Thank you - Please make more Deluxe Edition(s)

Did you not create a thread asking why your posts are being flagged?

If you had this level of confidence why did you do that? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Getting posts deleted is not the same as being banned. Also, Blizzard mass deletes posts from threads and it’s happened on several occasions. My posts weren’t individually targeted, they were part of a mass exodus of about 100 or so posts.

Fair enough.

But i’ve noticed your last post before this thread was 23 days ago… :thinking:


Yes, but my flagged posts always get restored. It’s tiring to have to deal with the constant false flagging like what happened on this thread. That’s a separate issue that should be looked into.

Why are you worried if you have the confidence of

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Maybe don’t say silly things, label people as “hateful” and such and find out why they have a problem with you, or be honest with people the very least? Just brushing it off as “It’s just those haters” doesn’t really fix anything and it only serves to make you look like your unable to be reasoned with.


I remember he was so smug thinking I got suspended for talking back to him. When really I was just playing other video games XD


What would I be worried about? I post my feedback and hope Blizzard takes it into consideration. If you’re being hateful you deserve whatever punishment that comes your way.

Oh year right

…This is what you’ve said that your clearly implying that your worried about.

If it’s not worrying to you then way say it? Why say it doesn’t bother you? I mean doesn’t that confirm to people that you are bothered or worried about it when you have to tell people your not?

Then don’t complain when people find you (and they do find you hateful and flag you based on it then. Like you said, “If you’re being hateful, you deserve whatever punishment that comes your way”.

If you dislike that, then maybe try changing for other people by being more honest, not saying silly things and not being hateful by labeling them and such to them? I mean you would have a much better chance of convincing people of anything if your honest with yourself, rather then just attack/gaslight over people because they disagree with you. Or just say “i disagree with everything you said” for the hundredth time. Or call them a troll and such. Or deflect to LGBT and politics. I mean if the common denominator is you, then maybe it’s a problem with you instead of others. :man_shrugging:

Reading this makes me want to puke.

I have nothing more to say other then I support microtransactions. I’m simply giving feedback on how microtransactions are good for the game and can support a good cause.

You know for somebody who is willing to go out of his way to make an LGBT thread whenever you can, you sure like to duck and dodge when your questioned on how inclusive you really are. I mean that’s kind of telling of what kind of character you really are if you keep on refusing to answer. :confused:

At least you’re honest that you wanted to ruin games with microtransactions.

As for the TBC deluxe edition itself… eugh. I mean it would’ve been bad enough with the cosmetics and all because TBC is the time before retail like cosmetic systems like that, so adding them will just make it feel off, but i think the boost in classic TBC is really pushing it. Especially for a game that you can play with just the WoW Sub only. I mean it makes it really hard to justify this “deluxe edition” even more.

It also just seems odd that you don’t think were already supporting devs via by sub, and yet think that MTX is the only way to support the devs… I mean if you really want to support the devs, why not just donate to them?

And i’m simply giving feedback on how your suggestion to give the game more microtransactions wouldn’t really make the game better and all you’re really doing is supporting the publisher and not the devs…

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9.1 Deluxe Edition

I am convinced. I was doubtful before but now I actually do see the light. You know I always doubted Ion and his bosses but you know if we could just fund this small indie company a bit more we might be able to get even more cool cosmetics like the ones you mentioned.

When you said…

That really spoke to me. So can we have July Month be Jeff Kaplan appreciation month and throw some overwatch classic skins to wow for the month after. Maybe after that we can have starcraft or diablo month.

But this time lets stop being cheap and give them $100. For these. We need some more ultra delux editions. Similar to blizzcon but every single month.

I think that’d be a bit much even for Blizzards standard. The only way I think a $100 pack would be sufficient is if there is a lot of content. I wouldn’t be against it, but they’d have to add pack in a lot for something like that and most would prefer something along the $20-60 range.

I think this is a good idea.