Tendies back on the cash shop!

It looks like fully exiting out of the game and the battle.net client fixes it.

Who cares, buy it or don’t. I mean seriously….

Every streaming service has demonstrated that it is YOU that are incorrect. They all have exactly the same business expenses as Daddy Blizz (servers and content) and they have all skyrocketed in price, over a shorter period. I for one am glad the shop exists, especially (as Mikoshi stated) since everything on the shop is actually available for in-game gold. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Our new overlords Microsoft are in it for the money. They will definitely be adding more cash shop shop items. The cadence seems to be picking up now as well with one after the other.

Johanna Faries needs to eat too. Phil Spencer collects yachts.

We need to take care of the less fortunate.

Even when you pay with in game gold, you are still giving a profit to WoW, err Microsoft

course the better color schemes are ont he shop. makes me sad. hoping better colors would come in future.

They did. The Future is now (on the shop).

I don’t mind the tenders only being sporadically available in store bundles like this. At the end of the day, the Tenders aren’t just to foster retention - they also encourage players to participate in world activities, seasonal events, and even (horror of horrors) PvP. If you just slapped them on the store as a repeatable purchase, people would have a lot less incentive to earn them by, you know, being out and about in the world (of warcraft.)

Oblivion horse armor came out almost 2 decades ago.

Now league of legends has $500 gotcha skins

I meant the tender shop ya know

The thing I hate most is how they outright lie and try to gaslight you in to thinking “well ackshually…”

Blizzard: Tender won’t be a shop item.
Also Blizzard: Well ACKSHUALLY it’s not a shop item since it’s “free” with something!

Blizzard: Classic won’t have character boosts.
Also Blizzard: Well ACKSHUALLY this isn’t classic, it’s TBC classic!

You get the idea.

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Well they’ve demonstrated time and time again they’re perfectly willing to throw their word and integrity out the window if it means a little extra money

Also it is really only 600? I thought it was 800. That’s not even worth it lol. Talk to me when it’s 1000+

I’m pretty happy with the Silvermoon styled broom for my Blood Elf Warlock

The other colors don’t interest me much, and I have enough Tenders built up.

I’m still waiting for the flying brutosaur with little tiny wings.

No, someone else bought the token with real money, I can state with confidence that I didn’t provide blizzard with money. Indirect responsibility is a slippery slope with only arbitrary ends of the responsibility chain.

I used in-game effort(gold accumulation), to get an in-game reward via a currency swap (gold to gold token).

That’s not how economics works… and I don’t have the fortitude to write it out and explain.

excuse me what?

Can we retire calling tenders ‘tendies’, it’s not even shorter,lol

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I wholeheartedly support them putting traders’ tenders on the shop permanently at a rate of 10 tenders for $1.

Unfortunately that stupid term got popularised by some youtubers and apparently a large portion of the playerbase are basically lemmings who will repeat whatever YouTuber they have a parasocial relationship with.