Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

There are more bad / unprepared players in WoW bombing keys, than players trolling / griefing keys.

Players don’t leave good groups.

you might be correct in fact i think you are doesin’t mean some changes should be considered

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I’m all for changes for the better.

Punishing leavers isn’t it.


absolutely agree punishment wont lead anywhere, hence why i suggested there should be more reward based incentives. people tend to improve a lot more with incentive rather then punishment

focus on the consequences and less on the punishments.
If you “fix” the consequences for people who are “harmed” by leavers; it makes leaving less painful to them.
Stop depleting keys if people who arne’t holding the key leave. There, problem solved.
We aren’t going to solve leaving by punishing people; but we can certainly make it less of a drag on the keyholder by changing the result.

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It goes both ways though… I learned this from Valorant.

No doubt M+ leavers are very annoying. But sometimes when I play a game like Valorant, where toxicity is very thick and usually your joining a match as an oddman out with everyone in a premade discord voice chat. You can easily become the target of toxicity through really no fault of your own. Simply for not even participating in voice chat in an unrated match for example. When 3-4 strangers decide to gang up you on the internet arbitrarily, you basically want to leave. But you cant, because in Valorant if you leave too many matches, even in unrated, you’ll eventually get punished with a long ban/time out.

I see similar toxic patterns in WoW, not as bad because there isn’t voice chat on by default… but this nonsensical toxicity is still in the game. So if the game then forces me to have to play through these scenarios… eventually one would eventually get annoyed.

I think the current system = less damage done. Sure, leavers suck. But usually when your serious and playing high level keys, people don’t leave unless they severely dropped the ball multiple times, in which case the key is probably toast. I don’t mind the system we have now.

One has a thriving e-sports league, is successful, has realistic punishments, bans, and large prize pools for competitions. They ban people who leave, grief, cheat, and manipulate.

The other is World of Warcraft.


I literally only play unrated though ever… but okay ya sure your point holds a bit of water

This has been my go to argument for years, and to this day it hasn’t been broken. Competitive games have penalties, surrenders, bans. Blizzard’s own games have penalties and bans. If anything, it encourages better play.

Yet, the WoW community somehow gaslit everybody into thinking it breaks games lol
Good on Blizz for finally tackling the leaver cancer.


You don’t know the first thing about us.

There’s more bad/unprepared players bombing keys than there are people griefing keys on purpose.

Players don’t leave good groups.

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imagine being punished as a deserter or whatever they decide, after being punished by a horrible group that is wiping over and over and over in a dungeon that normally takes 15-20mins to full clear.

this aint gonna end well.

the people commenting on this saying that your opinion here is invalid is pretty wild to me. I’ve had people leave keys without any good reason maybe a dozen times or so in the last 2 years. That’s not very many when I’m running hundreds a year. I’m not going to stay in a key with people that clearly don’t know what they’re doing and are trying to be carried. I don’t owe you my time. I pay to play this game. If I want to remove myself from voluntary “find your own group” content, then I will. If you don’t like people leaving, then you should only play the content where that is already dealt with. LFG. The people that seemed upset about people leaving their groups are probably the people who are looking to be carried… if the key is taking you 3x the timer amount, you should probably do lower keys.

I take this response from Blizzard meaning they are aware of the issue but fixing it is complex as each solution comes with it’s own set of problems. Given the tone of the message I probably wouldn’t expect to see anything until late next expansion or even into the one following it. Sometimes ironing out the possible abuses can take a great deal of time and they probably don’t want the Random Dungeon Finder issues with deserter happening in Mythic. They may even address both these problems in a similar time frame.

That’s actually a good idea, but I wasn’t thinking like that, in fact, if it were up to me, this feature would only work is someone leaves on their own or goes offline. If they’re kicked, nothing gets paused, so best you get your group right before you start.

And it’s not just the timer that gets paused, everything does. The players left can’t leave the instance without leaving the group, they can’t wander around, can’t cast, buffs don’t tick down, you’re literally froze in place until, someone else joins. It may sound unpleasant, but at least your keys don’t get bricked, and that seems to me to be the main complaint with this situation.

Also, it would mitigate, at least to some degree, the incessant whining about it on the forums.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Same question asked on this interview, I think wowhead and some people got confuse with Chimes response, since he’s a reward dev from what i understand and the topic was about incentives besides the m+ issue.