Terenas Alliance Reconnections

Emneri, Human Priest
Stehlen Life from MC to mid AQ40
I don’t intend to play classic, but was curious to see who all from SL, TC, and BoV are still around. I have Alcasar/Nebuchadnezer from TC on Facebook but haven’t talked to him in years. Lost contact with basically everyone else.

I see Ston lurking around, and then those of you from SL. Curious to see if the other long time SL people show up like Rala, Vida, DIseased, Driz, Volden, Vyla, Holos and his kids, etc.

Last edit I promise. Here’s some more nostalgia for the OG folks, the server first rag kill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_c0i46vQfQ


Stonnnnnn. Love you.

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SOLM!!! me and Xolie were wondering where you were :smiley:

Dwarf Priest Xoliewoar and Paladin Bufferzone -
PD, cant remember how to spell it out lol
Formed Thats How We Roll later in the game

Playing on Faerlina, pvp server.

What up Bee, Miss you and Og.

To everyone else, I do not think i joined this server till BC/WotLK, but if you ran ICC i am sure we bumped on the meters. I played:

Mefious - Pally
ToysRUs - Druid
Trefious - Hunter
Defious - Warrior
SpamHealin - Priest

That’s a name I remember! How are ya? Man, this is just bringing back memories, holy cow.

Name: Jorahn
Race/Class: Human rogue
Guild: Royal Inner Circle
I didn’t start playing until 2006 when I joined my very first guild, RIC. Our GM’s toon name was Geaux. Became good friends with a guy whose toon’s name was Sorasama. I eventually left and joined Politically Incorrect when things went bleak. Would be exciting to start over with the same awesome guild and people. Wish I could just rewind time instead.

Anyone else find this funny coming from Ston?

It was deliberate!

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Wheres the fun in that, no constant threat of possibly being killed lol.

Hey, trin! Long time no see!

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Got old and grumpy. Am no longer the high school/college kid that can raid 5 days a week and push for those “firsts”. After Mists I just play on and off for PvP and maybe M+ from time to time. I wish I could commit to playing classic with everyone coming out of the woodwork just to see how everyone grew up, considering a lot of us were immature kids/“young adults” back then. Or maybe I’m just talking about myself… haha.

But yeah it’s definitely a blast from the past having so many memories come flooding back. Buffhilda (was that his name? Buff-something) getting his hand of rag, alcasar getting his thunderfury, the late nights sitting outside the WSG queue areas, all the green dragon drama, and those are just the high points I can remember… Good times.

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:slight_smile: miss the old days. Can’t wait for classic!


<—Not the real Holyfate reporting in for Holyfate.

Magee-POM Pyro Mage

Looking for:

I cant remember the name of the guild but it was around 2005-2007 and we cleared MC-ONY-Some BWL-ZG-and AQ 20.

I am going to be on Whitemane-Horde
I will be probably using the name Magee-Korialstras-Garonahalfor-Tyrathankhor
you can also add my battle tag garonahalforc#1418

Hope I hear from you guys.

For sure! Hey man :slight_smile:

I quit for years and have been trying to get back into it the last week because I always wanted to play a DH but its not as fun with all the extra stuff. Vanilla was time consuming enough without garrisons and 100 different factions.

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Casualdeath - Gnome Rogue
I don’t remember very well what was the names of my guilds, I think it goes likes this: Fragfest alliance, Vanis (my rogue was going to have thunderfury after Dawson(?)) and I believe it was with a guild called Revelation or Vision that I killed bosses in AQ40 and Naxx. I never said a word on any voice channel as I was extremely scared of how my 14 y/o voice would sound from your perspectives.
I remember playing with a druid Karolynn, Husband & wife Cataclysm/hatefury and soulfire (or soalfire?), I think we ran some dongeon heroics with a paladin named Legendz that I have seen players mention in earlier posts. I remember doing stuff with Edwardgreat too but I don’t remember when/where.
Oh, and the most badass warrior that I had seen on the alliance, Deeohdoubleg!

For the players from hitmen, my father Camboman still plays under the name mickdagger/camboman on zul’jin Horde, everytime our conversations are about wow, he mentions you guys everytime.

killing kings Guild, “Live Like A King… A Killing King”

Looker, Male Dwarf, Hunter
Phoenixblaze, Female Human, Warrior
Ardreynne, Male Elf, Rogue
(Looking for Classic Guildies)

This thread inspired me to subscribe for classic.

See you around :wink: