You are aware of the circumstances of this, yes? no? I suppose they could have all just been slaughtered for war crimes.
No, no. I’m not saying that you guys should have murdered them and I know why you guys did it, I’m just saying Alliance has taken prisoners and made camps before this.
And yet no Horde mourns the desolate council.
How easily Horde characters seem to forget the crimes of Sylvanas.
I’m definitely not one to ignore and abide by Sylvanas’ crimes. I’m also not saying we’ve never done anything similar.
I’m just saying I’m surprised some Alliance think this is out of character for their faction. We both have extremists.
“We have no troops to help take Darkshore.”
“Send a bunch of troops to go enslave and slaughter the Vulpera.”
-Anduin Wrynn, 2018.
You know. Butchering the Vulp’s would totally work for a “Total War” scenario that the dev team is trying to tell. Especially seeing as not everyone is inclined towards peace like Andy. The thing is, in order to sell that you need to have signs in-game about Andy losing support from other Alliance leaders. Just an off-hand comment from the city guards would do it. As support falls away you would have other more forceful characters take the stage.
As the war drags on and things get bloodier Anduin could continue to speak of peace and by the time of another expansion pack, with Horde and Alliance tired of war could turn their ears to Anduin. That way the people who want to be “The Good Guys! ™” and the “Real Heroes!™” can play as they want.
It costs almost nothing. It makes both factions feel included and it allows the Warcraft development teams as a whole, much more creative freedom. I mean, Anduin doesn’t need to be written out. Just make the other lead characters into something besides sheeple that follow a king they clearly don’t agree with. Especially seeing as all of the other Alliance leaders are monarchs in their own right… well except Jaina, she kind of lost that when she betrayed her father.
Yeah, this is definitely not one of the dev team’s current objectives.
But, no. As long as Anduin is complaining about a troop shortage, wasting troops attacking a race that isn’t a direct enemy and has no military is not acceptable.
Alliance just need a better narrative explanation for being evil than “our zombie waifu was bored one day”.
While in principle I would agree, I find myself asking “Who gives the order for the massacre?”
I haven’t really been keeping up on the content I’m afraid, but if it came from someone other than Anduin… It stands to reason that that someone may have decided to take things into their own hands. Which would be in line with how many Alliance players seem to be feeling.
Yet, he said absolutely none of the above. Instead, he swore we would re-take Darkshore, when it was possible to do so without risking the loss of the war. Further, there is nothing, anywhere, that states a ‘bunch’ of troops are going to be sent. There is no reason to assume they won’t use the already deployed forces to halt the Vulperan supply lines…nor has there been anything to suggest their purpose is to ‘enslave’ and ‘slaughter’.
Saying such in the form of direct quotes is the most contemptible form of lying. Someone is letting their fatuous inner demon speak out a bit too much.
To be fair, the reasons Sylvanas laid out for starting the war is actually pretty solid. You can buy peace for today, but what happens if Anduin dies? Who takes over? Will they be a friend or a foe? Given how Jaina, Genn and Tyrande all felt before the attack it stands to reason that a first strike is better than gambling on the future with a serious “Maybe”.
Edit: Spelling
Anduin explicitly tells Tyrande that with battles in Zandalar and Arathi, he doesn’t have the troops to spare to send to Darkshore. His phrase was “stretched too thin”.
He does promise to help retake Darkshore at a later date. From a military standpoint, it’s a good decision. Spreading your forces too thinly across multiple fronts greatly increases the chance one of them would fail.
Uh… Actually, that seems right up the Alliance’s alley. It’s always funny to me how Alliance players think the Alliance is always honorable and good. The BfA “writers” may have decided that Horde is pure evil now, but both sides have done some pretty messed up stuff.
Only if you discount the fact that Horde forces should have been just as depleted as Alliance forces, so starting the war NOW - instead of talking peace in public and building up war machines in private - was as likely to be detrimental to her side as the Alliance.
Except the Forsaken, of course. If her only concern is the Forsaken, at the expense of all other Horde races, then sure. Her reasoning is completely sound.
It is detrimental, however keeping in mind that the Horde by default has the power of Necromancy on their side they can reduce the cost by reanimating the corpses of the Alliance.
Always sucks fighting the undead, more resilient, no support costs, and for every one of yours that falls, they gain another.