Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

But what will be the surprise? It doesn’t say anything, just that they are going to see how to solve it, but maybe there is nothing about it for now.

The other day this happened to me. I joined a 21 underrot and everyone except tank were 446+ and the tank was 415 and they invited him the last minute ( I forgot to check his gear) without mentioning he was getting carried. It was a failed run. He dropped dead to anything and everything. I got curious as to why he was dying so easily and then I checked his gear :confused:

What is with people and having some absolutely cooked “solutions” on something that is a non-issue in the first place and their proposed solutions have infinitely worse ways to abuse than what they are trying to “fix” in the first place lmao.

If anything the solution to this “issue” is to just completely remove keystones in the first place, just make it a difficulty slider in the font in the dungeon and let people just infinitely run the key level they want and try as many times as they want without issue.


Because people are so determined to punish others that they refuse to take the readily available solution that’s already in game: talking to people.


Honestly that response they gave in the one non-cooked CC thread about this makes me feel like they have some sweeping changes to the m+ system probably removing the depleted key mechanic and just letting parties choose what level to go at. Which at that point solves all the dumb complaints I’ve seen anyways.

Hahahahahaha! Do you really think actual GMs check the reports? My guy, the report system has been automated for years!
There’s no way any kind of M+ system regarding leavers is going to be effective and not abused. It’s just gonna be another way for people to be toxic. Hell, even the Overwatch report system is a way for people to be toxic. False reporting is a thing after all.

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People abusing the report system is why I uninstalled Heroes of the Storm. I would have my account suspended just for playing the game, not even saying inappropriate things. Your team can just decide you suck and have you bullied out of the game, account literally suspended.

I don’t like games that let you global chat and then also have a votekick feature. I just get votekicked every time because people don’t like being out witted. I was getting votekicked out of Chivalry 2 for trashing the game, not even talking at anyone lol.

I hope they do some changes, in particular the infinite loot fountain aspect of the system needs to go.

In Classic, there was a big problem with people abusing the report system during the opening of AQ. There were entire guilds false reporting people trying for Scarab Lord on the other faction so they’d get an automatic ban and miss the chance to get it done.
It’s one of the few instances in recent years that I can think of where Blizzard has actively punished people for false reporting.
Edit: I will say that the false reporting on Scarab Lord also only happened on two? servers in Classic so it wasn’t super widespread but still. There will always be people who will abuse a report system, especially when it’s automated.

Oh yeah I remember that, that was hilariously fail.

Automated report and votekick are toxic.

They definitely do ask this question. Unfortunately, the answer they come up with is something like “they did this just to troll people” or “because they can’t stand the truth when I swear at them for making dumb mistakes”.

Since I regularly see forum posters saying, “This bad player joined my group, and then left when I told them they were bad, so I should be able to get them banned for being bad,” this is an abuse that will happen if it can happen.

There is. It’s a result of game design that is trying to funnel all players into competitive content, based on the misconception that people who don’t know what they don’t know will magically git gud train themselves to be expert at something they have less than half a clue about.

If serial key leaving is a problem, blizzard can deal with it. They have the data that would show how many players have an extraordinarily high rate of leaving before a key is completed. But shouldn’t also a player who wastes everybody’s time by putting together groups without screening party members be held accountable in some way? I think a “completion rate” metric for groups he starts should be viewable by mousing over the leader’s icon in the group finder.

If there are too many players who are low-skilled and don’t realize they are, nor do they realize what they are doing wrong, and the blizzard actually wants them to improve, there should be a variety of tutorials to jump start that process.

And maybe stop trying to force low-skilled players into mythic+, provide them with easier content that will keep them playing and out of the group finder, where they don’t belong?

Am I the only one who read the OP’s name and had the feeling that two long-term sometimes malicious trolls were actually the same player?

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Hey, nerfing the infinite loot fountain aspect of M+ will likely solve a lot of these issues.

That’s pretty much how they manage player participation already. If they decide that they’d rather players stop doing the content they are doing and do some other content, they will make that first content feel unrewarding, and assume that players will decide to switch to that other content over there that they already made a decision not to play.

I don’t think losing lots of players would be good for the game at this point.

Thats why i use io. It helps so much to be able to hover over somones nameplate and see there io and other info

It can still be a progression system for the people who enjoy it, but the benefit for endless key spamming to gear up quickly needs to go down.

For those that are left, the small number who do them for bragging rights. And for the rest, I guess you figure the game doesn’t need them, even though you’re admitting they are most of the population.

how about a debuff that prevents you from gaining rating for an hour? Maybe more?

I’m not sure what you are saying here.

What I’m saying is that the infinite grind is a problem for people who want to play other content, but said content is tuned around you grinding all the M+ you can.

Adding a weekly loot lockout to each dungeon in each crest range goes a good deal towards solving this complaint.

You have to spam a lot and I mean A LOT of keys to actually get gear from M+ now, it’s not how it was in Legion.
I’m still using 424 crafted bracers on my main because I’m too lazy to have the Enchanted Crest thing made lol. No bracers have dropped the entire season and nothing from the Vault.

I’m not trying to invalidate your opinion, but I don’t think the gearing is as loose as you make it out to be lol. Now when you factor in the upgrades and crafting and Catalyst, yeah it’s a lot, I can’t deny that.

What you’re saying is making the only content in the game that is available to a large number of players unrewarding will result in benefits to the game without any negative consequences. At the same time, you want to make high level raiding mandatory even for those who want to do mythic+ dungeons as their progression.

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