Just dropping in to see if Blizzard came to their senses

and of course you ignore the rest ,lol. But that’s ok, you don’t want anything raining on what you think will happen, even when shown different.

:poop: In before studmufin once again tries to paint it as a troll issue and not a server population/community issue and then shifts gear to “has always happened” while ignoring millions of non players suddenly gifted the entire game :poop:

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since you didn’t read it the first time,lol

You were the one who mentioned trolling,lol. And it applies to your other irrational fear of Current players too, since they are the ONLY group you are ever concerned about despite them being by far the smallest player source. But hey, according to you only tens of thousands if that will return from non current players too,lol.

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Remember, in his eyes Classic-only players can do no wrong. It’s as bad as modern parents that think their kids are angels all the time and never do anything bad.

He’s as bad as a certain level 10 shaman that forum stalks me and harasses me non-stop, then goes on about how “good” the Classic community is. LOL

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I think there are going to be far fewer classic only players than some people realize.


I too can take posts out of context and suggest the poster was the one to bring it into the conversation lol. Fallana was the one who mentioned trolling. My post was what we in the internet universe call a “reply”, or “rebuttle” for serious minded people.

Good thing I didn’t do that and instead brought up a post that you mentioned(not brought up) trolling.

lol so I just imagined you mentioned trolling then? and that is what I was replying to?

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I agree. Since seeing the demo and hearing about the new things in classic that make it not classic anymore many in my ESO guild are not all that excited anymore.

It’s more of a wait and see what else they want to bring into the game that wasn’t there before.

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character progression is only part of the problem. the biggest is social.

you will have people joining guilds and the like, who will then up and disappear for weeks or even months, on end.

classic needs people who can have commitment and it is NOT retail players. they have absolutely zero interest in classic. and on top of that, how is it not going to encourage ninja looting (aside from loot sharing and rolling)- when those players feel a (delusional) pressure to stay relevant? look around- do you honestly think that the modern player base would not gain raid progression the first chance they get, without having to give a wit in return (put in zero effort)? of course they will. activision has made it nearly impossible, on ANY front, for classic gearing to have any relevancy.

its a double edged sword that cuts deep, no matter how you slice it.

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How do you convince those who claim the same thing happened in vanilla?

Im hoping to pay $30 a month for classic $15 is to cheap.

That people left, ninjaed, got carried? That’s not a claim, those things did happen, they are not a new thing at all.

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So when you find the returning players are the much larger player source, who are you going to blame for all the population ebbs and flows, trolling and whatnot? ANd if this solution would actually work, then how come all these things have existed since Vanilla?

Two years ago: “Give us retro servers! We don’t care about the cost, we’ll happily pay $30 per month to play it!”

Now: “What? You expect us to pay for old content?”


These post are the biggest waste of time. You say that current players are " already paying" and then in the same paragraph you literally say " they are getting it for free".

NO ONE IS PLAYING FOR FREE. Why cant you people understand this simple concept. 15 dollars is 15 dollars. Also, if you are adult. You should know better. There’s this thing called inflation that happens to money over the coarse of many years, say 15 years maybe?! The fact that wow still costs 15 dollars and has not gone UP over the coarse of 15 years is pretty nice.

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Theres a difference between a “money Grab” and a Company just trying to make money. There is no other reason for a company to exist other than to profit. They don’t exist to give you the feelgoodsies.

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the point is: unlike before, retail players will be tourists that will come only during content droughts (read the classic forums, they admit this themselves) and then they will drop classic out right. zero commitment to any social ties that they created (raiding etc). and when they come back (weeks/months) later, they will automatically assume that progression will keep them relevant like nothing ever happened. they will expect to, still, progress even when they arent there.

and if/when people (guild etc) does not give them these free hand outs, for doing nothing, they will get desperate and start ninja looting and consuming the gear that they never earned. couple that with serious ninja looters, loot sharing and now- loot roll changes. the result will be a botched community (opposite of retaining what is authentic), mistrust within a person’s own guild, even far less gear than what would originally be the case and what do you have?


Creative and innovative companies are passionate about the work they do. You are right there is almost always a money aspect to a company’s activities as well.

As a company becomes less innovative, the first aspect fades and the money aspect dominates.

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