Terrible New Player Experience

I’ve been wanting to play a Nightborne Warlock for 2 weeks now, I’ve spent probably about Five 12 hour days of my days off work grinding nightfallen rep, I’ve completed every story quest, every side quest, I have every achievement related to suramar, and I’m still 12K Rep away from exalted. The only thing I’m allowed to do is farm daily world quests, which I did today and only offered me 3K rep.

So essentially I have to wait another 3 days just to start playing the class/race I want to be playing. So rather than logging in and blizzard letting me play the actual game, I have to log in, do daily world quests, and then log out and play some other game. (league of legends).

I’m all for rare content and content you have to work for. But Rep? Why on earth would you make it this difficult to level up something as pointless as reputation. Nobody is going to walk up to me and say “oh wow, you unlocked the nightborne!” This is absurd. You are blocking your own player base from playing the game and this is not good for the longevity of a game. Just my 2 cents.


Huge time waster. The side quests contribute nothing to the main campaign and have nothing to do with anything, nor do they give any reputation. You shot yourself in the foot here.

Additionally, ensure you do Insurrection if you haven’t. That’s a lot of reputation. Can’t remember if Insurrection was required or not for the Nightborne.


and then it’ll get worse if you get them unlocked and you don’t like the way they cast or walk.

That happened to me with the Nightborne >_>


I’ve completed Insurrection.

I was just trying to find something to do, so i did all the side quests.
I’m sitting here on my day off and I can’t play the game I wanted to play.


Well there ya go. Like I said, doing the side quests is bad juju. Now you know. Take it slow, putz around, do your WQ’s where you can and if you wanna help yourself, make sure you level up your followers at your mission table. Lots of rep tokens from there.


Back in Legion, I remember just… waiting for emissaries to pop up now and then to bother grinding rep for it. It really helped my sanity with the grind.


You should do the Withered scenario too.


blizzard has said that the allied races are more of a reward to players who have been playing the game, than rewards for new players. that’s one of the reasons they start at a slightly higher level (level 20).

they have also gone on record saying they don’t have plans to change the unlocking requirements for them, yet they have made them much easier.

even without the allied races you still have 7 races on each side you can choose from


K, and I don’t want to play those races.
I want to play a nightborne warlock.

Why is it blizzard’s business to tell me what I can and cannot play, because I’m new? They give every new player a level 110 token for purchasing the latest expansion. The starting level of a race is irrelevant.


Because it’s their game and they designed it a certain way, and that’s how things are. Also how are you a new player?


Cause some selfish players want you top work as hard as they did. If you buy that line by them. I have a bridge to sell you. The only real reason is they want you to play longer.


As a Nightborne Warlock let me tell you, it’s not worth the grind.


because it’s their game. and just because they give you a free 110 boost for new accounts doesn’t mean you know how to play the character you boosted, so yeah starting level is in fact relevant


It’s not making me play longer. It’s making me play other games entirely.


On one hand, I think it’s ok to have to play the game to unlock things. It’s an mmorpg (sort of), after all.

On the other hand, the increasing layers of rng and grinding required feel more and more like Activision just milking this cow dry before they find another franchise they can run into the ground.

It is what it is, I guess. Play as long as you can find enjoyable things to do. Find another game if it feels too much like a chore. The game’s direction won’t be changing any time soon.


yup. agree

IIRC the last time I did this (for one of my kids) I got the bulk of it done in a weekend. I just had to wait a couple of days worth of WQs to get me to the finish line.

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AR’s should have just been a questline. Nobody needed to farm Exodar rep to get regular Draenei’s when they were launched. Of course it’s different, but I’d much have rather started at lvl 1 than to farm exalted to start at lvl 20 for my alts.


WoW has a lot of issues that stop it from appealing to new players in general, and frankly, the game’s just boring.

Compared to other games of the same genre, or other games on the market, WoW is just boring. The leveling is uninspired and doesn’t matter, the story is so incoherent if you don’t have outside knowledge you hardly know whats going on.


As long as players keep clamoring all expansion long to play that cute/fun race they encountered as NPCs along their quest lines, Blizzard will keep taking the easy way out and adding Allied Races.

It’s far easier to reskin an existing model and slightly elaborate an already established NPC storyline for your character, than having to create an entirely new race and storyline (like originally added races pre-Legion).

So ultimately, you can blame players for the neverending Allied Races instead of races that start at level 1 and we get with the expansion itself.

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