Terrible Customer Support on Weekly Resets Not Working

Opened a ticket for my character not having the weekly quests reset on Tuesday after logging in. No option for resolution was given and responsibility was completely shirked for the issue. Can you please communicate on a fix for this? Maybe in future weeks at least so I can login to my main character first after resets? This problem is affecting a ton of people obviously and complete radio silence from anyone on a resolution for the current week OR future weeks is completely disrespectful of your customer-base.

I would prefer a resolution, obviously, but at least acknowledge the issue and tell us what is being done to fix it this week or in future lockouts. I should not have to tell you this.


They have, they are aware, and currently investigating.


That’s great, would be nice if the ticket I put in had been responded to with anything substantive that would lead me to find that post. My experience was putting in a ticket for my issue and getting a non-response with deadend links and no explanation of the problem or work to resolve it.

I still see this as a failing of customer support.


Game Masters doesn’t pay attention to the forums, so they won’t be able to know if there is a thread. Usually helps at looking at the bug report forums incase it has been reported too.

As Vrakthris has mentioned:


GM’s don’t only just work on WoW, they work across all of Blizzard’s game. The GM that responded to your ticket might not have known yet that there was a known issue and if there had been a statement made on the forums.

I’d be surprised to find any GM’s who know everything about all the games, and all the issues known and emerging.


its ok next week will be 3rd week in a wow of stuff not resetting correctly


And this is not something that Customer Support can fix. This is based on the development getting to the source of the problem, and fixing the issue.


There is now a support article on this:

My question is are we being compensated? Some of us have been affected for multiple weeks. Is the end story here too bad so sad?

That will be a developer decision, maybe they’ll announce one later.


The article states that the issue has been fixed

The post right above you confirms they’ve fixed the issue. It does not mention anything about compensation for those of us impacted.


They don’t always give compensation, more so when random items/stats, etc.

Especially if it’s recurring content.

“You can grind out your own catch-up” has been a response before in situations like this.

This is exactly the truth.

GMs can only use logs to grant what has been awarded by the game. They can’t grant things that did not happen, even if the quests were not done as a result of a bug.

If any catch up mechanism is done, it would be a Developer Decision to implement something in game for impacted people, or for everyone.

Repeatable content they usually don’t, but considering this is the start of the 1st Season on a new expansion and people are gearing for raid, you never know. It matters a bit more right now than average.

We shall just have to wait and see what the Developers decide to do.


I understand that this is a difficult situation for the devs. It’d be challenging to identify who is affected by this bug, and resetting everyone’s weeklies would be an extreme step that would accelerate gearing for many people beyond what the devs are planning. But as one of the people who has been affected by this for multiple weeks, this really sucks.

It’s demoralizing and demotivating to know that you’re not able to earn at the rate that everyone else is. I’m honestly struggling to imagine a fix here that makes things right, but I can say that this is the sort of bug that steals my love for the game. I’ve been working hard on this toon and am geared enough to perform at the level of content that I’m able to play at, but that doesn’t make this feel any better.


Does anyone know if it’s just the Azj-kahet that did not reset? I gave no quests in Azj’kahet since the weekly reset. Thanks.

Well said Keifu. It is a very frustrating and demotivatign experience to be hit with this kind of bug esp at this time in the expansion.

I agree with you, I don’t know how the Devs would resolve it in a way that was not extreme on the other side.

Head down there and pick up your Pact for the week. That got my quests showing. I think I had some sort of indicator somewhere telling me to do that, but I don’t remember where. After that I was able to do the weekly/rotational quests.


I think everyone understands how frustrating it is for those affected. There’s no shortage of empathy, but unfortunately, it’s generally never been the policy to award anything that might’ve happened. That’s not to say it will definitely be the same way this time, but it’s the most likely possibility.

In the end, this is really something you will have to deal with. If it causes you to leave the game, that’s unfortunate, but that would be your choice as a consumer.

In the grand scheme of things, it’s two weeks out of how many (90? 100?) weeks out of this expansion. Even if you do stay that week or two “behind”, it won’t matter anymore when the next content patch hits in a couple months. I know that’s not ideal or even very acceptable, but it’s just the nature of it all right now.


After you finish the storyline and Sojourner, Azj’kahet will show nothing until you accept your weekly pact. Then everything will appear.

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Thanks ya’ll.

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