you are ignoring the point. Killing the vulpera was wrong…Anduin IS responsible. you cant just brush it off like “he didnt know nuthin”. the buck stops here. If an orc stabs a civilian it is automaticly Sylvanus fault. But if alliance exterminates a species it was someone going against Anduins orders, slap his hand. Yes, she has done bad things, if she was alliance we could just say she had reasons so its ok.
Most ongoing stories kinda try to keep their characters motivations straight and not go back and edit previous events. Blizzard does not seem to feel the need for this. It doesnt make sense to you because it doesnt make sense. The blizz writers going back and saying that sylvanus was behind wrathgate was wrong, if they wanted that to be the narrative, they should have revealed that when that was current, not go back and change it to suit their “lets paint sylvanus into a corner” drive they are currently embarked on. In blizzards case , its not what are the characters motives but what are the writers/Ions motives.
Let there be a quest where we go burning forsaken with flamethrowers and all that jazz.
Though, most people in this thread are right. Writing the Alliance as doing anything bad is really awkward and seems hilariously forced. If the writers really wanted to do this, there should have been SOME implication of the Alliance having some flaws.
They could have accentuated Stormwind becoming more militaristic and jingoist, but instead Anduin is nothing like that. Instead he’s trying to run a completely peace loving nation to the point to bleeding heart idiocy. So anytime we have the Alliance try to do something wrong it always seems like bland, forced writing, which essentially is this expansion.
Not the same group, and honestly that story was written that way to give Horde the extra orc skins from my perspective. They never used the WoD AU characters again, so they found a way to write most of them off.
Yeah just look at all popular media out there. The Avengers movies, icons like Captain America, Superman, Spiderman. All super ruthless guys that embody that “ends justify the means” attitude that all good guy media is derivative of.
Its just impossible to write an interesting story for truly clean and moral “good guys”. Well, I mean unless you aren’t a terrible writer. Good writers can do it sure, but well, that’s far beyond what WoW has on tap.
Leyami paces back and forth in front of the shackled Vulperans she helped recently capture.
Hey, there. Can you understand me? I think you can, because I have spoken with a few of your kind before. Anyway…here’s the deal.
I’m a hunter for the Alliance…and a damned good one. Those nasty `Faithless’ Sethrak that have been enslaving, killing and eating your people? I’ve been killing just as many of them as your Horde friends…yet, you’ve been trading with them, and refusing to do so with us, just because they tell you we’re your enemies.
They are liars. Oh, I’m sure you’ve run into a few here and there that are nice people. Probably Tauren, or Trolls…maybe even a Pandaren, am I right? Yeah, they have some nice people…but their leader? She is a vindictive and crazed leader of liars. She started a war with my people years ago, and now another one with the entire Alliance, just because she felt…now get this…the world can’t be shared.
That’s right…for that reason alone. I told you she’s crazy.
Now, to the crux of the matter. Our leader told his generals that the supplies the Horde are using to carry out their war have to be cut off…and this is where we come to you. Considering how compassionate he is about most anyone, I’m positive he never said anything about killing you. If you are dying at the hands of any of my allies, it’s probably because some gung-ho, air-headed field commander has already decided you are enemies for supplying the Horde.
I don’t personally see it that way. At least, not yet. That’s why I’m not killing you…yet. I’m sure my decision might get me chewed out by that same gung-ho field commander, but hey…I don’t rightly care.
That said, here’s what I’m going to do. Now that I’ve told you what’s really going on…and now that you know that the supplies you are providing your lying friends are being used for war…I’m letting you go.
Don’t believe me, if that’s your decision…but know this; you’ve been warned. I don’t like killing people that have been tricked into doing bad and stupid things…but we’re in a war to stop an evil, insane, undead banshee queen from ending everything that lives, just because she doesn’t like to share.
Unlocks their shackles, and walks away.
Yes, I know Blizzard’s ham-fisted quest `writing’ won’t let me do this…but one can dream.