Terenas Alliance Reconnections

But undead? no no no you’re a short ugly midget.

Greetings, travelers :slight_smile:


Hey there :sunglasses:

How long do you all think it’ll take for ISOLATOR to show up in this thread? It has been many years but every now and again I’ll remember him posting his crazy on our realm forums. HAT HAT HAT BUILD HOUSE ON HEAD!


Haha, now that brings back some funny memories.

Drath here. Remember you from the golden days

Dwarf priest

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true story. MC days with superkai / jhoe / bigbubbles . Duels outside Ony with that SL/SL build

I remember seeing that guild!

This guy got me addicted to vanilla

Solmyr add me Destromis#1995

Hiya Ed coming back for Classic?

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I remember Invictus and a loud Tauren hunter who led the Horde in AV - forgot his name

was there a guild before Ascensum…?

Thunderstone (Dwarf hunter)
Father was Teuffelhound (Human warrior)
The guild that I remember was the
Ancient Lords

people that I remember
Saveyourself (Night Elf Priest)

if you know something about the old guild or someone I might know please message :slight_smile:

Hi. Long time no see. Not sure if I am going to play Classic. I probably would if enough of the old gang rejoined. If so I would prefer to play on Remulos (Oc).


Prator Human Mage

Knights of Doom

That was Smashdaddy right?

I never hit 60 in classic, but did end up doing 49 WSG ALOT(hordeside). Saw some of the server legends roaming around - main memory is of Megapuppy messing around in org all the time.

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I remember you giving me (Furiah) the hardest time about how warriors were only for tanking and how I should respec prot in my first MC run because warriors sucked at DPS. Funny how little we knew back then.

Not sure who remembers me, but I definitely remember a bunch of you in this thread.

I raided with Gamblers on my mage Gizel. Most just called me Jizzum on vent, still trying to figure out why 14 years later.

Can’t believe bobblehead is still kicking around.
Other names I remember from gamblers:
Dimon (NE priest. Dude would melee raid bosses with his staff. A real hero)
Furiah - your name sounds familiar, were you a fury spec warrior? I think I still remember the raid you got the brutality blade from Garr.

Closer to the tail end of vanilla I was raiding with another guild - but I can’t remember the name. Pretty sure I was the mage class officer. I think the GM was the son of a raider from another guild and a rogue.

Probably gonna roll one a PvP server, not sure which yet.

Yeah I played a fury warrior. The only weapon in vanilla I never got that I wanted so mf bad was Maladath. I was actually bummed when I got my second Ripper from AQ40 because I still wanted that damn sword so bad lol.