Thank you Blizzard for the conduit change

now with the fake quotes … keep spiraling …

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So what? They are the ones running the content. Do you really think that covenants being locked stops optimal builds? I really hope not, lol.

The game is made by raiders for raiders. The devs ‘caving’ was never in doubt. It was just a matter of when it would happen.

it’s bs and you know it. you and ralph are the type to cry at length because you didn’t get invited to a group and just assume you know the reason.

this has never been a civil discussion. we are well past that. this entire thread is just someone trying to shove their KNOWN opinion down everyones throat and gloat at the frustration other players are expressing. civil? really?



Oh apologize I assumed that would be obvious to most people that it’s easier because we will now have zero chances of being forced into changing things up in the middle of encounters.

Indeed that is an option, but an even better option is to just play the game as blizzard intends which happens to benefit me greatly.

You literally said in your first three words that I was lying and then went on about how you never experienced it so it must not be true lol…

Same :poop: different thread

People who want to play with similar minded players ARE playing the game the way intended. You arent meant to play with people you dont mesh with or enjoy being around, why force it? Just as no one guild is perfect for everyone, neither is every group formed.

You wouldnt enjoy my guilds expectations and I wouldnt enjoy yours. But I bet we both enjoy them ourselves.

And if there are so few groups with YOUR standards, maybe you’re in a bigger minority than you think and changing the game to suit you would be detrimental to the bigger audience.

It’s funny how you keep using the word “tryhard” to dismiss what people have been providing feedback. You have a serious delusions by which you think you are an authority and it pops up every time you post. There is never a good time to limit people swapping specs for the health of the community.

DPS Raider #243535 is a Ret Paladin and during raid times (which aren’t always consecutive days for everyone, btw) they DPS. But during their non-raiding times swap to heals or tanks because you only need 2 tanks for a raid. What good is it to do to limit hybrids in the pool of available players? Not just for LFG but also for our respective guilds and raid groups. It does zero good.

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Indeed you are correct but this argument is for the pugging life and not stable guild environments. This is literally no different than when blizzard made the right call removing master loot.

passive aggressive now, cute.

so explain it to me, you apply to a group, and someone actually whispers you and says “Change to XXX essence or no invite?” people actually waste their time telling you that instead of just passing you over and going with someone that has XXX essence?

What actual examples of people forcing you to change … what exactly?? … can you share?

and furthermore, what talents? or essences??? are SO DAMN COOL … that changing them somehow even ruins your experience?

that wasnt me … if you are going to quote someone, in a discussion, it is good to actually to explain why what they said is wrong, not just passive aggressively tell them they are being a baby.

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Nah. In my raiding group our two tanks usually swap to dps for mythics and other people will pull out their tank spec and what have you. Because we enjoy doing different things at different times and being locked into one role always and all times never does anyone any good.

I don’t understand what you are saying here. Are you saying you have a problem with guilds or with pugs?

So you still have a whole bunch of “sub-optimal” mythic raiders looking to do m+ in this scenario…

Do you think none of them will think to group with each other?

Well blizzard has decided to change the way they want players to experience the game so I guess your teams will simply have to adapt or go find another game then I dunno what to tell ya.

The problem comes from pugs. I think the big disconnect here is everyone likes to assume I’m arguing because it effects me but this is almost never the case. Just as I’m getting paid regardless for heirloom refunds because players wanted to do that for me, I’m here supporting this cause even though personally it wont actually impact me one way or the other because all sides of this argument need to be explored in depth so it can lead us to the best solution available and I’m more than willing to deal with the constant personal attacks people lodge at me and my character AND all the false flags on all my posts that always get restored to make sure it happens.

I for the life of me, have no idea why they would.

You open LFG, you create a group, it fills up with 50 names, you pick the 4 people you think are most likely to make the run smoother, not the 4 people who have the same … not so good talent … you do.

will it eventually filter down to some “sub-optimal” groups? sure … i guess … but my point is, its already hard for dps to get groups, even ones with the right io, etc … to me, this is going to make it much harder.

im a healer … and im not a druid or a paladin … so especially at the beginning, its already painful … this is going to make it more painful. after everyones running 20s its not as much a problem for me, but initially it sucks … i cant imagine making it any worse for dps would be acceptable.

Okay, so all of my solutions still apply then.

You can’t change the entire game to suit a category of player that apparently isn’t large enough to fill their own groups.

If there are enough people with those standards, they could find each other and play with each other.

What you want to do is force people who likely are not personality matches to play with each other. See: MoP LFR when BiS trinkets came from LFR. It was a disaster and casual hate was at an all time high because the LFR groups couldn’t pass Garalon

Sounds good to me. Nothing has really changed. Blizzard not changing mind on this system like I hoped. So yay.

Lets think about what you just said “You can’t change the entire game to suit a category of player”. That’s exactly what people who want blizzard to unlock everything are doing and its hilarious that not many people see it.

Because in the hypothetical scenario you’ve created they are all standing in town bemoaning that they can’t get groups. So, instead of grouping with each other, they’ll just continue to stand in town because … reasons?

Pretty much this. I always find it funny when one side or the other tries to act like they are the moral right. They are justice or what they want is more fair. It is cute.

They can’t accept this simple fact, that game changes will always make someone unhappy so there is no right answer or fair answer.

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