Temporary Sharding

Is just like the government saying they are only going to raise your taxes temporarily… Then it’s just reason after reason they have to use it.

Sharding is the EXACT opposite of an MMO… Playing with people you can’t see is like having imaginary friends.


Posting in a Bigsly thread!!!

Sharding for a limited launch rush window is great. If you don’t believe they’ll turn it off, that’s on you.

If you don’t like it, simply don’t play until they turn it off (like some other posters here are doing), and don’t play at all if they don’t turn it off.

Really simple.


Nothing but fear mongering and supposition. Simply put, Blizz will have to do SOMETHING to alleviate the masses in the starting zones or we are all going to be standing around doing nothing for hours, waiting for the lag to subside, or more likely sitting in login queue’s for hours because the server is overwhelmed with players.

Do you really want to sit in queues all day? Only a complete fool will deny the huge numbers of people who will be playing in the first couple of weeks… and server hardware, still to this day, is only so good…


Yeah, seems like there’s a lot of people here who don’t believe Blizzard when they say they’ll only use it temporarily but will believe Blizzard if they say they won’t use it at all.


so those of us who don’t want sharding are subject to having to wait until they turn it off so those of you who do want it can have it?
i got a better idea. those of you who don’t want to deal with the CF can wait until the starting zones get thinned out and those who want to deal with it can start at launch.

sounds much more fair to me.

funny because you still haven’t countered my arguments about BC launch.

maybe that has something to do with blizzard saying “hey guys, were not going to use sharding on rp realms”. welp look at that. its used on rp realms.
so if we get them to not even include sharding in the design of the game, problem fixed.


Yeah. They seem to think they’re some huge majority. But reading other sites, there are plenty of people that see the logic in sharding at the start and will play anyway simply because they love everything else about Vanilla and refuse to be taken in by the fear mongering.


All is fair in love and Warcraft.

Nothing to counter. TBC launch was an unmitigated disaster. People stuck around because there wasn’t a better MMO at the time, and MOBAs didn’t exist.

Oh well.

It’s already included in the game as it’s based on 7.3.5. It’s not a “problem”, so it doesn’t need fixed.

This. It ultimately comes down to a numbers game.

If they set aside server assets for a concurrency of 100,000 players and no sharding, only for a Million players to turn up to play on launch day, they have a major problem.

Sharding can address it, everybody possibly gets in(as they make use of BfA server assets via sharding, as undoubtedly, most of that Million came from BfA), and the substantial % of “tourists” in that Million Player rush can get their handful of time in seeing the sights (and corpse runs) before realizing it isn’t for them and logging out for the last time in a long while to come.

Meanwhile, without sharding, everybody except the lucky intial group, is sitting in queue and Blizzard is freaking out about how to address the massive login queue…

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MOBAs are horrible…that wouldn’t have made a difference.


It’s not really that I “want” it, it’s that I can understand the reasons they have for using it. I was in Drustvar the other day and there was a fairly large Horde VS Alliance skirmish because there was an incursion going on. The server (or shard) I was on was going to crap, people were teleporting all over and abilities were lagging like mad.

Sharding is a necessary evil. I feel like you’re operating under the assumption that you know better than Blizzard does, that you somehow know that the servers won’t crash and burn on launch day without sharding.

Also, about RP realms:


TBC launch on my server was a disaster because everyone funneled through Hellfire, I’m not opposed to sharding the starter zones for the first few weeks

I am opposed to sharding zones because of overpopulation and sharding anytime after the initial launch rush. It would ruin the point of servers for me.

Sharding blackrock mountain after BWL opens would be the worst possible outcome, especially on PVP servers. It’s part of the PVP experience to fight your way to the raid entrance with your group


funny because my realm had zero issues. it was a pvp server and mid population.
we didn’t have much lag, and we had no freezing or disconnecting/crashing.

you know what fixes that?

  1. tech has advanced very far in the past 12 years.
  2. we aren’t going to have 8 million people playing classic.
  3. everyones going to be spread across 6 zones instead of having everyone in one zone, moving to another zone.

so they can remove the coding for it. problem also fixed.

we don’t see the logic. we’re willing to grudgingly compromise so long as it contains sharding to starting zones and never being used outside of the first two weeks.

so from what i read, you don’t care about sharding but you see that its probably a good tool to have at launch and launch only.

ntoice that tidbit about server stability. that right there is the issue. if i want to get a raid together on an rp realm and go do a city raid, guess what? shard will kick in and most the horde can’t counter.
also - every incursion is sharded by default.


Pretty much, I see the circumstances around launch, plus the whole “tourist factor” to be compelling reasons for Sharding to be accepted during the launch “window”. Once we move out of the period of insanity that is the initial launch, sharding needs to go away.

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which is exactly my point. most of us don’t want sharding at all. we accept that it is a useful tool in the short term, but we DON’T WANT IT. which is what fallanaa seems to think.


My stance has been this from the get-go with sharding.

that’s nto the same thing as actively wanting sharding at all.

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They’re communicating it poorly then. Many of them seem to prefer the idea of being in a 900,000 player deep login queue instead.

Would the horde be able to counter with 5 second delays on their abilities, followed by the server crashing? It seems like, instead of decrying Blizzard’s announcement of their plan to possibly use sharding, you should be giving them alternative solutions to the problems they seek to solve by using sharding.

Anyways, I’m not going to post much more about this. I’d much rather the forums focus on a more permanent problem; Loot trading.

in vanilla? it was done many times without sharding.

and as far as loot trading goes, make it simple - if you rolled need, the item is soul bound and can’t be traded. which was the old system when they did have trade windows.
trading only occured for master looting, or greed rolls.


Anecdotal evidence, which I can post to counter your claim. I was in a raid with two, 40 player groups lead by a Grand Marshal named Invictus during Vanilla. We attacked Orgrimmar and the entire server lagged for about 20 minutes before it crashed. My friend leveling in STV said he drowned on land 5 minutes after he got out of the water.

You’re under the assumption that the servers will be fine, Blizzard probably knows they won’t be.