Stat squish and the ilevel changes makes it hard for me to find other instances which are plenty
In lvling my paladin from 60-66 via herbs and ore made around 85k so far so it’s good to do that, also make sure you pick the professional tree that gets you mounted picking/mining.
Wild that people blame you for putting on the best gear you were allowed to put on… Some people are just contrarians and will disagree with absolutely anything someone posts on these forums.
Players don’t code the game. It’s not our fault when Blizz does stupid stuff.
Is OP for real?
There’s no way.
Also this if you have any Anima or sandsworn relics left …
Zereth Mortis Catch-Up Gear
Zereth Mortis has two vendors with purchasable gear for alts.
226 Anima Gear
In Haven, Hadja offers BoA 226 gear tokens that can be purchased for 500 each. Like the Korthia gear tokens, these can be sent to alts for some gear kickstarting into Patch 9.2. A list of items you can purchase from the vendor goes below:
246 Sandworn Relic Gear
For those with alts that are actively playing through Zereth Mortis, Rafiq in Pilgrim’s Grace sells 246 gear that can be purchased with Sandworn Relic. You can obtain Sandworn Gear through the following methods:
10-25 from Sandworn Chests located around the Endless Sands area;
- Sandworn Chests are locked, you can unlock them by looting
Sandworn Chest Key Fragment from Mawsworn mobs around the Endless Sands area. 5 fragments can be formed into a
Sandworn Chest Key, used to open the chests.
- Sandworn Chests are locked, you can unlock them by looting
3-7 from the rares that spawn in the Endless Sands: Akkaris, Garudeon, General Zarathura, Mother Phestis;
Chance at 5-7 from Zereth Mortis Daily Quests.
Each piece of gear from Rafiq costs the following:
Cloak, Bracers, Belt: 160
Sandworn Relic
Boots, Gloves, Shoulders: 230
Sandworn Relic
Chest, Helm, Legs: 300
Sandworn Relic
The fact that you are STILL are taking Blizzard’s side on this only shows how clueless some of you are.
You claim it was an “obvious bug”, yet EVERY SINGLE ARMOR SLOT was marked level 60, across EVERY SINGLE ARMOR TYPE.
Head, chest, hands, waist, legs, back, feet, trinkets, rings, neck…all marked lvl 60.
Cloth, plate, leather, mail…all across the board…every single piece…all marked lvl 60.
Weapons…shields…off hands…marked lvl 60.
Does that sound like an “ooopsie” to you? One or two pieces…yes I would agree. But we’re talking over FIFTY TO SIXTY SEPARATE ARMOR PIECES, all marked lvl 60. And we’re supposed to know all of them were wrong?
That’s either monumental incompetence, or it was intentional. I tend to believe a multi-million dollar company couldn’t be that inept.
But sure, blame the PLAYER assuming that the game developers know what they are doing, buy in game items that were added to the game by those developers, then have those items changed later and made useless to those players for up to ten levels. All while they try and get to lvl 70, so they can play with their friends. All their fault.
What a pathetic level of bootlicking defending something so obviously wrong.
I bought the cloth set yesterday, and leveled my mage from 62-70 in dungeons and questing. And it was the most fun I had leveling any toon in a long long time. I and 4 others blew through those dungeons, and loved every minute of it.
At least I got one day free of the slog that is leveling a cloth wearer… and I made it to 70, so I didn’t get bricked like the OP, so at least I got my 8 levels and had a blast leveling.
Fun detected. Fun nerfed.
gg Blizz
Yeah. It’s ridiculous that players are expected to read the minds of the devs and decipher their intentions. In most other games, what is released is the intention. But only in WoW are players expected to break out the crystal ball and critique every aspect of released content.
That’s not the same that wasn’t level 50 gear or 51
there are other expacs that have gear like this but stat squishes make it difficult to find
I just specifically remember wod because that was my first leveled shaman
This is like in WOD when they had level 91 gear that had the stats of level 100 gear…that was LFR raid ilevel and could be upgraded to heroic.
I’m wearing some of ZM gear if you like to look at my stats I am able to play thru waking shore…just offering you way of getting gear without spending Gold, you can buy the pieces on a main and mail them to your mage.
I appreciate it, I’m just gonna wait to level this character until 10.1.5 when rune of power gets removed
Oh I thought you were posting that as another example of blizzard allowing lower level gear players with max level stats
~my bad
Guys, opine as you wish but Blizz profited off of this “bug”. They either need to refund or they’re open to a lawsuit.
You still arguing with people? That amount of time spent fighting on this thread you could have been level capped with new gear already.
I was asleep for quite a few hours… I am about to go into work so I’m not gonna get into leveling right now
You can at least use item restore to return what you were wearing before you bought the new stuff. Not really much consolation I know but it will at least let you continue playing
unfortunately item restore isn’t working, I don’t know if it’s because I just resubbed within last week
Looking at your armory truly hurts my soul.
And the fact that Blizzard put you in that spot when they messed up, and many here are blaming YOU for it, is truly stunning.
If I was on your server, I would buy you a new set of gear.
Sorry man.
Someone on tich help this man out!
A lot of people unknowingly bought that gear, it makes sense if you return to DF you have no idea what the average ilvl is… so when you go to AH, naturally, if it’s affordable you buy the highest ilvl.
Players should be compensated for Blizzard’s oversight.
Not everyone is a ‘bug abuser’.
It’s not even technically a “bug.” It was laziness. So they screwed up and then screwed players for their screwup.
It’s fine my Evoker is level 64 I’ll play that until mage rework
You just described many many people here, sadly.