Tell me you noob story!

When I first started in late BC, my noob self was sporting an agility staff on my Warlock, because agility makes me “faster” and more able to dodge enemy attacks! I think just picked the weapon by looks as a quest reward.

Turns out all these years later… I’m still a noob… came back to DF having last played BFA, promptly had an Agility sword crafted because, again I was only looking at the mog and not the stats! The OTHER crafted sword is the intellect one! Derp.


Eye of the Storm.

Was defending flag carrier on the bridge.

Hit disengage.

Right off the edge and into the nether.


I thought exploration and mob grinding were good alternatives to questing. I was pretty young though and the joy of finding new things and just hitting buttons was greater than the little understanding of progression I had at the time.


When I first started solo farming for Invincible (I was a farming noob even though I had been playing since 2006-7), I did it weekly for a whole year on 10 man.


After surviving an epic battle in the Wailing Caverns, I backed into a campfire.


Back in Vanilla. I didn’t know the way to Blasted Lands was through Duskwood and the swamp. I spent a couple hours trying to climb over the mountain in Stranglethorn Vale. Actually made it behind the door to Zul Gurub before I asked for help.


So I started playing in late Vanilla in those 20 days free accounts. I made about 7 of them until I saw a player elf running around Orgrimmar. I was shocked, talked to the guy, he tells me there’s a new expansion, you can play elves (at the time I had no idea the name was Blood Elf) so I decide to buy the game and get those game time cards in a local game shop.

All well and good, and I go “maybe I should be that warrior that heals himself. a paladin.”.
So I roll a paladin, and start my very first MMO without knowing anything at all.

So I leveled up as mostly a retribution tree, with a shield, and a healing mace from SM Cathedral.

I honestly thought I was the bomb of balance in the game until I realized (by guild mates) that my character was absolute stinky poo poo.


LOL, that’s great. Rather like me trying melee for the first time, making a troll warrior and my friend who got me in the game, asking rather patiently why I kept backing away…because up till then Id always played ranged and what do you mean I have stand there and get hit!

Naturally enough I deleted that poor troll in embarassment…

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hahaha I had a friend who would constantly move inwards, and the mob automatically fixed its position so he would chase him all the way.

I asked why and he said “cos I’m not hitting him”. I asked “what? you’re hitting him”, he goes “no, I’m not, look, my arm and weapon don’t actually touch him so I have to be closer” xDDDDDD

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I’ll tell you someone else’s story that happened today lol. I was tanking in BFA dungeons. This hunter, with the green quest gear. Like level 12 or something. Was butt pulling everything. We were about to pull 1st boss. He accidently pulled another pack lol. I was like, “David, he’s new, it’s okay, just deal with it”. So, the motherlode progressively gets worse.

So here’s me, pull everything I can to clear and this hunter was butt pulling still. Before we even got to the cart. So, I pulled EVERYTHING in the next area lol. I have a friend that’s a bit like that in M+, he’s kind of non the wiser. So I kind of just treated him the same.

Anyway, we got to the last boss. I legit waited 2 minutes for him to catch up, pretty sure he afked on the hill climb lol.

I was proud of myself for seeing it from a different perspective. We need to treat new players with respect. They’re learning!


playing a holy priest in TBC . at some point i noticed that another priest had a stronger power word fortitude . had to spend some time searching to realize that there were upgrades for that


BC didn’t know how to get epics on my warrior. So was spam running AV til I got a full set only to get taken to a heroic dungeon and find out dungeons could go higher than normal.
Not sure I got the chance to even raid around that time. I spent most time just exploring. Haha.

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Funny you should say that. The mage talent frost channeling said it reduced mana cost and threat of my spells, so I considered it a trade off - surely damage is threatening, and thus less threatening equals less damaging, right?

But my number one noob memory is that it took until level 70 running Karazhan to learn that I could start my next spell before the first one finished, based on latency.

And this was at Oceanic 600ms latency. So think how much possible DPS I was missing out on. Every spell was effectively taking 0.6 seconds longer to cast.


My first character was a troll, which meant that I started in the Valley of Trials, and my very first quest was to turn left, walk 100 feet, and talk to another guy.

I turned right, and made it to Razor Hill (after several deaths) before I realized I’d gotten east and west backwards.

I thought “threat” was what made mobs “run away in fear,” so any time I was in danger while fighting mobs I would hit any ability that said “high threat” as hard as I could to try and make them flee so I could heal or get away.

I learned about this new “Burning Crusade” thing for the first time when I saw a blood elf in Orgrimmar and started panicking in Local Defense that we were under attack.


I knew no one at the time and hadn’t a clue what I was doing. I was a Paladin and I rolled need on every single plate item, ring, or trinket because I figured if I could equip it then it should be mine.

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I played Holy Paladin as a DPS in WOTLK.

I played Fire Mage without Fire Ball or Living Bomb. I replaced FB with Scorch (Can cast and move! Why wouldn’t I want it!?) and I thought Living Bomb turned me into the bomb as a suicide mechanic.

I would constantly Death Grip mobs away from packs we’re fighting because I thought I was being helpful.

I would often buy grey gear off vendors just for the armor value, discarding green/blue gear because I wanted more armor as a Paladin.


Proceeded to roll undead priest. Made over to Brill rather easily. Picked up quest. Traveled around TFG a bit… you know where this is going…

Yeap, hey a wall! Whats beyond this bulwark? Hmm???

Whys that bears level got a skull on it? Oh hry its coming right at me…

One hit? Why am i dead? What did i do wrong??? Wtf is with this game?

Takes gy sickness. Goes the other way.


My noob story?..
Well, on my first day, I mistook a player for an NPC.
They were very confused, and I was embarrassed beyond words.

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Back in TBC I was level 25 in Ashenvale on my mage. I was on a PvP server and found myself locked in battle with a paladin. The battle was fierce with many blows traded. I couldn’t believe his healing abilities though… he just kept on going straight back up to full health. It’s like he had numerous lay on hands. What was more was that he was able to full heal while CC’d! I couldn’t figure out how he was doing it while sheeped!

:rofl: I had no idea that polymorph healed the opponent… Ah TBC… when polymorph would be the best heal in the game if you could cast it on your team mates, and mana shield would be the best mana drain if you could cast it on your enemies.


I didn’t know what “aggro” meant, I thought it was another term for prego, pregnant.
“I have aggro!” “Grats!” There was a lot of pregnant women during those days.