Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

Either way. Raids that are centered on heroic aren’t that strict. Every raid team I have been a part of that is AoTC based has never cared.

If you show up you roll.

I am extremely confident that more raid groups side this way vs limiting rolls.

Losing 100 rating would be a good start.

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Gear (to most raiders) is a means to an end, and because the push in high level raids is ranking (how fast you are from the start of the tier), you need all that means as quickly as possible.

Lower down the stack (N/AOTC guilds), the M+ infinite loot isn’t as big a problem or incentive to grind, although it does greatly separate the performance of those who can grind, vs those who can’t (irl time restrictions).


Rating isn’t MMR. It’s not a fluid up and down thing. Who gets rating removed under what circumstances?

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It’s probably just going to be some kind of system similar to the endorsement level system in overwatch. The more runs you complete, without leaving, the higher your level. Only allow positive voting, to prevent trolling. Obviously, make the level pretty volatile and only be a running snapshot of the last 5-10 runs. The level will be visible in the queue when selecting applicants for your group. If you see that someone is a level 5, it means there’s a rock solid chance they will stay for the run vs someone who is level 1. You start at level 3 and go up or down from there.

Maybe factor in some other variables into the mix like completion percentage and whatnot.

i joined a 14ish UR last night that started with the tank spamming 20 or so lines of keysmash nonsense in chat. then he said “brb 1 min, calling a friend”. the key started. nobody did any mechanics on the first pull. 7 deaths to people standing in the maggot puke, nobody but me stopping it. somebody pulled the maggot pack i specifically avoided. the dps warrior was doing 20k overall.

i would gladly lose 100 rating to not be stuck spending 2 hours in a key that should take 15 minutes :slight_smile:

It is hard to define a leaver. Is it the first person that leaves the group? Is it the one who stopped participating in the dungeon, but stayed in to not be considered leaver? Is it the pug you want to blame everything on? Is it a vote that can be abused?

I agree with you, Who gets the penalty?

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No idea if the Devs will see this, but maybe the solution is a sort of ELO or rating system for people that complete, break and leave keys. The current score kind of insinuates a completion and aptitude rate, but it doesn’t tell a complete story, right?

So, have a second score which specifically monitors a persons willingness to leave a M+ dungeon, break a key, complete a key, that sort of thing. Allow people who make parties to see this score and the community will automatically punish those who have poor scores and we’ll take care of the issue ourselves.

We can call the new rating Karma, and higher Karma means a higher willingness to stay in a key to the end… that sort of thing. We can even have rewards for people with high Karma who do X number of dungeons, meaning they participated with the community and had a positive effect, and now they get a title or fancy hat or something.

Obviously this is more complex than a simple rating system, because there are more variables, but I think you guys can figure it out.

this could work. but we also need a third score that measures performance. how was your dps? how many interrupts/stops did you handle? did you use your utility appropriately? how many times did you body pull a pack that wasn’t in combat with you? how many times did you bleed out without hitting a defensive or using a health pot?

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Which I would agree with, if you are only N/AoTC none of it is required. You don’t need to M+, you don’t need to prioritize loot drops (I still think it’s slimy if you let somebody who doesn’t regularly show up get loot over a full timer, regardless of difficulty). So what we’re talking about, if you say guild rankings, would be HoF guilds (for the most part), which is a significantly small amount of the community. Either way, we’re way off topic for the post, so I’m just gonna stop here. Good discussion though, I may have come off the wrong way, I just like to hear perspective from the raiding community. The end of the day, we all play this game for fun.

Another day im glad i dont run M+

It’s everyone else obviously.

Not me.


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This exactly. Knowing someone left N generic keys doesn’t mean anything without further context.

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Looking forward to see what develops.

So how does blizz differentiate between someone leaving a group because they’re trolling vs leaving a group because someone in it is being abusive? I think the majority of players want to be able to leave toxic groups without punishment. If someone starts typing hate speech in group chat should everyone have to stay?

The only reasonable solution is to allow backfilling. But even that would be abused by sellers.

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It only took 4 expansions to do so, such a good job.

100% stubborn, no other reason. My friend wanted to play the stalemate game and I was just like, "sure, why not, lets have some “fun” lmao.

They ended up leaving though, that’s how we got the new person to come in who ended up votekicking me out for being afk.

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Ive made suggestions before that they create some kind of Karma system, it could potentially be done in such a way that it could not be abused like a certain type of points for individual votes as a good or bad group member, and a separate tally for when the group is unanimous, so for example if someone bounces from a key five times and three of those the rest of the group agreed that it was no cool, that would be three point in unanimous and 12 more in the individual count, but for the other two, maybe the key wasnt gonna happen, and those groups were split on it, those would only be individual points up and down, something like that.

With that system it’s still safer to grief the group to get someone else to quit first.

AI is advanced enough now that it knows who the real trolls are. I think Blizzard is afraid to hurt certain people’s feelings :rofl: