Tell us how Dragonflight hyped you here

Pretty meh but still better than the Thor: Love and Thunder trailer

Not particularly excited about any of it. Need more info.

  • I like that the zones aren’t monochromatic wastelands. The forests and plains look great. It will be so nice to have sunlight, leaves and nature to explore in.
  • I like that they mentioned that the zones will be big and open. I am so sick of the lazy, stacked, postage stamp rat-maze layouts we’ve had for too long. I want big zones where every square inch is NOT threatened by a mob. I’m so tired of the ridiculous mathematical stacking of mobs so every square of the tiny zone forces a fight. Let us immerse in the world. Tired of it being either “stay on the road” or “fight.” It’s currently so mathematically correct that it is immersion breaking. It is obvious, that for too long, the effort has been to 'design to meet the metrics" without any regard for player experience.
  • I hope that dragon-flight is a mount with a cool-down that lets us leap off ANY high point and glide like a demon hunter with the ability to gain altitude via speed. If that is the case, then that’s a pretty cool compromise. (If it’s limited to specific spots, then it is not)
  • I like that we aren’t fighting some cosmic big bad. I want to return to traditional fantasy.
  • The art is in the fantasy genre. It’s not some ugly 'everything-is-a-sphere" or a half-drawn artist’s mannequin like zerith mortis. (it’s not lost on me that the zerith mortis stuff was supposed to be representative of 'building blocks of creation" and the art was trying to represent the rudimentary nature of the objects
 I don’t care
 it’s ugly , isn’t “fantasy”, and gets old within a few hours. Defend it you like, but how many people are on the mounts or displaying the pets? Not many. Because they are ugly.)
  • I think the split talent tree looks like it has potential. I am hopeful that it turns out well.
  • I am really hyped about the crafting announcement. I hope the claims of “useful” and “meaningful” weren’t just lip service.
  • I didn’t see the raptors and flying mawsworn covering every inch of the sky as an obvious “@?!# you” to the player base.
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I like what they did with Zereth Mortis and 9.2. There’s content at max level that organically opens as you play the game.

I was really hoping that they wouldn’t increase the level cap. It would have been nice to either leave it at 60 and go into a paragon style player progression or a horizontal style. That or drop us back to 50 and keep max level 60 if they truly wanted us to gain 10 more levels. Gameplay wise it will mean nothing to us to regain 10 levels because talent systems will be reset and we’ll receive all the points for our tree up to 60 anyway.

What they could have done is left the max level at 60 and put the talent tree points into PVE/PVP and Profession content. Meaning for a particular point you could either earn it by doing PVE, PVP or a Profession related item to earn that point and leave it up to the player to decide how to earn it.

What I liked:

Talent trees
Every user-friendly idea they have incorporated into the talent tree interface
Additional 61 to 70 levels
New zones
New race starter zone experience
Focus on exploration
Focus on story
The more low key story
Work Orders
Being able to customize my dragon
Being able to fly while casting spells
Wrathion being back

What I wasn’t so thrilled with:

Blizzard looking to make more things account wide
Only four new questing zones.
New race’s dragonoid form being unisex
New race’s humanoid form just being a Blood Elf reskin and not having wings!
‘Modernization’ of the HUD elements
Complicating professions again
No announcement of player housing

Jury still out for:

New class (didn’t see enough to judge)
Dragonriding (I want to be the big dragon flying)
Updating of the HUD UI (didn’t see anything for chat window which is my pet peeve)

No Hype At All.
Not even a Feature Overview Trailer

The cinematic got me way more pumped than a overplayed witch beating on some old burn victim.

Very eager for more info~

Maybe they can drag you to level cap one day.

Then don’t bother with them if they are too hard for you to understand.

I didn’t hear any words that had the letters A or P along with the word grind

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I am PSYCHED. I almost jumped through the roof of my car driving to work while listening to the announcements.

Big wins for me: Talent system, dragon riding, and the new race/class.

Blood Death knight has been my main for 3 years and I am ready to shake it up. Going healing spec dragonboy.


Didn’t even watch it
I’m so dammm tired of dealing with the no flying issue.
/wipes tears from eyes

I remember feeling “Eh its okay I guess OOOO REVENDRETH I WANT THAT” with shadowlands when it was announced.

With Dragonflight I had a lot of “ooo i wanna play” moments with all the stuff they showed.

Please quote where I said my issue with complicating them was because that would make them too hard for me to understand them.

I’ll wait.

Oh no I won’t because I have an ignore button!

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Complicated means hard.

The Shilling Babe reporting:


I’d pay a sub just to play Dragonflight, if they don’t mess it up.

When Alexstrasza erupts out

Call me exaggerated
 maybe it’s an ethnic thing, I don’t know.


New race/class, a new zone to explore and of course ducks! We are finally getting ducks! Ducktales! Woo-oo!


And yes


I am really excited for them seemingly listening to people and also being willing to experiment with things like the new race/class combo. Also love going back to a more high fantasy sort of setting, the whole cosmic war stuff has really burnt me out so im hoping this will really refresh my love.

That said, cinematic wasnt great and probably will be the only one so far i wont bother to rewatch much


I made the mistake of showing my wife the deep dive video on YouTube regarding the next expansion.

She hasn’t played any of shadowlands and as soon as she seen the revamped talent tree and profession’s she was already talking about preordering the new expansion.

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