Thank You Blizzard for Acknowledging the M+ Leaver Problem

Think of it the other way around! You can keep the others hostage unless they cough up the gold to pay for their carry! While some see a problem, I see an opportunity.

Bold claim for somebody posting on a sockpuppet character thats private. :person_shrugging:

Is it still timeable for that key level? Sure, but the key is going to take much longer than it realistically should because they cant pull their own weight in group content. They absolutely should not be at that IO level with how little they actually contribute to the group considering I know a bunch of tanks that can pull that amount of overall in keys.

And the people wasting the time of 4 others because they are doing content they are vastly not ready for should be punished accordingly as well. Hand holding to that degree is why none of the content in FFXIV requires any amount of braincells to complete outside of the ultimates.

This character has pink-parses for the content I participated in on it… I don’t know where you goofies get the obsession with “sock puppets”, but it’s just a toon I used to play in WOTLK.

If it can be completed at that dps, within the time limit - they are pulling their weight. They just aren’t carrying you to faster key completions.

I’m glad you agree. Leaving keys because you came unprepared and voluntarily subjected yourself to should equal punishment.

Didn’t Max/Liquid/Etc note that savage raiding was significantly harder than Mythic raiding - and required more skill? Idk. Even beyond that - DOTA? CS2? League? New World? You name the game, there’s an in-place system to aggressively shut down people who ruin the game for other players. WoW is the single dinosaur that isn’t up to snuff on it.

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Post on them or no one cares. That simple.

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Why hello there 3k player!

Can you please acknowledge this statement?


Theres no shot you are unironically trying to say that you pink parsing in Naxx on classic equates to knowing what your doing when rotations in woltk are literally 3 buttons.

Considering Im the one doing 170+k dps overall in these keys they arent the ones carrying anyways.

Im not the one thats unprepared in these keys.

They went in “blind” not knowing how the game wants you to resolve stack/spread/etc mechanics because they havent done anything else in the game so it made it more challenging for them, but they absolutely were not talking about the savage tier that was “significantly” harder than mythic raiding, they were talking about the ultimate that they tried and even then they only talked about how it was about equivalent to the end tier mythic bosses, not harder.

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Just saying that it’s not a “sock puppet” or whatever idiocy buzz-word you’re on about. It’s a toon I used to play, extensively. Not a level 1 generic toon.

Can’t find a single key without an aug evoker in your WCL of you breaking 120k dps, let alone 170k+.

If you’re leaving because the “dps is too low to carry you quickly”, because you didn’t check dps logs… Yes, you are.

They also got rather exposed for having viewed those mechanics prior, and not doing it blind – and STILL said it was harder. I believe the exact quote was, “outside of like mythic Blackhand, this is harder than anything in WoW”


You don’t have to like it, but the reality is until key bailing is fixed WoW will continue to hemorrhage players constantly. When 2/3rds of the gameplay loop can be controlled by some toxic person’s vitriollic “Me first, Me second, Me only” attitude in group based content - and sub numbers/participation numbers in those specific areas continue to plummet - the problem is clear but the solution is complex. If you don’t end up liking the inability to ego-control people? Move on to a game that allows it. Spoiler: There aren’t any.

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League definitely has a poor record in dealing with leavers, its better than wow, but its still piss poor, they have a good system for toxic a-hats with chatbans and mutes. I agree WoW is pretty behind in this topic of toxicity, but that’s mostly because they don’t really care that much for the IP anymore. I just think they don’t care.

I know csgo, hell yeah you can get punished for leaving the game lol.


You can also see theres like a total of maybe 5 dungeons actually logged. Because surprise surprise, nobody logs keys.

Again, nobody logs keys, so yeah, im not checking logs that dont exist.

The blind was mostly directed at echo that actually went in blind, but they absolutely were talking about the ultimate, and they absolutely did not say it was harder than any recent end tier mythic bosses. Literally none of the ultimates are harder than Mythic Kil’Jaeden lol.

Yeah the drop in play rate for keys totally isint because of terrible dungeon choices/design, the hard requirement for mass CC / Dispels to be tolerable, or just how awful healing is resulting in way less healers actively trying to do keys. Totally not because of any of those issues and completely on the minuscule amount of keys that get abandoned because people dont want to deal with carrying dead weight.

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Good luck threading the needle to stop leavers from just going AFK.

It’d be simple to solve with moderation, but Blizzard has been hands off for a while.

I think mobas like LoL and Dota are doing the best they can. Problem is making a new account and jumping back in is very easy. Bans on mmorpgs would actually stick more.

Leaving games in League equals low-priority queue… Repeated dodging equals 12 hour queue dodge lockouts… Leaver-Buster auto flags and low-prio queues players who afk.

The only thing League kinda sucks at detecting is soft-inting, but it’s getting better.

I do agree, they don’t really care. We’re at an “adapt or die” cross roads, and I’m choosing to hope they adapt, and hopefully Microsoft will put a bigger emphasis on that.

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Watch, their solution is gonna be “you get a penalty if you leave a key tagged as completion.” And it will do nothing. Because no one tags their keys as completion even when they should.

What’s to discuss? Just pause the instance until someone else joins, and their key doesn’t get downgraded or depleted or whatever the Hell happens to it when the instance isn’t “successful”. Christ in a chariot driven sidecar eating a hoagie with a cat driving on an icy road in the dark, ActiBlizz! You have how many college educated people working for you and you can’t figure that out?!?!

All this time that people have been whining about this and the first time I heard about it way back when it started being a problem and the aforementioned solution was my first thought, just pause the instance until someone else joins, yet you big brains at ActiBlizz can’t figure this out?

I should charge you for that solution. /spit

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Congrats, now you just made it trivially easy to sell key carries.

Nice, now if somebody is underperforming we can kick them, pause the timer and get a better replacement.

Thanks bro!

Honestly not to sure what they can do other than dock points or give them a deserter debuff.

Best thing would be for them to make mythic+ queue-able and if you use the queue, you get a deserter debuff for leaving. If you form your group the traditional way, it stays as is now.

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Which isn’t a bad idea.

But it runs into mechanical flaws.

IE. Group is missing crucial buffs because the random queue put together a prot warrior - rogue - warlock - priest and a pally.

No lust.

What happens when the lottery fails you before the dungeon even gets going?

Blizz can easily put requirements in to cover the buffs, I’d say at a minimum make sure you have a lust class, but I’ve done plenty of keys in the 15ish range without a lust or brez and have timed just fine.

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