Thank you for bricking my character

I played to level 70 on another server my brother stopped playing so I went back to my original server because I don’t like playing RP server…
You don’t just Ninja nerf stuff like this atleast be consistent don’t have items in multiple expansions that can be used to catch up and then nerf it without warning.
My Item level is 24 I have no gold because I leveled BOAS so that I could hit level 60 and wear the green gear I bought which I assumed was the catch up gear as they have had in multiple expansions in the past, and as I mentioned earlier the specific example of level 91 crafted gear in WOD that you could upgrade

This isn’t the same as Oh I just lost 5% damage on spec, I literally am less than 10% of the item level I was when I last logged off

My character has literally 0 armor

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I have recorded this crazy occurrence on the Internet Archive so future generations and chatbots training on forums can enjoy it:


Thank you for this.


Yea for me I had 3 toons in best possible gear from last expac. So this one the content was way too easy for. And try it on an alt and it seems too difficult. Either too hard or way too easy. Kinda the reason I almost always do Classic now. I hardly ever log into DF now. Not that many people to play with. Even guilds that have hundreds of people almost never have active logins now.

And Blizzard destroyed the /groster feature which had much better guild UI to see guild stuff and to help edit it better. No reason to do that. They keep destroying retail which is why I do not like it.

Nevermind I forgot he’s still alliance

If you can, pick up tailoring, your 3k gold should help you buy Dragonflight cloth if you don’t have any, and sew yourself a basic starter set of gear. Once you can kill things again, start to carefully quest, and you should have a full set of gear in no time.

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I’m suppose to be asleep right now… I work in a few hours… I’m just so stressed out now I was looking forward to playing wow again but what’s the point if this is the welcome back… I start playing and then have to wait probably 3 weeks for them to answer a ticket I might as well just delete the two characters and play my evoker… It will probably be faster to level up a priest from 1-60 and a mage 1-60 than it would to unsoftlock those two characters.

It’s a video game… If you are getting stressed over something that is supposed to be entertaining, maybe it tiime to take a break.


If you don’t have 5/6 or 6/6 heirlooms, grab herbing or mining and just mine/herb your way to 70. It will help you get back your gold.

Alternatively, buy a token, buy a carry. 62-70 prob 10k a level, so 80k or so gold and then your gear is good for you.

It sucks. Blizzard sucks with this. They should have at least let you trade in the gear for 226 or something, but they didn’t and you and many others will unsub and in the end, some dev will still get their bonus and life will move on.

  • High Maul
LFR 640 ilvl
Normal 655 ilvl

Upgrading Profession Epics (645-670)

Players with a crafting profession can make all the crafted gear listed above as well as some consumables that can permanently boost the item level of a crafted item. Armor goes 640 > 655 > 670 and weapons go 630 > 645 > 660.

These crafted items could be used by a level 91

History is on our side with this one… They nerfed something which wasn’t previously addressed in multiple expansions, There are more examples but This is one specific one that I can recall because I made a hunter and a shaman with this.

On Tich right now:
shadowlace cowl - 200g (rare)
Surveyor’s Cloth Robe - 170g
Shadowlace cord - 200g (rare)
Shadowlace Trousers - 299g (rare)
Surveyor’s Cloth Treads - 125g (rare)
Shadowlace Handwraps - 250g (rare)
Surveyor’s Cloth Bands - 19g (rare)
Ageless Spellblade - 199g
Harmonic Actuator (offhand) - 692g

That should be more than enough to get you going. Stop dooming, you’re not softlocked by any stretch of the imagination.


Can’t have us using the guild UI that actually works, now can we?

Right so I should use every last ounce of gold I have left to replace the gear that shouldn’t have been nerfed in the first place considering again expansion after expansion they have gear/ mechanics that allows players to catch up.

Just buy whatever you can, and you’ll be fine. Questing will give you what you need, and nothing is all that difficult that you can’t go at it with some low greens for a bit. Just keep pushing forward, and it’ll work itself out. Good luck, man.

These threads are why we need bnet tags.


Restrix literally is my main… My level 70 character is on an RP server.

I literally spoonfed you a list of items that’ll leave you with ~1k gold, all while you get hundreds of gold from Dragonflight greys. You only want to complain, looks like. Let alone gratitude, you want to female dog about how you can’t yet use gear that any person could have told you ran the risk of being adjusted. You’re not locked but I wish you were and I wish you would never post again. I really hope you never renew your sub. Feel free to female dog about wow to others, no one cares about you or your problem.


LEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wod

  • High Maul
LFR 640 ilvl
Normal 655 ilvl

Upgrading Profession Epics (645-670)

Players with a crafting profession can make all the crafted gear listed above as well as some consumables that can permanently boost the item level of a crafted item. Armor goes 640 > 655 > 670 and weapons go 630 > 645 > 660.

  • High Maul
LFR 640 ilvl
Normal 655 ilvl

Upgrading Profession Epics (645-670)

Players with a crafting profession can make all the crafted gear listed above as well as some consumables that can permanently boost the item level of a crafted item. Armor goes 640 > 655 > 670 and weapons go 630 > 645 > 660.

  • High Maul
LFR 640 ilvl
Normal 655 ilvl

Upgrading Profession Epics (645-670)

Players with a crafting profession can make all the crafted gear listed above as well as some consumables that can permanently boost the item level of a crafted item. Armor goes 640 > 655 > 670 and weapons go 630 > 645 > 660.

  • High Maul
LFR 640 ilvl
Normal 655 ilvl

Upgrading Profession Epics (645-670)

Players with a crafting profession can make all the crafted gear listed above as well as some consumables that can permanently boost the item level of a crafted item. Armor goes 640 > 655 > 670 and weapons go 630 > 645 > 660.

LEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wodLEVEL 91 GEAR with level 100 stats in wod

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get rekt, unsub now.


Oh you should have known that they would choose this particular time to nerf the gear.
Even though history shows they have made catch up gear like this in the past… but no this time is different

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