Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

I am looking forward to see how this issue gets addressed! Hopefully this means M+ will become more accessible and lower in toxicity :slight_smile:


I envision people getting kicked, reported, and permabanned for being bad players.


Looks like an announcement of an announcement that they will continue discussing something that will be announced whenever they’re ready to unveil the post announcing that they’re still discussing it internally.


Wanting to sell my Mythic + tanking services (gold only). If i going to be held hostage with people who want to be carried and dont know how to use a kick or talent into a cleanse, I should be paid, not punished.


Is this the new “slap in the face”?


There is no good way to go about dealing with M+ leavers, given there is a multitude of reasons why a key falls apart. The only system I could see working would be punishments being dealt for leaving X amount of keys in a period of time. Yet that in it of itself can be flawed given high keys bomb all the time. So it would have to adjust to the key level or be bracketed out to account for the different difficulties.

The M+ system as a whole suffers from the issue of its supposed to be rapid fire repeatable content, which means any sort of ban system will 99% of the time be abused by trolls. Given people can’t be trusted as it sits with the vote to kick and silence system, they weaponize and troll with both constantly.


You’ve heard of Leavers, now get ready for Offline


You like their “we’ve discussed this before with zero plans to address it” reply? Usually it takes a lot more to placate you.

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and this is all before they announce that there will be another announcement!

Ran an Ulda just the other night. Tank was dragging mobs through the Sanguine and got mad when i told him to keep moving. Proceeded to get 3/4th the way through and on our way to timing the key. He does a massive pull then ALT+F4s out. Trolled/Grieved the group. Needs to be addressed somehow.

First. People literally beg for Blizzard to give these sort of replies. “Even if you don’t have a fix, communicate that you acknowledge the issue and are working on it”

Second. I have never seen a m+ leaver suggestion that would help. Every thing suggested would make it worse.


There’s no way to punish leavers without opening up new opportunities to abuse or grief players. Having someone bail 20 minutes into a key sucks, but the first time I get suspended or banned for leaving a toxic group I’ll cancel my sub.


They should probably implement the Overwatch standard to WoW. In the ranking system, if someone leaves, it flags their account and times them out from running more. If the person griefs, people can report and choose options in the report as why. Not hard to implement that system when its already there.

Cool. So instead they will just bully you into leaving.

It’s very easy to grief or troll a group through actions not deemed as griefing or trolling


A) DC leads to flagging your account and you are timed out? That’ll go over well.
B) Player is clearing pushing for rating, already knows the key won’t be timed. Is now held hostage because they don’t want to be flagged by an arbitrary system? Sounds great.

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lol that’s how it works in Overwatch. The system does not care at all what the circumstances are if you happened to DC or leave or whatever. It also gives you a chance to rejoin the game without receiving a penalty so there is the open window to not get punished.

The amount of people ive seen magically ALT+F4 in keys is staggering. The issue can be addressed and it will definitely cut down on those random “DCs”

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I can’t wait to hear more about this in 4 years.


My heals are suddenly gonna be just a little bit slower. Can’t prove I am griefing. But now we probably wipe every pull until someone else gets fed up enough to leave first.


Overwatch matches last 30min each? I honestly have no idea. But if your system holds players hostage in a dungeon that gives them zero benefit, that’s not going to make M+ more accessible or whatever the argument is.

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Whoops, hit that divine toll a little too close to the 3 groups we were skipping! Sorry guys! :flushed::pensive::flushed::pensive: