Tendies back on the cash shop!

The tenders may or may not be delayed/bugged from the bundle.

I bought it and was told I received the Tenders, but they’re not in my log, at the TP, or in the chest. I have relogged multiple times and nothing has changed. I still have the same amount of Tenders I had yesterday.

Blizz interns must be on extended lunch break. Or Wowhead posted too early, because there’s still no official announcement of these bundles.

I’ve noticed that in the past when there’s new bundles, wowhead posts about them hours ahead of Blizzard dropping a blue post.

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Selling the good colors… Big sad.

Celebrate in this thread and then clutch pearls in one of the other threads on this topic. Get the best of both worlds.


How about we just let folks farm tender at a de-accelerating pace. Or I dunno… Put tender purchase on the shop with a gacha roll. Current design sucks as much as those two but for different reasons.

Lol, my favorite is the pink one which ended up on VDay bosses and I got first run yesterday but I still wanna buy these ones because they are fabulous so when I get online I probably will. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


19 years coming this april 3rd lol

Appears the 15 milly re-emboldened this practice.

I’d say that I’m glad people are funding development but I know better. Funding the development of yachts maybe.


I might treat myself to that.

Haven’t bought myself a pixel treat in a very long while.


i say let us put tenders on the AH but then we get the. they are doing this to get us to buy tokens. threads which i find funny

I’d say any benefit to the gamer has been offset by normalizing the selling of games in increments under the guise of “content packs.” In general the box price has remained stable but I personally think the quantity of content has been cut back enough to compensate. Then they sell you the rest of the game in DLC packs.

So it kind of comes out in the wash. We were also talking $3 for a pair of horse armors compared to $90 for a brutosaur. I’d say things have blown up a bit in that regard.

Or in this case $30 for a pair of brooms. rofl

Must be a bug, I just bought the bundle and got my tenders immediately.

Looks to be that way.

Fully exiting out of the game and bnet fixed the issue.

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i wish they would just sell trader tender without bundles that could be purchased infinitely.

i would buy as much tender as possible to buy everything every month.

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Yeah, this. As long as everything is earnable in-game I have no issues with it.

I am surprised they decided to bundle Tender again, I thought they decided that was a bad idea. Guess they’re testing the waters again.

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Sort of my point, really. If you’re going to look so hard for a ‘loophole’ then break down and just offer them for sale, the mounts alone have worth to a lot of players.

Then a 4th dropping from the daily holiday dungeon

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I don’t plan to buy it until next check then if it’s buggy.