Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

I experience the complete opposite.

I’ve joined groups that clearly were in way over their heads, even when their IO score qualifies them for the content.

I’m sorry, but there are a lot more players that Don’t know their rotation / Don’t kick party wiping spells / perform sub-optimally / pull things that don’t have to be pulled / die because they stand in the green.

Why are you forcing me, and others to stay in a group that clearly isn’t going anywhere?

Im going to say it one more time.

There are more BAD/unprepared players, than there are “repeat key leaver offenders”.

Players don’t leave good groups.


Nobody is forcing you to sign up for the content.

Nobody is forcing you to accept the invite for the content.

Nobody is forcing you to either travel to the zone, teleport to the zone, or be summoned to the content.

Nobody is requiring you to accept a ready check after seeing your group mates, group composition, gear levels, etc.

Nobody is forcing you to choose M+ as your game-play loop for that day.

Nobody is forcing you to do that specific zone, or that specific group.

There is nothing being “forced” on you. These are all voluntary decisions you are making willingly. This is the low-IQ braindead “HURR IMA HOSTAEJ” responses that discredit the entire counter argument to punishing key bailers: You aren’t being held hostage. You’re making 10-20 conscious decisions to do something voluntarily in order to participate in something – expecting you to then participate in it is not unrealistic nor unfair.

If you choose to leave that group after making this long-list of voluntary choices, and ruin 4 other people’s gameplay progression/fun/game time/whatever - you should be subject to appropriate consequences… Just like every single solitary other modern MMORPG has.

The era of mouth-frothing buzzword spamming faux-elitists spamming “UH ITZ MUH SHUB U DUNHT PAE IT I KAN DO WUT I WANT IM NOT UR HOSTAEJ” needs to die - and realistic community standards need to be re-built and reinforced. WoW needs to modernize this, or remove M+ entirely from the gameplay loop. Blank-check baddies ruining content because they got chump-checked is not fun for 99.99% of the player base, only for the ego case snort-chuckling over how they “showed them” by leaving.


:clap: Bravo.

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You didn’t address anything I said.

You are coming off extremely emotional and hostile.

And clearly are missing the point.

Nobody should be doing 50k dps in a +18.

I did not sign up for “hold my hand through this dungeon” gameplay.

If there’s a penalty for leaving these groups, it technically is being FORCED upon us, or face consequences.


Address the bad players first, then we can talk.



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I don’t know how to say this politely, but I am addressing these players. You are the bad player. None of your toons are 3k+, nor do you PvP at any reasonable level. None of your toons are 445, or higher. None of your characters are in contention for title, even if we took the top 40% of the ladder off.

Yet all of you feel entitled to ruin zones for random people’s alts who are gearing through your highest-clear-possible content because you get ego checked. It’s unfair to them, and unwelcome in literally every MMORPG except WoW. Performing this in any modern MOBA, MMORPG, or otherwise equals you don’t get to play anymore.

Yes you did. You signed up for a dungeon, regardless of player proficiency or capability. You had every opportunity to log-check, rIO check, and anything else - then make the decision to leave prior to the content starting. You make the choice.

DPS is subjective and fluidic. 50K DPS per player is plenty fast enough to time low-tier content like +18. You’re just egoing.

I’m gonna have to mute you. You’re boring to talk to. :frowning_face:


lol…my hunter is 445 ilvl please look at my raider io for DF and shadowlands



Thank you for exposing who doesn’t run content here.

you and your sock puppets have a great day :).

I dont pay my $15 a month to carry bad players that had their IO inflated to levels they should be absolutely nowhere near. If that makes me a bad person then so be it, because I absolutely am not wasting the 40+ minutes that dungeon is going to take when it should only take 20.

You clearly dont do keys either to experience how absolutely inflated IO is this season, ive ran into so many 2700+ people that can barely pull 80k overall in 17+ keys. Also literally nobody is log checking for anything below 25s because very few people actually log keys.

There is a way. It’s called the raiderio addon. If he doesn’t have a good score or a good score on his main, don’t play with him.

Yep. Go complain about someones dps in ffxiv and you’ll get banned pretty quickly. Blizzard fosters some pretty disgusting behavior compared to other games.

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Replying to yourself on sock puppets is an illness.

They very much do and they let it run rampant on the forums. Telling someone they’re a bad player is A-OK for some weird reason.

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Thats not what’s happening here.

Try again sock puppet #3

Your $15 is not more important than anyone else’s $15. The faster you break this mentality, the better off you’ll be. Everyone pays a subscription fee. You aren’t special in this regard. Your $15 versus a perspective $45 means you are in the minority.

Not a bad person, just a selfish/entitled person. You are their equals, not their superiors.

Then don’t sign up.

I have 4 toons over 3.2k this season. I openly carry people who are struggling to meet breakpoints from General-Discussion. :person_shrugging:

80k over-all is fine for a +17. It is sufficient dps to complete the key before the zone’s timer expires, in every zone.

If you’re going to ego-bail, cry about dps, etc - you are responsible for what you are voluntarily subjecting yourself to. If you make the choice not to pursue information available to you, and instead you make the choice to ruin other people’s time - you should be punished accordingly.


Don’t waste your time with this troll and his 2 sockpuppets (Tuulennbeak and aiturs)

I’m not those people, but considering I’ve muted you and you’re spam rage replying to me I will be reporting your posts.

Please consider taking a break for a while. You’re very, very, very toxic.

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No rage, just replying, which isn’t against the rules.

and warning others :wink:

I enjoy exposing bad trolls and their sock puppets

Harassing users is against the rules.

You aren’t “exposing” anything. I only ever post as this character, ever. My mains are in my post history. I do not post as anyone else.

Seriously - take the bench chief, you’re really showing why people on your side of the fence need Blizzard-based regulations to keep you in-line with your wild toxicity.

It’s amazing that you’ve bragged you leave keys because “others are toxic”, while showing you should probably not be allowed to participate in group-based community content due to your attitude.

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How quickly you play victim after mud slinging 5 posts up!


I didn’t brag. I pointed legitimate reasons.

Then what do you propose as a system to punish players that aren’t using their interrupt on cd, if they have one? What about player doing less than something like 5k DPS per key level? What about players taking x amount of avoidable dmg? What about tanks pulling over percent? What about players not using utility to meet affix requirements like dispels or cc? You can’t just champion this one cause that quite literally cannot even be quantified, while completely ignoring very concrete information and not acting on it.

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Nothing will come of this for a long time. I have yet to see anyone suggest anything that won’t be abused or punish innocent people. I doubt the devs will come up with anything.