Terrible New Player Experience

The definition of grinding is “oppressive, tedious, and seemingly without end”. I did this grind back in legion and it honestly was not that bad. I did my daily quests then went on to do M+, Raiding, Weekly, etc. Got it withing the same time. AR are not official races like Orcs, Undead, Tauren, Trolls, etc. They are the same as gear, mounts, gold and whatever you work towards.

I actually agree with the OP. I am all for unlockable stuff, but unlockable time gated races just feelsbadman.

This is exactly the reason I’m boycotting Allied Races. The only ones I have unlocked (Mag’Har and Zandalari) are purely by chance since I reached exalted with them eventually without trying. Even then I don’t use them purely out of spite for the way Allied Races have been setup.

When Allied Races were first announced, I was so excited to try out Void Elves. Even considered changing my faction when I discovered they were Alliance only. Then I learned about the rep grind and decided my time is too valuable.

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Correct, but they see this as a feature (for them), not a fault.

Why would they let you grind this stuff out in a week, on your own schedule…
… when they could make you log in every day for two-four weeks, never missing a day for fear of losing out on their time-gates content?

This is the crux of the issue for me. I believe its okay to gate some races, or new classes or anything shiney and new and special behind in game content… HOWEVER, that content should not be time gated in any way (-nor should any of your progress be more dependent on RNG than commitment for that matter)!

I understand your frustration, I really do. But maybe you can alleviate some of it by setting more than just this one goal to keep you occupied? Find something else to work towards, like mounts or transmogs. Maybe get into Pet Battles(it is the bonus week for it :smiley: ). Work on achievements. Just a few suggestions :slight_smile:

Well, … actually … you are able to play the game how you want. Blizzard isn’t stopping you nor is anyone else. But … if you want something that is locked behind a requirement, then you will either work for it or go on playing the game how you want.

You think thats bad…they actually expect you to go grind out pathfinder for flight in OLD content.
Yeah. Seriously not interested. Eventually this kinda crap will run me into the arms of ESO

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Dear Noobie welcome to Warcraft. You must be a noobie since, well by the end of Legion (the expansion just prior to this), you would have had exalted.

Now I have been told that the things I complain about are meaningless vanity goals and that they should be extraordinarily difficult. Unlike yourself, I do not have the promise of obtaining something at the completion of required tasks. I have a 0.3% chance.

As far as reputations are concerned, well if you gain 100 of them then you too can brag to have absolutely no life and a really cool mount that I have only ever seen one person with. So, making your endeavor to be able to play a race without work that the majority of other people have put forth the time seems pretty selfish. Doesn’t it?

So enlighten me, how would you compensate all those people that put forth a modicum of work to get such a vanity detail to play? The dedicated players what have been paying their months subscription for years and have ground out each and every rep. What would you say to them? Please? SMH.

You will appreciate the work you put in and gain a sense of satisfaction that you did it, or maybe, just maybe Blizz will turn it into a pay to win and you can just buy it for cash.

Nightfallen Emissary today.

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I have 99 exalted reps and all of the allied races in this game. I generally don’t mind rep grinds, but I agree with you 100%. It is absolutely ridiculous to lock new races behind rep grinds. Blizzard need to remove that ASAP.

Keep special mounts, gear, etc locked behind reputation, not races.


Apparently playing for at least two years still counts as a “new player”.

You played for atleast two years if you couldn’t have worked out nightfallen rep by now I dunno know what to say.

It is and it isn’t, I love Dark Iron Dwarves don’t get me wrong, but now I am looking at the next grind so although I have unlocked Void Elves, Lightforged Draenai, and Dark Iron Dwarves I can’t enjoy them cause I still have Kul Tiran Humans, Mechagnomes (when they come out), and all the horde allied races to unlock. Not to mention BFA farming x.x hard to enjoy myself when I have to grind so much. I will deal but I will probably have to take breaks and just level allied races I have unlocked to avoid going insane xD.

Strange how I logged in for the 2017 anniversary and not the 2018 one.
Yeah, 2 years of gameplay and 295 achievement points.
You got me.

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Those points are earned by that level 55. You obviously have at least a 110. And you started playing no less than two years ago.

You made this thread complaining that you are a new player who wants to play a Nightborn, but you think it’s unfair that you have to “grind” the rep to open the race.

I think you’re a whiner who just wants stuff handed to them.

Never once did I whine about grinding. Maybe Re-read the thread.

I have gotten 3 Allied Races, Void Elves, Lightforged, and Dark Iron. I plan to work on Kul Tiran and flying at around the same time. Personally I am not a huge fan of the rep grind if only due to the fact that the rep seems to be drip fed to you very slowly. It makes it feel painful to get, and it just seems like I would have a better experience waiting another year or so to get the ones I want than doing it now. I love druids, and the Kul Tiran and Zandalari Troll Druid forms are amazing, and I really want to unlock them, but it does feel like more of a chore than it should.


Excuse me. My mistake. The OP very much looks like a whine about having to earn the rep. But I did reread it from a different angle, and I see now that your main point is that the rep takes so long to earn. Perhaps your title should have focused more on that aspect. I agree that there should be more ways to earn rep.

However, if all you’ve done is world quests and NOT the wretched training or the class hall rep missions or some of the other things that reward Nightborn rep (it’s been so long I don’t remember all of it), then perhaps the reason it’s taken so long isn’t entirely Blizzard’s fault.

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New Player and Allied Race doesn’t go together.