Hwanmonk , I am not disagreeing with you nor is OP. We see now it was raid gear I guess… here is the deal, and maybe it only makes sense if you took years off like me or OP: we have NO clue what a good ilvl is… at all! When I left on BFA items were well over i450. Why would a returning player have even a figment of an iota of what raid gear is when we haven’t even done the easy difficulty of the five player dungeons? Again, experience over years May make this harder for you or the community to understand but I and I assume OP have no clue who the bosses in the raids are, what loot they drop, etc.
I don’t even know what the 1/8 in the item description means. I haven’t played in years man.
What does any returning player understand? Well there is a GREEN item (meaning common/leveling) and it’s level 60 to equip. These excuse for multi billionaires at Blizzard about “players should have known better” would have only made sense if it was this gear but legendary or epic… then yeah I would have raised my eyebrows. But all I saw was Green Quality , level 60, and then a ton of level 70 gear at 400 item levels or thereabouts.
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What server are you on? Zul’jin? I seriously will do it when I get home from work. This game is an insult to your time spent.
No heirloom gear? That’s just lazy.
Everyone jumping on him and the others who bought the gear, they have a right to be upset. The gear stated level 60. They bought it and equipped it. Then blizz raised the user level on it to 70. No sorry, they should not have “known” it wasn’t really meant for level 60 characters. With all the catch-up in the game now how would they have known? I’d have just thought it was another catch-up being added not a mistake or a bug.
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That is not what happened. Besides if you quit in BFA you would not be level 60 would you? You would start at 50 or lower even. . I quit after SL and logged in to see my chars all lost 10 levels. Some even more. that would have given you 10 levels to learn the new item levels. Keep trying though. .
I pre levelled most my characters playing the Legion content and, made my own gear and used tokens to change the item level of my gear, both down and up. I then went to the Dragon Isles wearing self-made level 55 gear. As soon you got a skill level of 40 in a crafting skill you can do that. The only thing that I have been forced to buy is weapons but any quickly replaced green will do until the game provides something better as a drop or quest reward.
Dragonflight work the same way, you can easily manufacture your own levelling gear and it will be better than the quest rewards, often significantly better.
Anyone who knows anything about Blizzard knows this was an error and that it was not intended and that it was going to get fixed.
Anyone who pounced on this should have made the obvious connection. If you wasted gold on this obvious gross mistake, you are to blame.
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I’m just glad I got so many of them to sell before the fix
Easy money babbyyyyyy
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Go ahead and check my achievements. I played a few weeks of SL on a DK but left the game before Christmas of 2020. I have not touched the content in this game in years. Only an MMO community insults or jeers returning players for not reading every patch note and item level tier list while they were unsubscribed.
What Blizzard did was dishonest and deceptive. They had a sale on their game, gave out catch up gear, then updated the level requirements so the player is screwed with no gear.
By the way it took over an hour of waiting in support to get back a handful of quest reward items. I still am missing item slots.
You can bully me and insult us returning players all day but simply checking our characters would prove you are wrong: we are not max level raiders trying to exploit the game on secondary characters.
I can’t blame op,but the gear is good at 62 just can’t up grade it ,so he’s stuck.
Again, with all the catch-up added no not everyone would think it was a mistake.
They fixed a bug. There’s nothing dishonest or deceptive about it. You got caught in a bug fix. That’s all there is to it.
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You’d have to be willingly naive to think otherwise.
An ounce of common sense would tell you that 379 gear was never meant to be equipped at level 60 and that it would promptly patched. Y’all are hilarious.
No, this is very wrong. Returning players should be expected to have ZERO knowledge of item level tier lists, endgame upgrade systems, and endgame boss drops.
Blaming returning players for having the gear they spent money on be unequipable would make a company a laughingstock in any other industry. Gamers take way too much abuse and have expected way too low of standards by the companies they engage in commerce with.
Anyone who thinks returning or new players “just should know” that a level 60 item is actually a level 70 item is being ridiculous.
Imagine finding a random item in Elden Ring or God of War, then one day log on and you cannot equip it. The idea of blaming the players is cartoonish at best and dishonest at worst.
Most of your gear should still be on buyback shouldnt it? Does logging out reset that?
Buyback what you can, pop on your heirlooms, grab tailoring and buy some cloth to craft missing slots and get to questing
If you genuinely are having a hard time ask a friend for help or pay a stranger some gold to kill stuff for you for a couple hours.
It sucks but its not unrecoverable.
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OMG AGAIN, with all the catch-up that’s been added no not everyone would think it was a mistake. How hard is that for you lot to understand? Why is that going right over your heads?
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When someone posted the Item in chat I knew something was wrong with it.
Usually, when your character is above the “Required Level” of the item, you will not see the “Required Level” anymore on the item.
I noticed that this was the only item where I could see “Required Level: 60” and it had an Ilvl of 376, which sounded strange.
The highest gear you can get at 60 is around 300ilvl. Why would blizzard suddenly make this BiS lvl 60 twink gear? invalidate all leveling gear from 60-70? same ilvl as normal max level normal dungeons?
Rule of Thumb is, if you find something that feels like an exploit, it probably is and you shouldn’t participate in it, until it is either fixed or left-alone for a long time.
I understand your frustration.
Here is a quick thing to think about before letting this get you down.
You might have lost a little bit of gold on gear you thought would last you longer… but…
It is still really really really easy to quest and do leveling dungeons in questing gear rather than mega overpowered gear. It sucks, but just say “oh well” and keep playing if you find the game fun.
Once you get to lvl 70 (in like 10 hours of play time) you will be getting new gear anyways. This gear that doesn’t work anymore, in reality, only would last you a very short time.
It sucks, mildly annoying, but it is far from the end of the world.
Best of luck and hope you have fun!