Tell me you noob story!

I’ll go first
Back when I started playing during cata I leveled my warlock only through questing. Why? Because the first time I queued for a dungeon I did not realize it was a group activity. I went in, got the quests (it was ragefire chasm) and tried to complete them as I had the other quests I found throughout my adventure; I did not notice there was a tank, I didnt even notice I was in a group, I thought the other players there were just like the ones I had seen in the open world, just random people playing the game. Naturally I died. I got traumatized, didn’t even try doing a dungeon until I was max level (I had also leveled quite a few other characters before I reached max level with my main, so I played a LOT and avoided instanced content like a vampire avoids the sunlight). And don’t ask me about the first time I tried healing, I cringe to this day remembering that fiasco


I worked tirelessly to open the AQ gates on my server, spents countless hours, mats, gold and prepared for the glorious gong ringing and my beautiful mount…then I had to leave for the weekend, and my server decided to open it the same day I left, so I never got my Silithid. I’m a noob for choosing real life over my sweet, sweet bug mount.


oof that’s a bummer, talk about fomo

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When I first played in BC, I was so worried about running out of mana on my hunter (wayyy back when hunter had mana) that I’d just occasionally fire off an arcane shot. I had no idea what a rotation was.


Back during burning crusades, all i wore was the black dress and no armor. I got kicked out of groups alot.


tank got mad at me in Mara because I was healing with Righteous Fury on.

I wasn’t sure what “threat” means, but more is better, otherwise why would it be a buff and not a debuff?


every so often I need to be reminded to enter shadowform because mid encounter I’m unable to cast devouring plague on my target :smiley:


I did a similar thing as you, Tazdingo and I still feel stupid about it to this day but it is kind of funny too.

Back when I started, I queued for a dg thinking it’d be fun and back then the game would ask you if you had experience in the role you chose.
I chose healer that day and I figured since I’d been playing for 6 months, I had experience so I said yes.
I’d never played a healer in group content before though, I’d always just played feral on my druid.

So I messed it up, didn’t have enough intellect kept running out of mana, etc… made the tank mad, felt stupid and bad and apologized and left.

Now it’s kind of funny but back then I was really embarrassed and I did it to myself.
Whatcha gon do.


Scarlet Monastery Library. We just made it to Arcanist Doan. I was very young when I started playing WoW and I was playing paladin. The group had struggled but we were making it. The first bit was hard and suddenly everything was burning and the tank and healer were dying. So, instead of letting the healer do their job or even throwing out my own heals, I decided to throw my sacrificial bubble on the tank, preventing his actions. I died in the sacrifice (I forgot that spell’s name, you know, where you die and your bubbled target live). Threat was lost. The healer died. It was an absolute massacre and I was screamed at for doing something “incredibly stupid”, words from the tank. I ended up logging off and not playing for the rest of the weekend.

*Bonus. This isn’t a noob accident, but I was ignoring a guy asking me for a portal one time and he was begging. I was very anxious and didn’t want to tell someone no, so I decided to try and pretend to go afk. So I typed “afk” without the slash and just said it, and he said “…”. Anyway, I deleted my mage after out of extreme embarrassment.



rolled a male dwarf warrior… made it to about level 30 and rerolled because I was having a hard time.

rolled a female dwarf warrior… made it to about level 30 and rerolled because I was having a hard time.

rolled a female night elf warrior… made it to about level 30 and rerolled because I was having a hard time.

finally asked a guild mate what I was doing wrong… “OMG! You’re still wearing white gear??? Let’s get you to an auction house!”

“A what?”


Lmao, the Divine Intervention troll. xD That’s a hilarious “noob” moment, especially when not intentional.


I rolled a shaman.


Very early on, I thought that all the animal suffixes were class specify. Tiger for rogue, bear for warrior, etc. So I assigned them out as I saw fit until I was left with hunters… and “of the whale”. So, to my undying shame, told a couple of leveling hunters who asked in /1 on the server Gilneas that “of the whale” was the gear they should be targeting.


wore no chestpiece for a while. only a tabard. didn’t understand gear

got kicked from a dungeon because i need rolled on the hydrocane. yes i was on a hunter

this was back in cata and i was in elementary school


The dumbest thing I did was probably hitting level 10 on my first character, a mage, and after looking at my talents thinking “I’m gonna be a fire mage, so I don’t need to learn or use frost spells”.

I would not long after reroll Hunter because I didn’t like how squishy I was. Which in case it’s not obvious, I was not using my frost spells to kite anything.

Thankfully I didn’t think this way on my Hunter for whatever reason.


I loot both Warglaives of Azzinoth as a druid.

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I thought the object of the game was looting 9 silver wolf tails in the badlands, However I did kill enough wolves and cheetas to buy a mount, so I was misguided with purpose.


Classic era, Flurry axed dropped and it was the first epic I had ever seen.

I equipped it on my hunter and proceeded to melee for the next few levels to make use of it.

For anyone who played Ultima Online, I placed my first house down and asked my mate how I put furniture down.
He told me to drop the item on the ground and say “I wish to lock this down for doby”.

It worked, I locked down some furniture in my house and continued on with my life.

Eventually I bought a castle years later and it was only then I found out you only had to say “lock down”.


First day on World of Warcraft, I’m browsing the server list. Find the RP servers. I enjoy RP. Recreate a human female that was originally on a LOtR message board.

Chose Moon Guard not knowing the connotations of the server.

Northshire was fine. Went to pick up quests in Goldshire and…

I logged out and deleted that character not returning to that server for ten years and then avoided Goldshire like the plague, either through playing Horde or allied races.


I’ve never told anyone this as its really embarrassing !! I started playing WOW just before Cataclysm went live. I had never played any type of computer game. The very hardcore players where I worked continued to encourage me to “just try” WOW as they felt the game was geared for many levels of play style and ability. So…after listening to their daily stories of battle and conquest I took the plunge. Once I finally advanced my firsts aviator to level 60 and was able to learn flying, no matter what I did, I just couldn’t get off the ground. I had no idea that pressing the space bar was needed to launch…
/ covers eyes in embarrassment