Temporary Sharding

Sharding is a terrible anti-community system.

Being sharded away from your fellow server players feels bad man.


You’re right, everyone should be on one big mega server so noone is separated from anyone.

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i think 2500 Horde 2500 Alliance is healthy


Yes, was on ND this afternoon and the crowds in the Barrens were absolutely unbelievable. It wasn’t unpleasant because people were grouping up for quests instead of competing, but I’ve never seen so many people in a zone at once, including when I played on Nost. And ND seems a lot more stable than Nost was.


BTW that’s higher than the server caps were in vanilla, nor were they faction specific.

The answer is simple:
Existing WoW accounts on one shard, returning and new accounts on the other.

You’re welcome.

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As one person said. It’s on the cloud. But, that’s not exactly the reason why they can’t handle it. The cloud, when used properly will save you money. This means, running minimal hardware all the time. Mega servers like the ones used on private servers, are expensive to maintain and upgrade. So the same software running in say, 4 mini servers is less expensive than one mega server.

But the kicker is this. Where the one mega server was aquired and built with the prospect of volume spikes in mind, it’s also a waste of money when the majority of the time only 20% of the cpu is used. So what the “cloud” can do is that they’ll say, “ok as your load increases, we’ll automatically create new servers for you. That way you will save money” Unfortunately, this takes a few minutes. So by the time the new mini servers get brought up, the system is already hosed. It’s the nature of an MMO. And it’s the nature of the commerce project I’m working on now handling millions of transactions in a matter of minutes.

What people need to understand is that it’s not that Blizzard CAN’T do it. It’s just that they won’t because of the cost incurred.

I’ve been doing this with fortune 500 companies and startups a like for a while now. It’s all about money.


Funny, isn’t this the stance you’re taking? Thinking you’re in the majority in saying you think sharding (in any capacity) is a good idea?

“Other sites” ?

Because other sites TOTALLY represent the majority of WoW players both current AND those waiting on Classic™.


Same post …

Pot meet kettle…



More fear-mongering from the pro-sharding apologists.


EDIT: Yet MORE fear-mongerin…


I was on there launch day. I have got to say it was a memorable moment. The sheer number of characters…dancing, dueling, just running around. No one raging because they couldn’t get their quests done.


No we were just waiting in queues, or servers were just crashing and down for days.

On ND ? That did not happen to me at all. And the pop grew throughout the day…I remember seeing 10K online at one point.

Oh sorry, didn’t realize that was about what PS realms did.

And yet, somehow vanilla not only survived but thrived as the player base actually increased into the millions.


Yep with a new game noone had played before in one of the most well known franchises.

So if your saying WoW can survive adversity I guess you’re saying it will have no problem surviving sharding in the starting areas.


It will survive not having sharding and without sharding Classic will have the added benefit of being the truer classic experience.

You keep doing you and trying to sabotage classic since you lost your battle to prevent it from being made in the first place, though.


Keep pretending classic was ever going to be a time machine :slight_smile:

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what did he do to battle it being created?

posted in support of the wall of no post.