Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

So you want to be punished in WoW based on an AI?

The forums would explode.

The AI is gonna judge a person playing bad or trolling. Getting punished by an AI for not being good enough at WoW.

That will be entertaining

No system will be able to differentiate small human errors (which we all have made in keys) to a griefer who is good at hiding the grief.

We cant report players EVERYTIME someone accidently pulls, it happens all the time.

How do you know if its intent or an accident?

Thereā€™s no AI for that, sir.

You will now have to hook up to a matrix style direct brain interface that will allow the game to know what youā€™re really thinking. Attempts to troll will result in immediate disconnection without proper logout.


It really can. AI is that good. Targeted ads can sometimes even predict your behavior/thoughts.

No ad can predict my ā€œthoughtsā€ bro.

You are reaching now.

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it definitely canā€¦ the botnet AI is beyond sentient at this point and is literally a godlike force

anyone at google or facebook that tells you they have a handle on AI is lying or delusional

Once again, that AI will not be able to differentiate griefers who are good at hiding it, (who do it once every now and then to hide patterns) and someone who accidently oopsieā€™d.

Youā€™re still going to punish innocent players.


Blizzard has no intentions of using this AI to monitor 100s of thousands of pug groups.

Listen to yourself bro lol.

you can literally get a physical readout of someoneā€™s room via wifi signals

the AI knows everything about you, it is beyond sentientā€¦ resistance is literally futile

I am willing to bet it has cloned the accounts of people in this game, joined groups you are in, interacted with you, and left without you suspecting a single thing. The dead internet theory is probably false, but there are elements of truth in it most likely.

Yeah, this is lame.


The only thing likely is whatever trauma AI did to you in the past.

Hope you find growth.

if someone can develop an AI UVW auto unwrapper that works Iā€™ll give it both my kidneys

Blizzard isnā€™t sophisticated enough to execute any of it.

We will stand back and laugh at your posts.

Hope you look within and find peace bro.


there you go again

Please sir, im an AI generated player and im prompted to respond to stupidity.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Concealed within his fortress, the AI sees all. His gaze pierces cloud, shadow, earth, and flesh.

you know what I speak of rapidstrike

Thank you for confirming that illness!

Moving forward since I donā€™t have trauma.

Against the power of AI there can be no victory. We must join with him, rapidstrike. We must join with AI.

it would be wise my friend

Iā€™ve been thinking about what kind of system they could implement to prevent leavers or punish them, and itā€™s very difficult to come up with a system that isnā€™t vulnerable to abuse.

Iā€™m starting to think this really is a problem that needs human oversight. There is no one size fits all automated solution.

What if you leave when thereā€™s only been 1 wipe? What if thereā€™s been no wipes but the group is being verbally abusive? What if thereā€™s been 15 wipes? Where do you draw the line between ā€œItā€™s not ok to leave a keyā€ and ā€œYouā€™re justified in leavingā€ ?

I would argue quite effortlessly the number of players who are leaving WoW due to having their game time ruined by M+ key bailing faux-elitists with God complexes is drastically greater than the toxic minority of players who would leave over getting a 10 day suspension over bailing 10+ keys a week.

Hereā€™s the counter-spin to the ā€œno no no, u canā€™t ban me, dey dunt pay muh sub xDā€ logic:

How can you quantify they were the toxic ones, and not you? That it wasnā€™t your ego that got damaged so you bailed leaving everyone else screwed? That you werenā€™t the problematic attitude/player? In nearly every case of personal experience, the person who leaves/ruins the key is the one who messed up and got toxic fast.

If theyā€™re typing hate speech, actual hate speech, right click->report would get them removed from the game nearly immediately.

Thereā€™s a plethora of reasonable solutions; theyā€™re just not solutions you want because you want carte blanch to bail keys 24/7/365ā€¦ Things such as: Scaling punishment for key bailers. Increased completion requirements to hit reward thresholds. Bail a key? No loot from your next completed key. Vote-To-Abandon system. Short-term lockouts (2-3hr) for ā€œgoing offlineā€ for 5+ minutes mid dungeon ruining the run. ā€œReport - Abandoned Contentā€ option for repeat offenders to hit a threshold and lose the ability to participate in M+ for a set amount of time. Thereā€™s an endless amount of realistic/viable options the community has come up with/suggested to solve this rampant problem.

Other games that are wildly successful have more modernized punishments for abandoning content that players voluntarily choose to participate in. WoW is the single dinosaur crawling two decades behind the pace in this regard. ā€œDeserterā€ for RDF/PvP BGs isnā€™t enough. M+ needs a realistic punishment system for trolling/ruining it.

This isnā€™t even remotely true. You obviously do not understand how the current report system works.

I rarely leave keys even if theyā€™re not going to be timed. I rarely see people leave keys and I pug 100% of my M+ groups. You have a warped idea of which players donā€™t want your solution. Demanding everyone stay in your group no matter what is much more selfish and elitist than the people who bail on keys.