Teldrassil is inescapable

You’re wrong.

Nah I just don’t play the game where you hyperfocus on arbitrary standards that don’t really mean anything in the larger scheme of things.

There being no PvE dungeons about Night Elves in BFA/Shadowlands (largely cause Legion had like a billion of those) doesn’t mean they dont have a large focus in the plot and expansion overall.

Unless you’re just mad I said exact, which sure, is hyperbole, but whatever.

Why have you posted this question twice when I literally said WoD was an orc-based expansion about orcs.

Name 2 dungeons in Legion about night elves.

Black Rook Hold

Darkheart Thicket

Tomb of Sargeras

Cathedral of Eternal Night

Vault of the Wardens

Emerald Nightmare

You’re not very bright, huh?


So that is one.

6, actually. You ok, pal? Need us to call someone?


You’re literally complaining about the NE posters who are upset they have nothing to show for the crash of their race in BfA, and are trolling the thread, and Kyalin. What are you talking about, your only input it playing this game where you hyperfocus on arbitrary standards.

Look at you go trying to list some NE dungeons too lol.

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Out of those only blackrook hold is related to night elves specifically.

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This is a weird post cause it acts like the former sentence is proof of the latter when the two don’t actually appear to have any relation at all.

Specifying the amount of PvE dungeons specifically as some standard for whether an expansion is about X is silly.

I was…asked to? It’s in response to an off-hand comment I made that I don’t feel is a particularly relevant tangent but it was so hilariously wrong I was compelled.


Here’s what you said.

I did in fact say that. Congratulations on your keen eyesight?

Yeah, so.


I already admitted that exact was hyperbole and poor word choice on my part my guy, you didn’t really need to drag this out for like 6 extra posts.

You needed it for clarity, I can’t help that you feel compelled to derail the thread, and make false comparisons. I’m just correcting you.

brings up WoD

someone responds to them about WoD

“why are you derailing the thread by responding to me about the subject i brought up?”

what did he mean by this


I am glad you were my first valko <3.

Are you trying to say that Night Elves got their due yet?(they haven’t) Are you trying to make it compatible to the expansion all about the Horde?(it was)

Well no, but mostly cause the current expansion isn’t over yet.

WoD was all about orcs, not the Horde. It had about as much to do with the Horde as it did the Alliance. And nearly as much to do about orcs as it does Draenei, mind.

edit: er, reverse that last part. nearly as much to do about draenei