Tell me you noob story!

Back in classic I could never get fade to always for me when I leveled up in the open world, honestly it would only work if I feared the mob (I am sorry to all the people I killed leveling up in classic). So, I removed it from my task bar and put fear on.

Then I ran then ran Uldaman drew agro hit fear and ran away from the adds lol. I got yelled at as they explained to me how fade works and why fear shouldn’t be on my hot bar for a dungeon, and you run to the tank not away.


Way, way back when, soon after I took up Engineering, I crafted a gun and went looking for a gun trainer. Yes, I’m a Paladin. No, I didn’t know we couldn’t use the stupid things, but I soon found out.

But at least there was dynamite.


Back when in 04. I swam all the way from Westfall to Wetlands cause I thought it was the only way to get there back in 04 on my other account. Then I found out about the train in Stormwind and found out about flight paths.

You can get to Wetlands from Westfall from swimming along the shoreline but it will take sometime.


My first human character decided to see what was on the other side of the river along southern Elwynn when she was level 5ish.

It took me years before I dared set foot in Duskwood again.


Dude, I tried hoofing it overland! I got as far as the Burning Steppes before an angry dwarf mob creamed me.


Yeah that is the hardmode path. Burning stepps route is like running the gauntlet.

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Back when I first started? Too many to count. But there are a couple that stick out in my head.

1: TBC (the xpack I started playing), on my OG Human Mage, doing a WSG. Somehow I ended up with the flag. Pally yells “Give me the flag! You’re too squishy”. I took that personal and defiantly kept running with said flag. Got smashed, got flamed with many many bad names in chat as the “Defeat” window pops up.

2: Sometime before that, same character, I got invited to a SM run, those poor guys. I never really did any dungeons before that or understood how they worked, I just thought you went in and killed stuff just like in the rest of the game. Kept pulling mobs, kept pulling harsh names from the rest of the group.

3: Same character. Didn’t really know how to make gold, kept wasting what I had on dumb stuff. Lvl 40 rolls around still no mount. Lvl 45 and I somehow end up doing some quests with some random dude. We start to go somewhere he mounts up, I’m trying to hoof it behind him. Conversation goes a little like this:

“Why aren’t you mounted??”
“I don’t have one, I can’t afford one.”
“… :man_facepalming:

He was actually cool about it and actually helped me farm up some gold for my first mount. :grin:

I like to think I’m much better these days, but then there are times like last week on this character in a Heroic Sarkareth, I want to get out of some bad quickly and surged forward…right off the platform. And then I think to myself “Self…y’know you can be just as much of a dummy as the old days, right?” The rest of the raid had a good laugh, and we got our kill, so all’s well.


A group of friends were having trouble in Deadmines, so we decided to have two of us go in with their group of five to help them out. We spent about ten minutes trying to find each other to the tremendous amusement of the rest of the guild.


First character back in 2006, a Tauren Druid. I was low level, probably level 10 or less, first time in Thunder Bluff. I rode the elevator to the top, turned in my quests and did what I needed to do around town, then made my way back to the elevator. While I was waiting for the elevator to come up, another player came up to me and said, “did you know you can jump off here and you won’t die?”. So, naturally, I jumped. And I died. And when I finally made my way back to my body to rez, of course the player was nowhere to be found.

And such was my first of many encounters with the various Elevator Bosses of WoW.


Back in Wrath my first character was a NE hunter (yep) and I used a polearm up until ToC before realizing I was supposed to use a bow/gun. I thought it was optional and my guild thought it was funny so no one ever corrected me.


Nothing super drastic… wow wasnt my first mmo nor rpg but in wrath I left out a zero posting a darkmoon deck and lost roughly 20k the first week

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Back when you got an auto attack button in your bar upon making a new character, I thought I had to continuously hit it for my attacks to go off. Don’t even want to say how long I did this for before I realized auto attack really means auto attack…


Only selfish greedy people roll Greed. Greed is a sin after all, and I’m a good boy!

My first Ipod, (Nano 3rd gen) I couldn’t figure out how to turn the volume up and down, I thought the wheel was just 4 buttons and a center one, I had no idea you could slide your finger around the wheel to do stuff.

Felt like an idiot, not knowing the coolest thing about Ipod’s.
Too many WoW ones to list, some from today, could have downloaded the update during the 2 hours I sat in front of PC playing Vampire Survivors on a tablet, but waited till I was ready to play.

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Time for a race change :crazy_face:


made it to lvl 25 as a warrior with almost all intellect gear and a grey sword I bought from a vendor, could not kill a mob my level and thought this game was to hard, thankfully someone eventually inspected my character and set me on the right path before I quit, I read no instructions and did not even see SW yet, just followed the quests from Northshire to Redridge.


My noob story goes all the way back to vanilla. I’ve been struggling to kill things as a warrior. Knowing warriors were the worst leveling experience is one thing, but I was practically dying every other mob. It was not a fun time for me, and my friend who convinced me to try the game came by to help me, since he had a max-level warrior himself.

We party up, and he first watches me fight. He thought I wasn’t doing enough damage, and we tried to figure out if it was maybe my gear. I don’t recall exactly what gear I had, but he decided to spend some of his own gold to get me some green upgrades in the AH and try again. Still having problems.

He asks me what I’m playing as. I tell him “I’m a warrior? Like you?” He clarifies, “No, I mean, what spec?” I ask him “what’s a spec?”. He then asks me what talents I’ve taken so far. I ask him “what are talents?”.

I managed to level to 33 before spending a single talent point.


I was that hunter in Vanilla. If it was mail or was otherwise equippable, you bet your butt I wanted it.

Granted, with Vanilla’s awful hunter stat reqs and int/spell damage helping us, I can’t really be blamed.

I lost a roll on one of the blue pieces of the fang set and was grumpy about it for over a day lmao.

On the other end of the token, one noob story I feel bad about, I used custom emotes to convince some kid/idiot that you could find endgame gear with no level requirement if you found certain corpses near Blackrock mountain and like 3 hours later I get a ping saying he couldn’t find it but thanks for letting him know, and sure enough, his level 8 character was in Burning steppes.


I began playing around the launch of The Burning Crusade. My first main was a Night Elf Druid.

A friend has gotten me into the game, and I wanted to meet up with him. He was in Stormwind, and I was in Teldrassil or Darkshore.

He explained that I needed to take the boat to Menethil Harbor and then follow the path until I found an opening in the mountains. He said it was easy.

I was like level 10-15.

Obviously, this is a Wetlands run story. I couldn’t figure it out and my friend was not being helpful. After around an hour of trying to get through it, I decided my friend must be wrong. Everything was killing me instantly. The only path in the mountain I found had more high level enemies in it (of course, it was the right way), and the path was going east - Stormwind was south.

My friend had already logged off. I took matters into my own hands.

I swam.

Followed the coast south from Menethil Harbor. I constantly stopped at every opening trying to find a way through the mountains. There were none.

I spent another hour or two exploring the mountains trying to get in. I eventually made it to Westfall and had to desperately run from Murlocs because I had no idea where I would respawn.

I asked the first player I encountered how to get to Stormwind from there.


The first time I healed, I didn’t.

I noticed when I clicked the little plus icon, the group came up instantly, so I did that! This was before even WoD I think. Anyway I was in a dps spec and everybody died.