Tell us how Dragonflight hyped you here

It didn’t.

Crafting looks like it might actually feel like more than an afterthought, which has potential.

I’m not excited about talent trees like many others are. The old talent trees felt like nothing more than a bloated mess of illusionary choices. I’ll have to wait and see about these new ones, though. I’m just not excited at all about them, though.

The Dragon Isles themselves just feel like they’ll just be more of the same. Maybe WoW just doesn’t have that magic for me anymore, but I can’t seem to get excited about yet another zone with floating rocks and “mysterious” amusement park attractions scattered throughout.

You missed it. Ion said there’s always systems on every new expansion but they didnt show it on their Dragon announcement.

With the revamp of professions, I hope they make Archeology and Inscription relevant again


I’m cautiously optimistic, what I saw looked good. We will have to wait until beta to actually get a taste and see if it’s on a good path.

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Talent trees!

I’ll be honest, the announcement killed some of the hype for me.

They didn’t really explain the overall story and what they did explain makes it sound like there will be an overall big bad that we have to team up to defeat. That’s fine if they’re going to offer cross faction guilds or move toward removing the factions but the inclusion of the new class says otherwise.

Unless they’re revealing more later there only seem to be 4 zones which, as we saw with Shadowlands, is not a lot of content. The zones themselves look fantastic but I hope they’re fully up to speed with development and can keep the patches coming quicker.

The Dracthyr race just looks bad to me. To each their own but for me the race and class just looked out of place for WoW and bordered pandering (no pun intended).

Excited for the new talent trees, lets hope they can balance them correctly. Also excited for the professions revamp, it has been way overdue. The UI fix is nice but nothing that could already be done with addons. It makes sense though with the direction they’ve taken lately of incorporating popular addons directly into the core code.

I’m actually disappointed about no player housing or paragon style system that could be worked on at max level.

I guess it boils down to “That’s it?” for me, I was expecting more. It felt like WoW but at the same time it didn’t, maybe it was in the presentation style, I don’t know, something.

With what was shown and the state of what the zones appeared to be in I was shocked that they didn’t announce a beta date now and would be even more shocked if it doesn’t launch within this calendar year.

I want them to take their time though and get it right. This will be the true make or break for the game.


Same. Making flying and combat feel as fun and as arcadey as Ace Combat is already too much to ask of Blizz. Adding a dragon race which brings in all the new balance problems is unnecessary.



and customization able hud

Also I just came back from my first day at taking calls at a IT support center and i had to stop due to stress and anxiety, and I got home to see the trailer (and the forums) and went from stressed to hyped!! still anxious though

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The dragon flying looked cool and them embracing flying from the get go is long overdue. I’m actually optimistic about that.

What I’m worried about is there being player power tied to the flight or dragon style you choose to customize, I hope there won’t be.

Rumors that there are 4 or so dragon flights that are pretty much like the Covenants. They are horribly imbalanced and for most classes/specs, if you choose the “wrong” dragon flight, you will find the endgame pretty much unplayable. Think Necrolord bear Druids.

5 Flights from what I heard and as long as they either remove player power from them or make them immediately changeable without penalty from Day 1 then I’m fine with them.


Aside from talent trees it didn’t, not looking forward to buying wow tokens to be able to level the new professions, a new race but only 1 class can play it so i wont even be able to enjoy the new race cause i main warrior big epic… going back to azeroth but in none of the familiar zones no pvp updates etc extremally disappointed tbh

There’s not much details but from what I seen I like.

It looks like a return to a simpler time in WoW without majorly annoying and convoluted systems. That I really like.

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I’m super excited. I love dragons.

The new zones look beautiful and the customized dragon is really cool.

Cinematic was very good.

I’m hyped. I hope others are!



I think the UI update is needed, and I’m excited to see the level of customization that will be available for it.

Oh, and I’m kind of excited to see Wrathion again. I find him to be an intriguing character.

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Same. I had been saying since Shadowland beta/PTR that Covenants should be cosmetic only. Covenant should not be tied to player power. This was a time when the “meta” Covenant for both DKs and Paladins was Night Fae.

Later they nerfed Night Fae Paladins hard, and Kyrian becomes the meta. While Paladins now have 3 playable Covenants, many other classes aren’t so lucky.

The new Dragon race and class as well as the customizable dragon mount. As well as aspects.

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I liked pretty much everything they mentioned in the reveal, and the trailer was cool.

I thought at first they were going a different direction through most of the trailer like “oooh, we’re going to be working with the keepers or something to restore Azeroth?” and was curious where it was going, then Swoopistrasza came in and it hyped me up a bit even though I was expecting dragons from the start.

New UI could be nice, dragon riding seems like a cool idea, and Evoker has me wanting to play one now.

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