. ten characters

what market manipulation? the guy using the addon is doing the exact same thing OP was doing - buying deals and reposting.

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Pretty sure I’ve come in contact with the person the OP is describing. He created an addon that gives him an unfair advantage of other people and it automatically detects when someone is put below market value and flips it before other people can get a chance.

I don’t know the exact details of the addon but I do know that this individual understands how advantageous it is.

I thought it was informative. The thread doesn’t revolve around you

It is though. I made a ticket about that once and the GM said it was okay and then went on to say I can benefit from it too. So I just shrugged and have.

People doing that risk other people putting up items right after them and losing a lot of gold. Especially with crafted goods that aren’t really all that hard to make and post.

One guy bought up all the essentia which were selling for under 500g the week before the legendaries could be made at 291 or maybe it was before 265s - can’t remember now- he reposted them for 40k gold. I sold some for 35k gold because of him, whereas if he hadn’t done that the price might have been still 500g.

The game’s economy and auction house are designed to permit market certain types of manipulations. The economy is not an organic “free market” that manages itself. Most market manipulators who pat themselves on the heads for using “free market” strategies would be surprised to find them targeted by a federal investigation if they did those things in real life.

Whether it is intentional that this person and their bot army are able to do this or something that was incidentally overlooked is something we cannot know.

But the idea that someone is playing many characters on dozens of accounts full-time around the clock without botting is clueless.

Meh, jokes on them IMHO.

While this person is spending the small hours of their life controlling an imaginary market in an imaginary game, what are they really getting out of it all? Imaginary currency?

Seems a bit silly to me in the first place.

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not around the clock

How much is “most of the day” to you? How many characters can you control at one time?

I’ve seen some very odd things going on in the AH that this might explain.

Tried telling them that but their response was to laugh, while at the same time thinking a GD post about the problem would get things done. :clown_face:

That’s where you’re wrong. I’m not arguing about the logistics of a regular auction house addon, those are fine. There’s a bug within the api that’s allowing high end programmers to record the entire auction house in under 20 seconds. This is being automated and has turned into an afk script that’s allows to run while the player is afk. The buying process isn’t automated, but the scanning is. This one feature has allowed this player to snipe up any items that may appear on whatever character they’re running it on.

How am I so sure they’re all the same person? You can use the api to track achievements, mounts, pets, and logout time as well as the date a character is created. All of these accounts have the same statistics and are online whenever I check. They’re all in the same location and will buy anything up within a few seconds of me posting it. I’ve used a few different bnet accounts to test this and the results have been consistent across all of them.

I would give you a list of names but that would be a witch hunt and therefore against the rules.

Can’t fix willful ignorence :man_shrugging:

I didn’t know someone using Auctionator was a “high-end programmer” exploiting an API “bug”. I guess full scans that index prices for mats, items etc. are just soooooo terrrribbllleee for the game.

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You’ve been trolling and trying to derail the thread since you started replying. What’s your goal and why is it to remain ignorant?


My goal is to get people who think botting is occurring to use the correct reporting channel.

Screaming about non-specific nothingness on GD is more of a waste of time than me trying to guide people down the correct path.

So you have nothing to add to the conversation and are just screaming at the top of your lungs until someone reacts? I appreciate the time you’ve spent trying to downplay the severity of the conversation but I think I’m going to go back to ignoring your replies.

“Wahhhhh people’s botting and I don’t want to report them to hacks@blizzard.com like I’m supposed to, but instead want to attract drama and attention on General Discussion because that’s what Sundays are for”



No. They have added that you’re posting this in the wrong place if you want anything to potentially be done about it. By all means, continue to post rage threads in GD, just don’t expect anything to change because of that.


Don’t need to get better when you can just make stuff up and get the competition banned!

Ignore outliers. A properly set up addon won’t even use the 400k one in it’s average. I’d guess at least 75% of the addons in use are NOT properly set up. (Also why “I was spamming buy now and bought a 2g item for 2000g” posts are a thing).

Every addon in use, or ever used, was made for themselves/their guild/their raid team and we were allowed to use them. People fail to realize that addons start with one person/guild/raid team wanting an addon that does [stuff] so they make it and decide others might want it as well to they distribute it. There’s probably at least double the number of addons in use than what anyone sees in the repositories. Not all addons are publicly available.


You’re still not addressing the part where one person is running over 30 accounts, by themselves, every day, all day. Please troll elsewhere.

Opening the floor for a discussion on the ethics of how much power one player should be able to maintain through automation isn’t a rage post.

Not my place to address it. That’s blizz and the hacks department. Follow the proper channels instead of just yelling at clouds and claiming everyone who doesn’t bend to your whim a troll.

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It’s like I’m talking at a brick wall.

One of the first replies I made here was