Thaddius jump - rogue

So I fell on the Thaddius jump yesterday (how embarrassing). I have heard that as a rogue, you can just sprint and fall off the platform to reach Thaddius. Is this still the case? I hate to fall again next week.


Yep, Sprint works. Aspect of the Pack for Hunters can also help anyone in range easily make the jump, as can alchemy run speed potions. Casting Levitate for Priests as they jump (since you can’t jump while already under Levitate effect) works great. So does Slow Fall for Mages (which they can cast on anyone prior to the jump).

I wonder why Blizz ever designed that room that way. Seems like they could have just had a ramp there.

I often just trigger my cloak parachute just in case though.

You should be eng.

Nitro Boots off, ez.

Lol it is clearly intentional to really obviously point out the people who screwed it up.

I think that even missing the jump, with spring you get to the other side. With the Nitro boots for sure you dont need to jump.

I know with a 30% speed boost you don’t have to jump, but rather you can just run successfully over the gap, and with a 15% speed boost that doesn’t work.

I usually disengage down and try to pre set traps, i missed the angle once, and with nitro boots and cheetah i made it back up and over before the first polarity shift. So it is definatly easier to recover from it with engineering.

yeah sprint or rocket boots, use parachute cloak if you are really bad

You don’t have to jump with levitate. You can literally just walk right off

If you’re doing any type of raiding, casual or hardcore, in wrath without engi boots/gloves you are literally trolling yourself and your raid.

It’s a requirement. Not up for debate.

Go grab engineering and you should start to see immediate improvements in your gameplay.

Imagine not pressing space bar right.

Your raid didn’t need you there anyway, as long as the good hunter made the jump you can just sit back and be carried as usual.

Makes sure you can focus under a tight time constraint.

Naxx 25 could likely be 10 manned for most fights so sure, they didnt need me. But you seem dead set on this mindset of somehow i am being carried.

You average a 60 parse the other hunter in your SAME raid averages almost a 90 parse.

2 people of the same spec in the same raid are 30% parse difference, you are for sure getting carried.

You rank 37th in dps in your guild.

Even if you say your guild has more than 1 raid team there is no shot 2 DPS classes of the same class/spec on the SAME raid team are that far apart, he averages almost a whole 30 parse higher than you. He’s literally parsing 50% better than you and youre in the same raid team.

Carried 100%

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