Well we’ll never know what was pushed onto the writers since we’re not in the room. But things like the purge squads and Brennadam come of as events pushed solely for game play purposes.
First, you point out how unified and balanced, (i.e., “stable”) the Alliance is, then you complain that the storyline centers to much around Hordecentric plots… Well? What exactly do you want? What should they do to “center” or focus on Alliance? Maybe a Tea Party in Stormwind Keep where we can listen to King Bieber talk about Peace and the Light? Could be an interesting 25-man. Complete with a “Yawnnnnn” mechanic where everybody has to avoid getting hit by waves of boredom, causing them to nod off and die in their sleep… (could be the first Raid with no gear requirements. You need only summon your cutest, cuddle-worthiest pet and protect it from Anduin smothering it to death with smooches… honorable smooches, that is)
Alliance, as I have said before, reads/plays like a Hallmark Channel movie. Utterly boring. Completely Disney-style flavor of bland. As soon as you guys are faced with the idea of getting down into the mud & blood, (i.e., becoming “interesting”) you act self-righteous and demand that your “Good Guys” status be preserved at all costs, whilst spewing that same self-righteousness at the Horde for doing exactly what we should be doing; taking advantage of a foe in a weakened position.
I say “weak” not because Alliance doesn’t have the strength but because they follow a barely pubescent, totally inexperienced Man Baby of a king instead of rallying around one of their battle tested, seasoned veterans… your whole storyline is written as flat and even-keel, (i.e., BORING) as possible and you guys, (the players) seem to be all about that… but you want “vengeance”? lol… /facepalm
Pee or get off the pot. There is absolutely no engaging in a full blown war, (especially when vengeance and Justice are part of the Battle Cry) without swimming in the sewage that it creates.
It’s so Blizzard has an excuse for making Vulpera exclusively Horde when they give them the Allied Race treatment.
I know you’re probably right about this. But it still just makes me so sad…
I can’t honestly think of any other reason for it. The story-crafting and decision-making in this expansion, and since the end of legion, feels like Blizzard has been taking the easy way out to get the desired outcomes, which most often favor Horde or applies liberal salt to Alliance wounds.
The name indicates the Alliance was planning to go full genocidal against the vulpera. While the actions shown have not changed, at least now the implied murderous intent is gone.
I find it interesting that when alliance go and do something horrible (looking at you Genn) its all “against Anduins wishes” but when horde do something bad then Nasty Sylvanus had to have personally ordered it. If the horde does wrong there is no reason good enough for it but if the alliance does wrong its ok if they can sort of justify it.
Well I’m glad the implied murderous intent is gone! That changes everything even though the physical murderous intent is still there!
You guys do realize these digital creatures are all ones and zeros? no real foxes are being harmed here?
and no real trees burned.
Pretty sure they have a forum for that though?
this forum is for discussing generals?
I find it interesting that when alliance go and do something horrible (looking at you Genn) its all “against Anduins wishes” but when horde do something bad then Nasty Sylvanus had to have personally ordered it. If the horde does wrong there is no reason good enough for it but if the alliance does wrong its ok if they can sort of justify it.
Have you read the book? Sylvanas does some pretty awful things for reasons she describes very well.
Why would you jump into this topic without knowing any of this?
I would like to get my hands dirty by slaughtering a bunch of orc, troll, blood elf civilians as opposed to a few Vulpera who haven’t really done anything wrong.
Turn on WM and fight some players.
Ya god forbid anything actually worth talking about happens in this game. I can’t wait for more of the same ol same ol.
I’m talking about in the story. I already do that in WM
Killing mooks isn’t nearly as satisfying as killing players tho.
I guess you’re missing the point
The Purge Squad NPCs have been renamed to “7th Legion Despoiler” and “7th Legion Incinerator” and the NPCs that referred to the Alliance Purge Squads now simply call them “The Alliance.”
So instead of Gestapo death squads, you get killer carebears. Much better now.
The point is you want to kill civilians of a certain race more than Vulpera. I didn’t miss the point I just think it doesn’t matter cos they’re all mooks.
I was kind of excited about the whole ‘being upfront and honest about an extermination’ part of it. >.>