Thank you for bricking my character

To level 59 So I could wear the green gear that I bought yes.
My mage was level 50

Actually no screw this Back in warlords of draenor They had weapons that had level 100 stats that you could wear at 91

There literally is precedent of them releasing gear like this in previous expansions
You craft the gear and you could upgrade it.

Shame on yalls for acting like I’m in the wrong


You can get better gear for free, so go play the game.



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Then just put those on. Won’t be the best, but won’t be nothing.

K, well, I didn’t say the act of changing the ilvl of the items wasn’t wrong. I said your character isn’t bricked. But you can go on about WoD instead of doing anything about your character.


I’m Item level 24, Even if I put on all my BOAS I won’t be able to kill anything

This is wrong for blizzard to do this, They didn’t nerf the gear in WOD that people used to catch up but they nerf this gear WITHOUT ANY notice

I literally just logged in to see my character is essentially bricked after work

So wear these, not any BoEs unless they are higher.

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You’re joking right? 6 pieces of level 59 gear with every other slot null

What are you talking about… 376-379 item level is perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong with your gear you have equipped. That gear is perfect for going down into the caverns and getting even better gear. If your having troubles playing the game, it isnt your gear, its you.

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They changed the requuired level to 70 So my characters ITEM LEVEL IS 24

Then do nothing.

Just don’t do anything.

Don’t attempt to appeal to Blizz. Don’t get gear. Don’t get gold. Don’t do anything.

The best thing for you to do would be nothing except chill in GD.


I already submitted a ticket, I can’t farm gear, I have 3k gold, I can’t farm, I don’t have friends I don’t have guild because I subbed on friday, and just started fully playing again ON SUNDAY

Earlier today it was possible for level 60 characters to equip gear from the new zone because it was level 60 even though it was over ilvl 370. It must’ve been a bug so when Blizzard fixed it, if your character was wearing that gear while below 70, it doesnt work anymore; it will still occupy the same equipment slot until you remove it but your character gets no stats from it and might as well be wearing nothing

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I can’t even actually submit a ticket I keep checking and even though I created a ticket it isn’t showing up

With 3k gold you can probably buy some gear off of the ah.


@OP Rofl, your guild name.

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It was a random invite that I got from playing I joined to atleast have some one to talk to while leveling…

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I’d suggest reading up on the item restoration service, then using it to recover all the gear you (I assume) vendored.

The support article: World of Warcraft Item Restoration
The WoW Item Restoration service: World of Warcraft Item Restoration


It’s not letting me use the features, nor is my ticket actually submitting…
It’s probably because i Just resubbed

there is just something really off with all these posts saying exactly the same thing about just coming back and now having no gear. Soooo much gear drops for your level from questing or anything. Hell pop over to shadowlands real quick and pick up some lvl 60 gear. You are not hobbled here, you have options.


I cant find anyone to talk to ingame hardly ever to talk to so I get all my talking with WoW players here on the forums. Almost no one to talk to ingame anymore. Just went my old Drac toon, no one to talk to there. So I logged off out of boredom and came over here. Plus it has full Mythic gear from KSH/KSM runs so I blast thru everything and one shot all the NPCs most often. Dragonflight idk. Maybe I need to try it out on a diff toon. Not fun feeling like you are unstoppable in the new leveling stuff now. My second toon to level thru there. First was my pally. Even worse. Even more OP on that toon. Retail is just… idk. Some still love it though.