Thank God Blizzard doesn't listen to this Community

Where did they say anything about this one?

LOL yeah i love this… People like Zipzo who are anti RDF will say

“Well thats on you for not communicating and being anti-social to your group”

But i thought the purpose of LFG was how amazing the group comms are and how amazing everyone is to each other

Assuming they listen to the anti-rdf crowd (aka the 10% of players)

They are either going to remove it, put a cost each time to change, limit how much you can use it (per day, week, month), or force you to do some menial task like farm something, accomplish something, just to swap specs each time.

neither trolling or a booster. LFD is a “qol” we simply don’t need.

But there is currently no blue post saying that they are planning to limit dual spec?

Idk, personally i am incredibly sick of the endless spam, the endless HR’s, paying for tanks / healers, being declined simply because of my class, or being penalized because i play on a small server and being forced to play on a mega server.

Did i miss any?


Good, when they revert their decision you can just not use it.

doesn’t work that way.

Sure it does.

Faction transfer caused this not race necessarily but yes. Allowing players the ability to race/faction transfer when you’ve made massive changes to said factions/races however, might be a good thing to do. Players may see the changes and now prefer a different playstyle, or maybe they prefer a new expansion’s faction city etc.

The issue is that they never planned for the imbalance. They need to set limitations period. Using dynamic balancing incentives in addition wouldn’t hurt either. IDK why this is taking them so long. You don’t have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, just set the right freaking temperature.

Not only that, but cross-server queues meant people got way nastier. Almost IMMEDIATELY, like within one week of implementation this was obvious in LFD. LFD = bad, better group finding TOOLS to help players find other like-minded players = good.

It would be even better if they used immersive tools that do things like require you to meet in a particular place in the city that relates to your chosen content or something like that (e.g. put a bulletin board in Dalaran Sewers that allows you to place a looking for arena team ad which links to your current ratings and achivements etc. to even search for players when you’re offline).

A nice idea but unrealistic. If your raid tells you to resspec from PvP to PvE, you’re probably just going to do it. A better solution would be the ability to save talent “profiles” at your class trainer which you can resspec between when visiting cities and paying a small gold sink fee to give it some amount of meaning. This way you can build 6 (3 specs x 2 one for PvP one for PvE), or maybe even 10 profiles that can reactivate the bar setup you want instantly. This way there’s still a reason to visit class trainers and a cost associated with it to help funnel gold out of the economy. People who play more than two specs would also be able to carryover the same bar copying system to any profile they want as opposed to having a two-spec arbitrary limitation.

Not everything can be perfectly immersive, in some cases we need to compromise because this is a video game and if you require people to use addons or just “deal with” the fact that their bars don’t copy over when resspeccing every time then they may just quit the game to avoid it at all, the same way I give up on returning to Skyrim or Fallout because of how often mods and the modding systems meta changes.

Fun fact. If you take security exams for IT…if you get a question about which is more secure to transmit a document and fax is an answer…it could be the the correct answer for sending PII stuff.

so its still in IT exams.

If other answers are like sending it in email no encryption…the answer is fax.

Now the funny thing is…you can tap to intercept a POTS (plain old telephone system) line real easy. But the answer will be fax all the same.

It was their original plan to create limitations for it.

but how do you know this? is there a source?

I’m sure if you dug deep enough into Brian’s tweet history, it’s there.

They said they were looking at doing it, but so far seem to have not.

I mean at this point it makes a lot more sense for us to say you can just deal with not using it because…well, you can’t.

They originally came out and said that they were thinking about putting limitations on dual spec.

They decided not to.

It’s not set in stone LFD isn’t going to be in Wrath, at any point.

Blizzard listening to a vocal minority of players has always been a negative - look at flight.

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It’s about as set-in-stone as something can be for a future release. It was a key part of the announcement presentation.

I’d also argue we are not the “vocal minority”.

A “vocal minority” didn’t bully Blizzard in to making that change. They made it because they see the logic in it and believe it to be a superior route as a dev team.

If anything we could very well be the “quiet majority”, given Blizzard directly stated they’ve seen the numbers to support their decision, everyone is just assuming without any contest that they must be lying :man_shrugging:

Yeah, like the dance studio.

Well, you are.

Blizzard taking a position from a vocal minority of players - that is generally unpopular - in order to either make development easier (flight), or to make more money (sell boosts), isn’t unheard of.

Conveniently they’ve seen it but never posted any proof.

I trust Blizzard as much as they pay me to - not at all.

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Bro. I work in healthcare… the fact fax machines are still allowed for medical documentation is hilarious. The endless faxes that get sent to the wrong place is hilarious. Endless faxes with personal medical information.

What you said sounds like dated info to me tbh.

Faxes are the absolute worst.