Teldrassil is inescapable

I mean, that’s probably good advice for anyone asking if they want to engage with the story right now, but it’s not of much consolation for those who already did invest, and would like for things to get better.

Everything else is spot on of course.

It doesn’t. What have been described are straw man attacks that are older than instagram.

I’ve seen those last three pretty regularly from Night Elf posters, I wouldn’t call it an inaccurate description. Some of you have really been drinking the Kool-Aid.


Just what Kool-Aid is that, exactly?

What I’ve taken to calling the Night Elf victim complex and it’s just festered into something nasty since BfA. I was right there with them in hating what happened and not seeing it get better but…why keep on it? It’s just making yourself miserable for no reason. Look at that thread I know you were participating in that Elluriah made: no matter what you say to her she insists that everything sucks forever, Sylvanas will get away with it all and Night Elves will get crapped on again. Just because this expansion isn’t focused on Azeroth apparently that means we’ll never get a new home, Ashenvale will remain in the Horde’s hand to defile, etc.


Ok, so to summarize - the “Kool Aid” in this instance is the overly pessimistic attitude that things can’t get better? Do I have that right?

Yeah more or less. Like they(maybe you? I don’t know) have let their misery over the Night Elves define them. They can’t see anything good they get anymore, it’s just hyper fixation on the worst of it and a conviction that it won’t change against all reason. I asked Elluriah what she wanted out of this and she posted a link to a post she made that was 3/5 unaddressed because this expansion isn’t focused on Azeroth, naturally I pointed that out but she didn’t care. She had the narrative in her head that Night Elves were just going to be further hurt and it didn’t matter their future hasn’t even been properly covered in story.

The Horde got an entire expansion literally titled ‘Orcs the Epansion’, and the Horde posters refuse to label that as something all for them in the form of a love letter. :confused:

I’m not really a huge NE fan, and I can’t think of a single thing that they are supposed to be happy to have gotten from WoT onwards. Or really anything they’ve gotten much at all since WoT onwards.

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Yeah, Ethriel and I disagree on a few points. But, thank you for the clarification.

Taking a step back and having been at this for a while - I see the typical Night Elf poster as occupying a place on a cycle.

First there’s disbelief and shock at manifestly unfair treatment.
Second there’s hope that the unfair treatment will lead to a meaningful resolution.
Third there’s anger as the realization dawns that the resolution is ever coming.
Fourth is the exact pessimism that you’ve described (Ethriel is here, she’s not the only one)
Fifth, the poster either leaves the franchise, rerolls, disengages, or takes a step back and begins to observe the larger pattern. (This is where I feel I am).

This happens at different points and for different reasons. Sometimes the same person can cycle through the stages all over again, and what sets it off is different for everyone. I sort of have to sit back and not smirk at those who are just now entering this cycle, because it started for me in Cataclysm.

I’m not saying this to get you necessarily to agree with any one person at any given stage - I’m simply trying to describe what I see as the mentality, the diversity in it, and of course the root cause behind it. But I do want to draw your attention to stages 4 and 5, because there’s an inflection point that happens in stage 3: People lose hope that things will get better.

There’s a reason for that - and for me, that has been eleven years of content that does act abusively towards this playable race. Does that put me in lockstep with Ethriel? No, but it does mean that in the abstract and so long as she’s not presenting predictions as though they were facts, she does have a point. Right now, there isn’t a reason backed by prior data for must of us to predict good things - and until that changes, you will have this pessimism.


Just gonna repast what i’ve just post on a other thread:

I was kind of surprise when i finally levelled a alliance alt in draenor, after all those years hearing a alliance player talking about how Wod was horde and how they were tired of orc, to realise how little they actually react with orc npc that isn’t a enemy.

I mean for all the levelling part, blizzard made absolutely sure to find a way to make them questing with draenei,human or even dwarf ( gorgrond). They don’t react with any orc outside of the final quest of talador.

Shadow moon valley: Mostly draenei with a human garrison.
Gorgrond: Dwarf and some draenei
Spire: the only neutral one with neutral npc
Nagrand: Draenei again

There no orc allied clan at all in the alliance experience.

Kind of funny that in a so called ‘‘orc’’ expansion, there is as much friendly dranei than there is friendly orc…

Yeah sure.


I don’t even know where to start with that. Having Orcs doesn’t make it a Horde expansion.


Your argument is so disingenuous, and fake it lacks even the face value claim. Shadowmoon Valley’s main questline involves you masquerading as a Shadowmoon Orc, and communing with them, and their spirit rock beneath their village. The entire dungeon of the zone is centered around them, you have no idea what you’re talking about, so don’t weight in with your tripe.

Then why are people trying to tell the NE they are just going through Night Elf overload in Shadowlands? I’m playing Shadowlands, and I haven’t seen a mention of it since starting.

My guess is that people for some weird reason associate ysera with the night elves.

I am sincere and have not “backed off” of anything, as I literally indicated in that very post. Don’t project your narcissism onto me.

Personally I’ve never said “I see part of you in myself” to someone who just threatened to r*pe someones wife and child for liking Horde and then let them linger around for months harassing people in DMs but I guess I’m just built different.

Probably the entire zone full of Night Elf aesthetics led by Elune’s sister where you go on a campaign to save the Night Elves’ favorite dragon and then also save more Night Elves and also there’s like 2 trolls in the corner I guess.


So WoD is about orcs? We’re saving the orcs from ourselves, aren’t we in the orc world?

By the way.

It’s not just that’s WoD has Orcs, please give credit where it’s due. They lead into, and out of the expansion. Every dungeon, and raid except one is about them. You are forced to interact with them as Alliance characters, and they roundly destroy any settlement on the continent that has an Alliance race inhabiting it, with them literally invading Azeroth, and making poised attempts to destroy the Alliance capitol. So by all means explain how despite all this Orcish spotlight it’s not a…

But, the NE should accept Shadowlands as ‘their expansion’…

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The real big brain take is that WoD is an orc heavy expansion and brought a lot of cool lore and aesthetics for orcs, AND also BFA and Shadowlands have a bunch of Night Elf focus in the exact same way (except you kill less of them).


There literally isn’t a single PvE dungeon about, or including Night Elves spanning both those expansions so far. Every single raid/Dungeon included Orcs in the expansion titled about them, abiut them, about saving them, which they also eventually reappear from in the MU…


Legion and BFA had some Night elf focus. Shadowlands has a substory.

But then again keep baiting valko.

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All extensions were heavy for the night elves. Lots of knowledge about the beautiful past, but in the present … everything is bad.
So WoD is an extension of the orcs after all?

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Ok, so?
