Tell me you noob story!

Ive always mained resto druid. In BC I REFUSED to use tree form because i thought it was ugly.


Sold a crafted mount for 1500 when they were going for 15000, now not a huge loss, this was during cata.

I have never been a noob. I was born with an average amount of inherent skill and WoW knowledge.

It was really weird for those for 11 years before the game released.

I went almost the whole expansion before I realized there’s an auction house in Valdrakken, d’oh. So convenient

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I died to Azureblade’s orb, got Battle Rez’d, accepted during add phase, then immediately died to the orbs in said phase. Then I died to cold zone on Telash. Pretty sure I died on Mr. Crystal too. Needless to say, that 10 was good and bricked.

Oh you meant earlier than last week?

Well… in Vanilla I needed on greens I couldn’t wear.

It appears I’ve backslid a bit on the noob.

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Getting stomped by the wandering Elites in Silverpine, when I had never seen an Elite before (circa early 2005). Ignorance was one of the best joys of any MMO. Trial by fire!

Many many levels later, I explicitly returned to Silverpine to trounce said Elite that oof’d me weeks prior.

Was legit.


Haha, that brings back memories.

“Mana Shield - the only buff in the game that sucks so much it would be overpowered if you could cast it on enemies.”

That would be the true Empowered Mana Burn talent. Mana Shield can now be cast on others.

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I did the Wetlands run in reverse on this guy, but that hardly counts, because I’m a Paladin. Chain mail, bubble, and LoH makes the Run of Terror a little less terrifying.

And yes, I said chain. This was a LONG time ago.

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i started out as noob 15 years ago and i am still noob, that’s my story.


I started back in the second year of Vanilla. I asked someone what the difference between need and greed was and they told me never to roll greed because you don’t want to be greedy. So I rolled need on everything and kept getting kicked out of groups until soemone explained what was going on.

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Fairly early on I learned about mounts and how ridiculously expensive they were. Knowing nothing about the auction house I saved all my coppers and spent nothing, including skill upgrades. Yeah, a typical Pen failure to impress my guild at the time.

Oh, likewise the quest to get the warrior’s defensive stance on that island. I failed, of course, but didn’t realize I could drop it and try again. Another red-faced moment in guild chat.

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I fell to my death jumping forward after logging back into the game because I forgot I was not on a flying mount when I logged off. My brother laughed, and I knew mistakes were made.

(Sips :beer:)

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I was barely half through the opening nelf quests in Teldrassil on this very toon when I got lost in a barrow den. Stealth kept me alive but I was going in circles… or spirals. Dang druid…architecture stuff!

A group questing together stumbled upon me and asked if I wanted to join. Me, socially anxious looked at my predicament and joined with some trepidation, hoping they wouldn’t talk to me too much. I had heard the tales of how people could be toward noobs in this game! But they helped me finish questing and got me safely out of that barrow den.

They then asked me if I needed a guild. I hesitated again, but in the end joined. And for the next couple of years they helped guide me through WotLK and the start of Cata until the GL and officers went off and had other lives and all that was left was me and an empty guild I inherited (but it came with a bank so hurray!)

I still dread going into a barrow den though it is harder to get lost in them these days. But if I see someone else lost, I will try my best to help them out.

Sidenote: in headcanon, Arlaeya’s immediate family lacks druids so this explains her unfamiliarity with barrow dens.