Teldrassil is inescapable

This is totally wrong. It’s centered around Orcs that are in the Horde, and the Draenei are literally the sidestep victims with two zones that even have them in it.

It’s centered around the Iron Horde, who are definitely not in the Horde last I checked. Draenei being victims of the Iron Horde doesn’t actually uhhhh make them not present (also they’re in at least 4 zones).

This is what I mean by arbitrary standards. “Draenei are heavily present in this expansion but also they die a lot so it doesn’t count even tho those two things aren’t related”

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So you’re saying this is treated with as much respect as the blood elves by both the writers and the playerbase, say it ain’t so

oh no akiyass you might be sent to the gulag.



Why is his voice so damn good.

I am only referring to the fact that You were the first person I used that meme on.

But hey make it an innuendo as much as you want it to be

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You are a quite dapper looking dwarf.


im actually really into this now, its like watching a chatbot stumble through the first glimmer of sapience, or like a human being whos mind operates entirely on dream logic even when they’re awake.

Think tewd got hurt abit too hard.


Cleverbot’s next project is trying to create forum discussion experiences that make you feel like you’re still talking to other players.

Unfortunately, their learning experience was the WoW story forum and now we’ve ended up here.

Time tells if the project will be abandoned.


This is a threat to human civilization as we know it. If the world knew what people on these forums were like they’d have nuked Orange County years ago.

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Dont worry tewds it was a one time thing.

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I seriously hope sylvanas is retconned out of existence.

Ion called Teldrassil “Emotionally exploitative” months after in an interview and I agree with that. It was an emotionally exploitative thing for Blizzard to do. It is up to fans to process, internalize, accept and move on.

This festering in pain and hurt and tearing open a fresh wound every day and refusing to accept any good in the story is only hurting yourself (not you, but the generalized Night Elf shaped you).

This stuff has me very tempted saying that its funny if you replaced certain words etc you would basically have a discussion about something else.

It’s really hypocritical.

Yes if you replaced certain words in a conversation it becomes a different conversation. Strange how that works…???

My point was more about how the whole stick of “its fine to cry” is hilarious, coz we know we wont get the opposite of the stick. The tables wont turn etc.

And yes The night elf posters are not competing with someone else for victimhood because there is no competition for them.

If you race solo its not a race.

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That was edited in bad faith. It said something about using a racist slur as the “certain word” that becomes apperently “funny”. I didn’t think such. They edited it after the fact realizing that it was probably bad faith to equate your post with a racist slur, go figure.

I muted this thread but I decided to check back just out of curiosity and MAN!!! It’s like a singularity of moronic opinions.

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Hm, I legit thought you were a general poster and/or zany memer or something like that.

Honestly wows story has been a joke for 16 years.