Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

Maybe at the end of the season when people have ran the recycled dungeons a million times.

The random queue system will be a much bigger issue when a +8 is difficult at the start of an expansion or a new patch.

also, lust isn’t the only crucial buff.

Imagine going in with no BR classes?

There’s too much RNG in letting a system decide the group for a potentially difficult key.

And if you add any parameters that the system has to meet before forming the party…well…

Hello 25 minute DPS queues because some classes will be prioritized over others and that’s EXACTLY what they DON’T want to do, because some classes have a lot more utility than others.

They are not opening pandora’s box for ya’ll.

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So introduce an exploit where you pug a key, then (right before the final boss), kick the pugs, bring friend in to get all the loot.

As entertaining as some of these conversations are we are overthinking it. Why rush for penalties? Just as a thought to some fixes:

Guarantee everyone gets some sort of drop at the end of a run even if the key bricks. Preferably a piece of gear, I mean that’s why people run keys anyway. It’s honestly more frustrating timing a key and getting squat then not timing a key and actually getting something useful. At least then if your an enchanter or something you can disenchant for some mats.

The idea of keys not depleting is also a sound idea.

Healers have it rough I don’t know exactly what the fix should be but we gotta let the poor folks breathe or there will always be a healer shortage. And I’ve come to find healers are generally the nicer players.

Or instead of guaranteed drops, make it kinda like pvp where you get tokens to trade in for a piece of gear once you collected enough. I think those solutions alone would solve a lot of headaches without needing to “punish people”

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People that need gear wont usually leave keys, the people that quit early is because they are there to increase their rating, the moment they see they wont +2-3 a key they bail out. Increasing the rewards is not something m+ needs in any way shape or form, is already the best and fastest way to get gear in the game by a long shot.

The whole point of the system is to time/deplete your key, is what the whole game mode is build around, getting rid of it to fix a minor issue is not something they should do.

systems change with time and enough voice and a lot of people would be on board with this or getting rid of the timer since its just artificial difficulty adding to the already annoying affixs. so im gonna politely disagree have a good one

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Why not just adopt valor points again and be done with it?

That works in FF14 with tomestones. That way casual players can still catch up


Removing depletion would be a net negative on the system and would massively encourage leaving since it completely removes the penalty for doing so.

Not to mention the gameplay in keys would completely change for the worse. Instead of playing through mistakes, groups would be massively encouraged to do what they did during CM’s and just spam reset until the run goes right.

And a lot of people wouldn’t want that as the timer is what actually makes it a challenging and fun content. Affixes are really nothing but a minor part of difficulty at this point, only the seasonal were a major road block for completing a key.

Dude, that’s harsh. They’re hurting, let them grieve.

Yeah, this guy is out of control. There’s no way he’s a 3.2k player. Post on the main, or gtfo

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as it should be.
know your place, mortals.

Seems like a win in my book better then losing the progress made trying to build your keys up

Yes, because creating an even stronger incentive for people to leave at the first sign of any trouble is exactly what people want.


I’m really not seeing how this would happen. No depletion means if a group isint working out just form a new group and try again. The leavers do t feel bad and the key holder doesn’t lose progress. Doesint seem that bad of concept

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The usual response I’ve received was that, if a key fails for whatever reason, the keyholder clearly didn’t deserve a successful run and should have to work that key back up.

It didn’t matter if the group was just bad or if someone decided they had to go walk the dog, the key holder simply deserved to lose progress if the key had to end prematurely.


Or you could not be a quiter and just finish.

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What the game needs is incentive to complete the key instead of punishment for leaving. Give full crest amounts whether you time or not. That alone will eliminate most leavers during the start of the season.

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In all seriousness though, it’s really no different than having invited someone who’s just so bad your group can’t finish the run. Cost of doing business in the pug trade. :person_shrugging:


no amount of crests would make it worth sticking out a 2 hour run of a dungeon that should be done in 20 minutes

that does not surprise me in the least