Tell us how Dragonflight hyped you here

To make it a little different from the usual cynicism we see on the forum. What aspect of Dragonflight are you most excited about ?

I feel like this cinematic was refreshing. No cosmic threat or anything, just the reveal of a new zone. Loved the colors :smiley:

The return of talent trees. Never tought they would do it so Im very happy about that. It seems like we won’t be able to put point in multiple specs though.

They did not announce any systems so I guess we won’t see any external source of power. I hope so!


It’s something that isn’t BFA or SL… I’ve always liked the aspects, but its mostly wait and see atm. I look forward to trying a new class.


new zones to play and it’s not related to chasing sylvanus. that’s a win


I wont lie, I do like that they removed their collective heads out of their backsides and brought back talent trees. I’m hoping fire/frost is a thing again. But I’m not going to get hyped about it.


Big Meh
/ten char


It’s a story on Azeroth at least.


Not liking the whole new flight or the new class/race idea, but the proffession revamp, a customizable UI, and seeing new forest zones is nice.

Too many vague things to have me excited.
But I liked the cinematic, the talent trees revamp, the new race/class and profession revamp along with the look of the zone from what we got to see.

Launch will tell how this pans out and the extra info to get as they get closer to alpha. We got a lot of vague things with some specifics but we have no idea of a lot of things it seems.

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I think this, the new zone, which is always one of my favorite parts of new expansions. What we saw looked great. Regardless of all the gripes in wow, the art department always delivers and then some.

I’m also excited to try the new race and class.

Literally nothing on my “hype list” made it into the expac reveal. This will be the third expansion in a row that I couldn’t care less about. meh.

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Dragon people.

Race-as-class, like B/Ex D&D!

Watcher Little Joe.




Dragon Isles.



I’m excited to see the return of talent trees, although i fear it’ll just be a way to force me to pick some things over others when previously i was able to have both lol. Pretty underwhelmed overall though, i was really hoping for player housing.

At the end of the day though, new content is new content, stuff to look forward to!

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Yup I agree with you

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Could you elaborate on that? I don’t see any downside to the flight changes. Cooler animations and physics just seems like an all around upgrade.

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When it ended kind of abruptly, my thoughts were…they’re still working on A LOT!

No sneak peak or even mention of new dungeons or raid. Really even very few of the creatures that inhabit the new zones. I’ll have to go back and look, but I think even the Tuskar discussion was just art work.

No one harrassed anyone in the video . . . .


Dude the zones have such vibrant colors.

Talent tree returning and the profession revamp is pretty awesome.

I also enjoyed the cinematic :slight_smile:

Edit, also to add, the new UI is pretty damn nice.

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slower then normal flight if the preview is right, mechanics you need to do to go max speed, and the fact the every other mount in existence will be irrelevant if they force you to use that dragon rider mount. Also I don’t like the “how to train your own dragon” vibes on creatures that is supposed to be more intelligent then mortals in this universe.


So far I like:

  • The new class/race
  • All the overhauls
  • Talent trees are back
  • Customizing my dragon
  • The look of the new areas

I need more info on:

  • Flying (is it just gliding from the beginning or really flying?)
  • Instances
  • Other details

It looks good so far. Just gathering all the info at this point.

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I am a level of hype / 10.