Terenas Alliance Reconnections

Wow, lots of memories.

Cellennos, NE druid with ONV right after launch up to Lich King somewhere. Going Horde on Herod for some Molten D=Core goodness.

Hey everyone, looking at finding people from olden times for Classic.

Abbanjr - Gnome Rogue just as I still am.

Guilds: Stehlen Life, little EK, little OnV

One of the OG rogues of the server.
Would be cool to reconnect. Kesher#11723 on bnet or Kesher#6302 on Discord.

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Fizzlewizzle NE rogue
Shazzamy NE Priest

Used to be in a guild named Wrath of Aries, they left the server and I landed with Gamblers… i struggle to remember character names, but seeing the posts made me smile :slight_smile:

I had a NE Rogue named Trixxe. Last guild I remember being in back in Vanilla was Fragfest Alliance. Would be great to catch up with some old friends I used to play with! BT Trixxe #1701

OMG bobblehead. Its budders man, wish we could get Gamblers back together. I still talk to Peril and Hoops all the time. What server is everyone going to be on?

Ah ok. I don’t think I’m in for open world PvP. BGs are fine from time to time but getting ganked while collecting boar butthole chunks is nty. I’ll collect my chunks in peace.

Ha! I played in OSF. Good times on Teamspeak. I quit playing right when the first expansion came out.

Odjur - Night Elf Hunter
BigSmashy - Dwarf Priest
MiracleBlade - Human Rogue

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Omg Knights of Doom!!

I played Eiddileg, dwarf hunter, sibling is/was Lottius, gnome rogue


Dagarian still have the toon name just moved him around a lot Eternal Glory and a few other I was in I think

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CHIBI!!! there is an imposter in the current GDD using Chibi in all his names lol

I have been trying to get ahold of Vigile in RL but he aint been responsive since he got married a few years ago.

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Hahaha, you still running with the gnome tank in RL? we did have some fun MC runs back in the day.

Hey! I do remember your character.

How has RL been?

I have made Characters on 3 realms (Normal) in anticipation of returning to the world we once knew. So Thus far i haven’t decided which Realm will be my deep dive into yet. I took Atiesh, Mankrik, and Remulos.

My playtime currently stands early morning MST midnight-4:30, 6:00-8:00am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday. remaining days of week vary depending on workload. So if that works somewhat with your playtime we can try to figure something out server wise and with any luck more will pass through this forum between now and launch and get in touch.

I’ve been at work, probably the last few weeks, just living in that nostalgic glory with co-workers. I work in engineering, so of course just about everyone around me is super into gaming and played WoW a ton. Sharing stories and reliving our glory days like a bunch of geezers at McDonalds at 6am. I look back at my days on Terenas with such great joy. When we transferred servers, it was a sad day, but of course it had to be done for our raiding progression. But, wow did we have some good times and some good drama on our little PvE slice of heaven. All this classic talk sure has me hyped, will it live up to the hype? Lol, we’ll see, but it’s going to be about the people and connections that are made that truly make this all worth it.

Hey there,

I can’t recall Eiddileg, however that could be my memory failing me, but Lottius may have had more interaction with as i was one of our class leaders back when we were making the way into and through MC. however with 300 guild members? (I think that was the cap back then) and the number of years we have put on since then if you recall my character then it is totally my failed memory!

I put my possible play schedule up and if that fits in with your timeline then perhaps we will end up getting together, with hopefully more by release

Hey Thanks Sefroth,

I never had any straight up contact info for Vigile, however becoming a member of the married crowd myself 8 years ago i realize some activities become less important in the grand scheme of day to day life. Happy to hear he is married if you happen to send him a message down the road please send him a well wishes from Shalo, as we did have some good, deep conversations back in the day.

Grumpy =), battletag is Grumpyrandle#1327.

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Here to spam fear fools =) (grumpy)

Grumpyrandle - Gnome Warlock
Hitmen - Gamblers - Offtime
Battletag - Grumpyrandle#1327
Still the same bastard =).

She’s definitely gonna play, though we’ll see how much. Someone swiped her name though, so she’ll be Amberlee on Pagle. I’m not going to be a Hunter though… I kinda got soured on Hunters on towards the end of Vanilla and haven’t enjoyed them since. I’ll be a druid, Tathais.

Yea, MC was a ton of fun. I’d like to do it again, but I’m not sure if it’s feasible haha. Raiding (normal/heroic) in the modern game is still a lot of fun and I have a two day per week schedule that is a really good fit for me for raiding.

We’ll see what happens though :smiley: