Thank you Blizzard for the conduit change

i edited above … sorry :smiley:

The onus isn’t on me to find a new game, nor does my adjustment have anything to do with poor game design.

I’m not one of those people that blindly follows status quo and thinks “Yeah this is fine”. I’m a logically driven person by where I look for the best possible solutions and adjust accordingly. There is no logic in gating people’s specs.

I mean you’re side is the ones trying to force blizzard to change their game to fit your needs and they seem pretty adamant against doing that unless all other options have been exhausted so…yea you kinda do either have to deal with it or quit.

actually, were trying to stop them from changing their game further

Oh? did they already announce that we are able to switch freely in any instanced content we wish? Sorry I must have missed where that was the design they already went with.

That is nothing of what I said. Not even close. Please do not become so emotionally entangled in your own argument that you fail to read the actual words written. You’ve done yourself a disservice.

Also, it’s your*

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we’ve been playing it for years

literally describing something that has NEVER happened. first, no one can force you to do anything. second, if you care at all about other people, you would offer up the best performance possible. so if swapping a single talent for a fight means you’re helping the group more, why wouldn’t you?

are you seriously that selfish? are you seriously so selfish that you can’t be bothered with changing a talent to perform better on a fight?


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Im so glad Blizzard is changing the game to be like this. These changes I hope the community adjusts to them. If not, I hope Blizzard does more changes like this and either the people who won’t adjust give up on it, or just adapt. Either way, the game is at last becoming better and better with these changes. And Blizzard is telling you that they don’t want you to be able to switch when you want. That is not going to happen.

Please enlighten us as to how that isn’t the case? Oh and apologies for the typo I’m on a phone so it’s auto correct etc…but usually when people resort to point out typo’s its a wonderful indicator that the person has no argument or substance left on the topic at hand so thank you for showing us all that.

I understand this is Ralph but reporting a post should not be a downvote button.


from the guy that is just regurgitating half truths he herd once … seriously, do you even have an opinion other than mean mythic people bad?

Yikes, I can tell by this post that I’ve clearly upset you in some way so I apologize for offending you in some manor as you are clearly angry with me judging by your post. If you spend some time calming down before the personal attacks on me start I’d be more than happy to debate this with you in a few hours though.

There’s nothing to enlighten, the words have already been said. Being obtuse in the matter isn’t helping anyone, and certainly not you.

Ah I see so I was right and you actually have nothing to prove other wise as I suspected.

nice … when your argument falls apart, just pretend the other guy is mad … classic
and just moments after you posted about posts having substance …

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Whereas I agree in theory, there is the matter of:

So it would seem to follow that if you are not a contemptibly selfish person, you would be compelled to swap everything you could possibly swap at every opportunity as deemed to be the best choice for your group, even if you yourself didn’t evaluate the best choice yourself. In this case, having a CD on swapping some things (such as conduits) might provide people a respite from the weight of your moral contempt.

yea … clearly just trolling now. well played.

Why did people flag his post? he’s just giving info

Because he is happy with changes they don’t like.

At this point it is a badge of honor.

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