. ten characters

because your OP isn’t very clear - there is way too much fluff and not enough real facts

How are you determining what is fact and isn’t? Which part of my OP is fluff, according to your limited understanding of the api?

It wasn’t your comment. I’m not responding to OP, but to some side conversation here.

It was a back and forth between a tangential comment I posted and someone else’s reponse.

If you believe that this player is using exploits within the game then you should report it to Blizzard. GD can’t help you .

lol, without proof I can’t tell that’s the thing but all your ‘is this fair’ is fluff.

this is fluff and adds nothing

fluff again

fact or guess?

and actually here you claim botting

fluff again

Well, doh. You have zero information and haven’t been watching. So of course you aren’t seeing anything.

you are correct I have no information because OP didn’t provide any information - other than someone made a program that works really well. And appears to work similar to changes made in an addon everyone can access

The problem with your reply is that it’s not understanding what this players addon is doing. The discussion was never about if the other player, who is running their addon across dozens of characters throughout the day, is cheating or not. It’s about if it should be allowed or not. We put up with multiboxers because there were no regulations on what should be allowed if a single entity has the processing power to execute.

Fully automated scans on the ah are possible, but should they be? If you could scan the ah, all of it, in 10 seconds or less and automate that scan, then run that addon on 60 accounts at once, is that fair play for everyone else? Tsm had a feature that did so during Legion and was forced by Blizzard to remove it from their addon. This feature was causing region-wide lag because so many players were using it to snipe items. 8.2 reintroduced this power through an overlooked api call that’s now being abused by this person. If you know which servers this person is on, you can test it yourself. Is it a bot? No, but it mimics what a bot does and for them to be using more than 3 characters at once is problematic for the economy of each server they’re on.

You’re wasting your time. Their only mission is to dismiss anything they don’t understand.

well you just confirmed that it isn’t exploiting - that the issue is should it be allowed because you compare it to multi boxers. Which it isn’t.

scroll up, there’s a video link showing someone literally clicking the spot where the ah npc is supposed to be every 50 seconds (bot auto-attempting to reopen AH UI). Booty Bay AH Bots just hit different.

Don’t get stuck in another loop.

Scream “fire” and then claim you didn’t say there was a fire.


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What would they need all that gold for? I’m assuming there is real money involved

For starters, you can have up to $350 in Blizz Balance per bnet account (with an authenticator, $110 without an authenticator).

It’s nice being able to pay for the game using in-game gold.

I mean, there is an issue with people having a crazy number of multibox accounts doing nothing but laundering items and gold.

Or did we forget that escrows are now banned to help squash that issue, as a ride-on package to the boosting community ban?

In fact, OP should look into whether said escrow ban language applies to said case he’s talking about.

tell me does this person stream on twitch under a name starting with H

Well I guess they could be buying a lot of hearthstone packs?

Not that I know of. I can send you enough information in game if you’d like and you’d have to log into retail to verify it yourself.

It was permitted for such a long time because it wasn’t widespread or heavily abused.

Once people started really abusing it, Blizzard killed it. It took a LONG time for it to get big and abusive. I didn’t really start seeing that happening until BfA.

There’s a lot of things you can buy on the shop. That’s for sure. Once people realize you can spend the money on non-WoW things in the shop, their perspective may change.