awareness where possible.

You’re asking for rainbow colored items that can be used in a have to singal inclusion to the LGBT and have it be released in pride month. I mean you keep on bringing these up, your tying these together yourself. Otherwise, why your bringing these up?..

So your suggestion makes no sense then? :point_down:

…For a price tag. I mean your saying it’s not given away for free, you wanted to put a price tag on the items. That makes it excluding for anybody who doesn’t have or want to spend $15, especially some who are LGBT+.

If your actually serious on raising awareness, why not make it free? it will boost the awareness doubly so. It’s very inclusive. Isn’t that what you wanted? Why are you rooting for Blizzard to monetize inclusvity?

I also think it’s really really weird that you think that FOMO in all the removed old appearances and such is bad, and yet at the same time love the idea of microtransactions or think Blizzard needs to do this. And it’s also very werid that you think FOMO is bad, but before that, you told me that i’m not thinking critically because i watched Jim sterling, even though he also said the same thing (with reasons and such) as you said long before you said it.

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You have nothing to worry about if you get flagged and did nothing wrong. If you get banned, clearly you deserve. Every post is moderated. Some people just don’t have a filter. I’ve said nothing wrong in my thread and this is a positive post out of the sea of negativity that comes out of this forum. :man_shrugging:

So if you get your comment deleted, that means you clearly deserve it as well? Because as i pointed out long time ago before, 4 out 6 comments i’ve quoted from the other thread on your airport thread are gone.