Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

Compare it to the other source of high level PvE gear. Being able to law of large numbers the dungeon to give you the exact item you want is a problem that the alternative simply doesn’t have. You kill the boss on 1-2, maybe 3 relevant difficulties per week. That’s it.

This is false, but whatever.

It’s not like the reverse hasn’t been true ever since legion. Why is forcing M+ players into raid a problem, when forcing raiders into M+ isn’t? If one is such a big problem, surely the other must be exactly the same magnitude of problem?

There are 3 pillars of content in the game. Were you under the impression they would switch to rated PvP or join guilds they gave up on years ago after multiple bad experiences and change their lives around so they could be available according to other people’s schedules?

So two wrongs make a right.

It’s time to bring down the hammer on people who won’t join the right kind of guilds (your guild doesn’t want anything to do with those people and you know it) and ingratiate themselves with the sanctum sanctorum for the privilege of being permitted to play content.

I’m not sure why you think people won’t quit over being unable to play the game when they are available to play.

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If only there was a way to find a guild’s schedule that fit your life.

“Hey, I am only available weds/thurs, when do yall raid”

–“Oh we raid tues and sat”

“Okies. Good luck to you. I will find something that fits my schedule”.

That’s an awful lot of projection from you. If someone has had a negative experience in literally every guild they’ve joined, maybe the guilds aren’t the problem.

How do you know that some of the people who stopped raiding didn’t just stop because M+ was the new path of least resistance to high end gear? People want gear, and M+ is just easier to get the same quality gear from than raid. Always has been.

Then equalize the gearing systems, in terms of both quality and quantity of drops. Either buff up raid, or nerf down M+ until they are equal.

This is how I prefer it, and I’d rather start by buffing up raid drops. Raid drops in a vacuum (to me) are far too low. Especially with things like trinkets. M+ low trinket drop rate makes more sense because it can be spammed.

I’d like to see raid drop rate buffed in general, and a deterministic way of getting things flagged “very rare”.

I would be fine if they buffed raid loot to the point where M+ isn’t necessary anymore. Bringing in Dinars as part of an x.7 patch (moving them more towards a “here, season’s almost over, time to finish your build” role, with the items from the vendor at the quality of the highest difficulty you’ve full cleared), and doubling or tripling the number of items that drop per kill would probably be enough.

The big issue of crests is thankfully already slated to get fixed for next season (a full raid clear will give you the crest cap, instead of 2/3s of it in S2).

That blue post might as well not really have been a post. I’m sure they discuss what people are having for lunch, the weather, space lasers, etc, but none of that gets into a blue post either.

I’d be fine with that.

I’d like to see m+ and raiding as two things you could do on their own or together, with the only real difference being the chase type items (trinkets as it typically is, plus whatever).

Role defining items that are “very rare” just really irk me when you only have your one shot a week.

I mean, I guess you get more than one shot a week if they make the item so strong even an LFR version is better than any other item in that slot, regardless of ilvl.

I played Demo lock this tier, they did exactly that.

I’m comparing it to other sources and the other sources are quicker, aka crafting, which is even more deterministic. If I want a weapon, I can’t just go into M+ and get one, it would take an unknown amount of runs and I don’t really play that much, I can’t even get into M+ on my alt, this is kind of a moot point.

It’s easier for me to get gear in LFR, then normal, then crafted, much much much easier, than attempting to get raw gear drops from M+.

And just about every healer with rashoks

Generally yes, the community is unwilling to have that conversation, but to put everybody into that category is a little bit of a stretch. I know for me personally, seeing as I work rotating shift work, I can not commit to a normal raid schedule. So if I want those juicer raid trinkets I am relegated to pugging heroic, or joining a guild who will let me go when I can but generally passed over for loot due to not being able to commit to a full schedule (current scenario). I know I’m not the only person in the rotating work schedule.

I’d be in favor of this solution, but they would have to start giving us better trinkets in dungeons. It is very rare that my bis trinket(s) come from dungeons, requiring raiding of some extent to be able to get them. There is also the separate issue of people who enjoy both forms of content being required to carry 2 sets of gear, better yet if they pvp also /cringe. Idk how they make it work though. Probably buff raid loot a decent bit if they going to separate the two.


When we’re hard rate limited to 1 item every 2 weeks at the start of the season?

Where we have to hard-grind M+ for crests to actually craft useful items later?

Why wouldn’t you just leave right after the report?

Except you main complaint is not actually a thing. AOTC/ heroic raid groups don’t have a raid attendance policy. You don’t get passed over for loot because it’s personal loot.

They do? I don’t know how to explain that, why would they allow me to roll on a BiS trinket over another healer/person in the raid group when I can’t attend every raid and help progress? Maybe your group is ok with that, but it feels pretty slimy to let a part timer take loot from people who show up to every raid, and I am fairly certain most raid groups would take the same stance. And no, it is not personal loot, good try though.

Because a lot of those people have gotten over the idea that gear is the primary reward from raid.

I think the majority of the player base is firmly planted in the “Okay, bye.” category on this one. People who are “Me first, Me second, Me only” in a communal space that requires team-driven participation to advance have no place in the community. Losing subs if it means losing toxic key bailers is a sacrifice the average person is willing to be okay with.

We’re tired of blank-check grief under some buzz-worded notion of “being held hostage” for content you voluntarily agreed to participate in.

The true hostage situation is walking on egg shells terrified that some toxic sweatlord in your group will get chump-checked, ego challenged, fanny-fangled, or whatever leading to the guaranteed death of people’s time/progression.

Your sub isn’t more important than anyone else’s sub. The amount of people who quit over key griefing is substantial.

Ok what am I missing here? A lot of the argument you guys have been making is that M+ gearing is to fast and is required to raid because raid loot isn’t fast enough. Then you make comments like this saying people don’t care about loot in raid and therefore it’s a free-for-all on loot drops in raid? How does that even make sense?