Thank you for killing m+ for me

AOTC guilds dont even require 4s people just come in whatever gear they want from the looks of the key they ran he was a 584 rogue getting carried all the rest had timed 4s or higher and were 1500 io to 2300 io the 2300 was a 624 hunter who hasn’t failed that key in like 5 weeks the other three were at least 615 chances are rogue kept wiping them

The changes to m+ this season were dookie, but a 4 in a guild group? That’s totally a skill issue at this point unless you’re all freshly dinged sub 600 ilvl. Mechanics, defensives, and interrupts. Learn them, use them, preach them.


A plus 4 is what used to be a plus 8.

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I had a heroic guild trying to be a mythic guild tell me starting November 20th I would be required to do one ten key a week and 1 delve at 8 or higher.

I was like why are people having to do delves for irrelevant gear.

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quit that guild they suck. I been casually pugging 4/8 Mythic every week, takes about 1.5 hours once a week. Never settle for heroic guilds. PUGs had AOTC cleared week 1.

Yeah, they reworked the M+ progression back in season 4 of DF. M0 has better rewards and takes the place of old 0-10 and the old 20 became the new 10. Basically add 10 to any current key to get the equivalent of what it was before the rework.


That was before war within. Now we can just gear up by delves. We are not required anymore to do mythic +

Depends on the content.

Next statement for m+ from Blizz will be them banning players for not enjoying it :rofl:

:sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :sweat_smile: :joy:

I never joined. I was laughing so hard I didn’t even respond to their DM.

They deleted the first 10 key levels from the old system. A 4 is now an old 14.


Took me 200 some tries to get heroic queen down as a pug before she was nerfed. :sob: I still see people struggling on it.

Pugs are terrible at queen unless they already done it before.

This is the only boss in that raid I understand people searching for AoTC when making a group.

How does that even work, does this count in the ilvl increase by like hundred or so?

I was absent the day they voted on destroying M+

So was my proxy.

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M0’s now give rewards equivalent to a +10 in the old system. They felt there were too many key levels and that many of them were ignored because of loot breakpoints (and they were). So now a +2 is basically a +12 in the old system because M0 covers the old 1-10.

Thank you I kind of understand how it works but i dont understand how we know exactly that its the same diff since different dungeons, higher ilvl etc. I thought scaling was noticable only in DF after changes.

I’m confused… what guild requires m+ but can’t time a 4?

that’s just so bizarre


I’d say this is a chatGPT ahh reply as an attempt at a dunk, but even the knockoff LLM’s would at least use the right “you’re”.

Not if you ordered them to use the improper form to pass something off as genuine.