Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

Not a 2 hour run, but it would encourage people to stay for something that might be 10 or 15 minutes past time. Crest farming will take longer next season. If we got full crests for completion it would make sense to stay an extra 15 minutes rather than start over with a fresh group.

The vault credit should be enough for that since it’s still less time than finding a group and doing another complete run.

If your vault is already full there’s no incentive for more vault credit.

Yeah it hit me a few minutes later lol.

It’s not for me, I won’t use it, I just want to see it happen to show GD how bad of an idea it really is. I can’t think of a single tank or healer that would want to roll the dice on it, it will absolutely be filled with dps waiting an hour to get an 8 FH done.


As it should be. Either respect other peoples time as well as your own and stop doinking around in groups, or go play solo mode and play casually.

Punishing people for leaving will only increase toxicity in the community.

Remove key depletion from m+ and you’ve reduced the sting of people leaving.

Group gameplay must always be consensual and non coercive.

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there seems to be some kind of community bo*er that everything should be punished instead of incentivizing by rewarding


The loudest people tend to be the angriest.


I do not see pugs in 15’s mass resetting because a pull went wrong they’d just leave and make a new group. What you are describing here is something that would definitely be abused in very high keys in which case just have high level keys deplete problem solved.

It wouldn’t fully fix it, but having keys only start depleting at 21 would probably help a bit. Nothing changes for title chasers, and people doing M+ for gear have a slightly improved experience.

It’s mostly these forums. The top upvoted reply on this same post on reddit is someone saying “remove the deplete mechanic”.

These forums have always had an extremely aggressive response to any form of change.

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Maybe, but at least we don’t outright lie like this to get a point across.

Bye Mr sock puppet!

That was you the entire time in that other thread. At least you are posting on your main now so I can block that too.

Its literally the top comment. I am not making things up unlike you.

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Sir, your 2nd sock puppet said this.

This is a lie and this is what i was referring too.

Have a great day lying to yourself.

At the end of the day, even if Blizzard does figure out a way to punish, it will not effect any of us that are good players and good group players.

no one leaves a good group.

it’s funny though watchin the arguing… some people just can’t “be” without drama

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What exactly are you thanking them for? Saying they see a possible problem but they have no plans to step in and do something about it?

IMO, get rid of the timer and people leaving will no longer be as much of a problem because you will at the very least have a chance to replace the person leaving and still complete the Mythic Plus. The timer should only have ever mattered for competition and leader boards.

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Im starting to think maybe some of these outrageous takes by these sock puppets are done on purpose.

Because if they can force Blizzard to ruin things, they have more drama to stir on the forums.

We know they don’t actually play the game.


wow its like night and day in comparison. and ths is from reddit for petes sake