Terrible New Player Experience

My issue isn’t grinding for the rep.

My issue is not being able to gain the full rep by completing the story missions.
I did all that, and the side quests. And still do not have enough rep.

My complaint is that I am required to finish my rep by doing world quests that are locked behind dailies, creating an artificial time barrier for absolutely no reason whatsoever


Omigosh… Three whole days?


Some of us have jobs and other obligations. If i have a day off I’d like to be able to play unrestricted.

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Hey, I was unlocking highmountains and yes, it SUCKS!!!
The only advices I could give you are:
get 10% bonus from events
do invasion quests for extra rep
In two weeks(?) there will be world quest week +50% bonus reputation from WQ

DO mission tables!!! Aim always for 200%, you get nightfallen tokens and then consumable that has a chance of giving you I think 750 Nightfallen rep or 1500 any other rep…

Do emisarries and do Kirin Tor emisarry for 750 token.

And do quest chains as they unlock while you are increasing your reverted reputation.

It’s been that way for quite a while. It’s not going to change.

I would assume the overwhelming majority of us have jobs. Not sure that has any bearing on your issue.

If you want to unlock the race, you need to put forth the effort required. If you don’t feel the reward justifies the effort, well, there are plenty of other races to choose from.


The point youre missing is you logged in. Its their time played metric in action.
These rep grinds are gonna be the death of their game. The new races shoulda been a lot less boring and tedious. Being friendly shoulda been enough to unlock.

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WHy I say 120 and then go back. I can dig limited game time. have that issue myself most times.

Just steam roll this crap as a godlike 120. then smash the dungeon (this goes real fast normal if like 380+ gear). Some rep there. Not omfg great but its rep. I wished we had tabards for more but we got what we got here really.

this can get legion runs to 20 minutes or less assuming no flying (argus….sigh) for 1 zone no dungeons. Flying? this cleans up faster.

Dungeons can vary. trash/no trash a player choice. Me I spammed DH for this so I found lots of ways to skip trash to go straight boss kills for rep.

I did all the questlines (hitting World Quests only if I happened to be in the area), a couple withered training, and I think one emissary and I was exalted before I actually finished Insurrection.

Also, the Kiran Tor emissary will give you a hefty token for a rep of your choice as well.

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would be nice.

tabards for legion and bfa with the rep bonus. I’ve worked for many things needing rep with these tabards. I ain’t scared to rep grind. Its just real nice when you have the tools for that job.

MoP has at least things like that double rep bonus upgrade on some vendors. You have to wait till revered iirc but…at least made exalted run easier. I didn’t mind my dailies to get my drake mounts. They gave good rep, and for the last leg I had that double up bonus.

Exalted run went real nice. 450 rep now 900 with bonus? thank you oh panda quest giver, I take back every bad thing I said about you and your kind lol.

BFA goes yeah…we have something better. 75 rep. Say thank you for our graciousness here.

How about no. could you do 200?

Nope 75.

How about 150.

We said 75…

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Just finished my Zandalari grind, I also only recently came back to BFA and only really wanted to make a Zandalari druid. It makes for a weird scenario where you are forced to play a class/race you don’t want too in order to play what you want. Not sure I get the design logic. Its even worse for the 120 races, because I have to play through ALL of BFA in order to make my new character…so I can play through all of BFA again.

Having unlocked several allied races, it really does not feel rewarding. I can understand needing to go through their zones quests, that makes sense - to see the entire races story. The exalted grind is really annoying and not enjoyable, especially when you are hamstrung for rep by world quests - there is nothing you can do to “grind” it out.

I think Blizzard goal with the system is people will play their main, unlock the allied race and pay for a race change, more $$$ for Blizz. I expect we will see more allied races in the next expac, I have no doubts Blizzard saw an increase in paid races changes, which is what drives their decisions.

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the player base ( not all of us by the way) but some of us have been telling them this for the longest time but the current devs don’t care and are out of touch with the players and sadly things aren’t going to change muchif at all. Maybe in 2 xpacs the allied races wont be gated behind stupid rep grinds( if you have done any pathfinder achieves you’re already sick and tired of the forced rep grinds anyways)

you shoulda seen what alliance players had to go thru for void elf unlock. we had to do all the same rep grinds you are doing, plus another 2 months on argus. i’m not kidding.

Part of the appeal of the race is the exclusivity. If you had played while the game was introducing each race it would be much easier.

It’s complaints like this that got things like LFR.

Absolutely. If I was a new player and I saw locked races, I would quit the game right then and there. Blows my mind that people defend this.


It would give me a goal and something to do in game. I guess I get games to play them.



the space goats had more rep chances so you had them done days sooner. Plus the story is more about the army of light so…quest rep helped them out.

Now the weekly quests were nice. Except for being, you know…weekly.

Hey Illidan, you hate demons right?

Like you have to ask…

so I just did your weekly fight the demonic rifts quest. Can we have this say 2,3 more times a week. Since, you know, you hate demons so much?

No…you are not prepa…oh wait you are 120 and 340 ilevel. Because the devs say I don’t hate the demons that much.

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Apparently you get games to grind rep on throwaway characters so that you can play the character you actually want. Some of us have higher standards than that.


fun times that. My VE hunter has became the main really for alliance (on Cael anyway). Azerite, essense…yeah. Only can pick the one since I am not that masochistic. And the VE hunter is more flexible. Plus…void tentacles, need I say more lol.

Haven’t thrown this char out yet but yeah…her reasons to exist are/were potions and she unlocked allied races.

Doesn’t sound like you enjoy MMO gameplay.